Aaron F Park

Reality is a stubborn thing.

Jan 212025

Free Speech is a double-edged sword. When LA Caught on fire, almost immediately the conspiracies about the Jews causing everything sprouted up. On the far left, the hatred manifests in pro-hamas rallies and on the right the Illuminati and Trilateral Commission crap.

I have also detected tinges of racism for several years within grassroots ranks, but only in select people in select areas – lest the media read this post and think the CAGOP as a whole is beset by it. Naw, just a few wackjobs with influence, like John Paul White:

Apparently, according to White, when Israel gets invaded by terrorists who shoot rocket launchers on city streets, rape women, take hostages, murder families and such – they are committing genocide when they respond to the terrorists. The CAGOP Board should immediately expel Mr. White. I do not know the person that posted this, but I am sure she is a piece of work, too.

Of course, Mr. White and crew had some candidates they wanted elected to the Orange County Republican Party. I was in the position of endorsing Fred Whitaker and his crew because the alternative would have been these Israel-hating rabid dogs. This is just the latest installment of why the opposition to the CAGOP can’t have nice things.

Just for further backup is a twitter message exchange with Will O’Neill, the now chair of the OCGOP:

I thought the old libertarian racists I knew in the CRA 20+ years ago had all died with the exception of the guy in San Joaquin County who hates Corrin Rankin. I thought wrong. The CRA’s leadership (and I respect Carl Brickey) need to identify these people and show them out of CRA post haste. There is no room for David Duke wanna-bees.

Does John Paul White know that Jon Fleischman, and Steve Frank are Jewish? All are long time conservative leaders in California. Are they not welcome in the John Paul Duke version of the CAGOP?

Where is Mike Morrell in all of this? Silent as usual, I can draw no other conclusion that he is or has become a puppet leader. The Mike Morrell I knew would be as appalled as I am over the behavior of this crew.

And there are schisms developing in the opposition, others that are hard-core Trumpers and good solid people are upset with the direction Steve Frank, David Hernandez and others have taken this effort. Good for them, they know the tactics are losers and Steve Frank is using the Alinsky playbook from 1968 when he was a Richard Nixon guy. I can tell you dear readers with certainty, that if the opposition was disciplined and professional you would not be reading these blogs, good for those people who contacted me voicing their displeasure.

All that said, take a look at Shasta County for a contrast:

Laurie Wallace and Mark Wright were present at their organizational meeting. (Not sure if Johanna Lassaga was or not) In this case, Shasta is a county in the Northern Region and there is a clear nexus for both to have been there. Laurie is the Sitting Vice Chair North (who I ran the drill to elect in 2021) and Mark is running to replace her now that she is term limited.

With no Tom Hudson present, the meeting was tense like all Org meetings, but polite. The proceedings went off without a hitch and Valerie Vollebrect was elected Chair. Valerie is a great person and will be a great chair there.

Similar to when David Cushman was elected Chair of San Joaquin County the only thing the opposition folks wanted to talk about post-election were who the delegates to the CAGOP were going to be. Where is talk about registering voters, GOTV, flipping seats and the like? I can only conclude that their entire focus is taking down the CAGOP and they will figure everything out later, when they are not fighting amongst themselves.

Given that their coalition is fracturing, it is a recipe for disaster…

… and on that note, I received indication from the North State that some within the opposition ranks want to replace Mark Wright with Tenessa Audette for Northern Region Vice Chair. Just let that sink in. The mere fact that someone as out there in opposition to everything CAGOP (Mr. Wright) would be expendable, or that people within the ranks would want to flip him out is mind-boggling.

Audette for her part has continued to be seen in public a lot, which is rare for a candidate that loses a major election. What she is planning next, I am sure we will all figure out soon.

Jan 182025

You’d think Tom Hudson, who is now in his late 50’s would have grown up by now, maybe learned how to tell the truth and maybe gotten professional help for his rage. In the 26 years I have known him, I have watched him spiral down in to the toilet that awaits anyone that thinks they are smarter than everyone else and who sits at the throne of their own life.

I fought many battles aside Hudson against the “RINO’s”, and I used to trust him until I started realizing that he was in the game for his own self-aggrandizement and the advice he was giving all of us was self-serving. It was not until I saw him discard age-old friendships and relationships in favor of the whatever the current fancy was that I picked up his pattern. He, along with Steve Frank are two of the leaders of the opposition. Should their crew win and they again gain power, we will beg for the days of Tom Del Bacardi. (He was CAGOP chair the last time Steve Frank was relevant and his tenure was like Three Mile Island for the CAGOP)

Based on what I know, I can conclude that the opposition is being led by some morally bankrupt people and the movement itself is taking on their characteristics. I scarcely recognize people – some of whom I have known 20+ years – that are a part of this.

Where is Mike Morrell, their erstwhile chair candidate denouncing these tactics? Silent as a church mouse. Silence is consent. Look forward to two years of this should he win.

Apparently, Tom Hudson’s bullying and red-faced tirades have gone statewide. (We’ve seen them in Placer for years when he has temper tantrums over endorsements) It appears that he has been to multiple county party meetings trashing Mark Meuser and/or Ashlee Titus’ legal advice (because he, the government lawyer is smarter don’t you know) asserting his authoritah over things organizational in Central Committee meetings. In addition to abusing his knowledge of Robert’s Rules and his alleged knowledge of County Party By-Laws, he and his crew are executing orchestrated ethically-challenged tactics to “Get the Rinos”.

