May 262020

Racism and Sexism 101 – hiding behind demographic labels to overcompensate.

We were told as CAGOP delegates that we needed to elect Jessica Patterson Chair of the CAGOP because she can take the fight to the democrats. What has happened so far is that she can’t take a hamburger out of the drive-thru and she is virtue-signaling like a democrat.

So, what has Jessica Patterson’s Leadership looked like so far?

  1. All Travis Allen and Steve Frank supporters were exterminated from CAGOP Committees (with 2 exceptions).
  2. The “do not hire” list was revived and stocked with Travis Allen and Steve Frank supporters.
  3. She and her handler Jeff Randle have purged the CAGOP’s Staff. Save a couple people known to be loyal to the regime, everyone else has been terminated or “resigned”.
  4. She has not raised much, if any money. It has been people like Molly Parnell, Rebecca Luby and Tom Ross that have done the heavy lifting (BTW – Thank You).
  5. The Candidates she has touted and supported have made it clear there is a racial litmus test for “Preferred” CAGOP candidates.
  6. The pattern of party involvement in endorsements has bordered on immoral and has certainly been arbitrary. (This will be the subject of a follow-up post)

On Friday – we blew the lid off of Jessica Patterson’s role in trying to cut the throat of #CA10 Nominee and GOP Rockstar Ted Howze. Information has flown in to your intrepid blogger since that post. We now know that

  1. Ted Howze supported Travis Allen for CAGOP Chair
  2. Jessica Patterson pushed the CAGOP Board to revoke the #CA10 endorsement WITHOUT notifying Ted Howze NOR giving him a chance to defend himself.
  3. Jessica Patterson attempted to engage the Stan GOP and SJGOP AFTER the fact in providing political cover for the CAGOP pulling the endorsement WITHOUT notifying them beforehand
  4. The Letter Jessica Patterson sent to the County Chairs was drafted the morning after the revocation by Scott Winn – the consultant for jilted 3% loser Marla Sousa Livengood
  5. Ted Howze never asked the SJGOP for their endorsement post primary. This is likely because the SJGOP is controlled by Scott Winn. The SJGOP endorsed 3% Loser Marla Sousa Livengood. (Livengood never used her maiden name of Sousa in her past campaigns by the way) Yet the Chairman of the SJGOP was solicited by Winn/Patterson to sign a letter asking the CAGOP to revoke it’s endorsement the morning after it was revoked. (there is no SJGOP endorsement of Howze to revoke)
  6. SJ County Supervisor Bob Elliott wanted to run for SD05 Until Patterson / Shannon Grove and others pressured him out of the SD05 race in favor of Jesus Andrade. Despite $150K of the meager CAGOP resources going in to Andrade, he got hammered and Jim Ridenour is the nominee (who was promptly abandoned by the CAGOP – it is because he is an old white guy like Elliott?)
  7. Patterson has sent emails out on the CAGOP’s system promoting candidates – but none of the featured candidates are White Males except for…
  8. Patterson has abused CAGOP Party resources to feature SD Mayor Kevin Faulconer multiple times. It is a poorly kept secret that he is the next in the long line of squishes favored by Jeff Randle and crew for statewide CAGOP office – namely Governor. As is Kristen Olsen for #CA10 in 2022 or CAxx as drawn up next year.
  9. My opposition research in to Jessica Patterson indicates she is a Never-Trumper, as are Jeff Randle and Scott Winn. In fact, Winn is and has publicly opposed PRESIDENT Trump post election.

Jeff Randle is the man behind the curtain of things CAGOP these days. He was the mastermind behind Meg Whitman a “Republican” Governor disaster in 2010 (Faulconer is almost a carbon copy of her ideologically). Randle was also responsible for a 1990, 1992 effort led by Pete Wilson to primary challenge Conservative Republicans unwilling to go up on Wilson’s Tax increases. That is ironic, as the current assembly permanent minority leader signed a letter demanding a $1 Trillion Federal Bailout for California and has been advocating emptying prisons in the name of “sentencing reform”. Is Marie Waldron getting her cues from Jeff Randle?

I keep mentioning Jeff Randle because he is a key linchpin to this whole operation. His presence explains several things I have been seeing, liberal Republicans are obsessed with racial quota recruiting. It appears that the Andy Vidak wins in a heavily democrat State Senate District (he won twice and held the seat 5+ years!) are completely lost on these people.

Conservative Mugs 970×250

We wrote extensively about Rocilicie Ochoa-Bogh whose State Senate race was almost the singular focus of CAGOP leadership. Lloyd White who started election night in first place was assaulted with $1 Million dollars that could have been spent elsewhere. Rosilicie may well be a compelling candidate in her own right – but the pattern exhibited by the race-baiting pandering leadership of the CAGOP is clear. White Men not named Kevin Faulconer need not apply with the CAGOP.

Lest you think the attempted assassination of Ted Howze in #CA10 is an isolated incident or was legitimate because his social media posts may have offended you – take a look at the next post as we lay out in spades the hypocrisy of CAGOP leadership and their selective application of morality.

If you are a Conservative, and especially if you were a supporter of Steve Frank or Travis Allen – Jeff Randle and Jessica Patterson have a list and you’re on it. It is time for conservatives to unite against this Oligarchy of Controlled Failure as they seek to decimate what’s left of the CAGOP so they can have total control and monetize it for their own brand of squishes. (with what little money they do have that is.)

If you care about being a part of things CAGOP – this is the time to put up or shut up because Jeff Randle and Jessica Patterson are playing for keeps. If they continue getting their way there will be no place for any of us at all… which is why you need to stay tuned for the next installment of our expose’ of the moral bankruptcy of their leadership.

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  One Response to “CAGOP Update: The Moral Bankruptcy of Jessica Patterson, Jeff Randle and Company. Virtue Signaling, Favoritism and Poor Finances”

  1. Why wasn’t Howze given the opportunity to renounce or apologize?

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