Remember, being a Rino means you are not on their side. It has zilch to do with your views on the issues. If it did, several of the Conservatives they are raging against would get a pass.

Alameda County:

Statement on Burglary of Alameda County Republican Party Headquarters

I join the Alameda County Republican Party in condemning last night’s burglary and vandalism of the Alameda County Republican Party offices. In addition, it appears that the perpetrators assaulted a neighboring business owner. Such acts of violence and intimidation have no place in our party.

The individuals responsible for these intolerable acts are known rogue elements who have worked throughout this election cycle to sabotage efforts to support and get out the vote for President Donald Trump and our local Republican candidates. Their actions are not only criminal, but also an affront to the principles of free speech and civic engagement.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the San Leandro Police Department for their swift response and professionalism. We are committed to working closely with local law enforcement to ensure the perpetrators are brought to justice and held accountable for their actions.

As we prepare to celebrate the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump, let us all remain steadfast in our resolve to uphold the values of our Republican Party.

Yep – this is a statement from Outgoing Bay Area Chair Jason Clark. It appears that someone who may or may not have been Allison Hayden still had a key to the Alameda GOP HQ. In anticipation of disruption, the Alameda GOP organized by zoom. As explained to me, Hayden, Joseph Grcar (Who was expelled from the CAGOP) and others let themselves into the Alameda GOP HQ while the zoom was in process and staged their own organizational meeting. Unauthorized entry with a key is still a crime.

Where did they learn that tactic? Having seen Tom Hudson and Steve Frank pull this same crap (referring to shadow groupings) for 25 years, that’s where. I am old enough to remember when David Reade and crew attempted to crash a closed session of the CRA when they were failing in an attempt to take over CRA. (And it included lawsuits too) Apparently, Hudson and crew are perfectly ok with similar tactics because you know those Rinos. Right? (With the added breaking and entering and the alleged assault too)

Santa Clara County:

Similar to reports of other organizational meetings that were brought to chaos, in Santa Clara, several people that included Laurie Wallace (sitting CAGOP Vice Chair North), County Chairs Association Vice President Johanna Lassaga and maybe Tom Hudson were present inciting chaos. In particular, I have an eyewitness account of the bullying. You know, conservative values.

You’d think after years of being at odds with Luis Buhler, I’d be celebrating seeing him lose his grip on Santa Clara. I am not, the means were immoral. Buhler and crew are the victims here.

Monterey County:

I have firsthand accounts of Tom Hudson taking a lead role (including red-faced tirades) in devolving the organizational meeting in to chaos. Lassaga and Wallace were also present. When the chair of Monterey County adjourned the meeting because it was impossible to get anything done, Randal Jordan (the Central Coast Vice Chair), and the aforementioned three convened their own meeting and “elected” officers.

Take note, several sitting officers of the CAGOP are leading the efforts to trash county parties. I wonder what Donald Trump would do if he found out? (Note: CAGOP Vice Chair Corrin Rankin, who is the object of all of their ire was a Trump delegate three times to the RNC and an original Trump supporter from the escalator moment- but I digress)

The Monterey GOP saga is going to have legs and continue for a while. Stay Tuned.

Oh, and how about some more Alameda?

Joe Grcar – Assembly District 20

On July 3rd, 2023, Joseph Grcar a local politician in Alameda County, filed three (3) Elder Abuse Restraining orders against members of the Alameda County Republican Party (ACRP).  Joe often runs for multiple seats, losing all of them, as he focuses on none.

Joseph and his friends, Tom Wong, Alison Hayden, Wendy Huang and Luis Reynoso are regulars at the committee meetings.   These individuals use tactics to disrupt the meetings in order to prevent business from being conducted.   Mr. Grcar also harassed the former Contra Costa Chairman by following him into the restroom while recording on his phone.   At the 2023 CAGOP convention, Mr. Grcar disrupted a meeting and dropped himself to the floor telling staff he was having a heart attack.  This occurred after a vote did not go his way.  EMS was called but he instantly recovered upon their arrival..  The CAGOP voted to remove his delegate status for five years following this incident.  Alameda County is taking steps to do the same.

As retaliation, Grcar filed for an Elder Abuse protection order. It was alleged that the respondents, three ACRP members were inflicting emotional and physical distress on him and they caused the Sacramento Police Department to commit battery on him at the 2023 GOP convention while he was being escorted out of the convention.

The three restraining orders were denied and Grcar dismissed the cases at the first hearing.  However, respondents needed legal counsel.  Thousands of dollars of legal fees were incurred.  This money could have been spent to support our local candidates with literature, lawn signs, etc.

Great job Steve Frank, Tom Hudson and crew – I am afraid the opposition has become worse than the RINO’s they assail. Worse, this behavior has basically validated everything the CAGOP did through the proxies and credentials committee and the rules committee to screw over the opposition. Unbelievable.

Oh, but wait there’s more. There is infighting and rumors that one of the opposition candidates is getting thrown under the bus… stay tuned…

Jan 142025

The CAGOP is on fire all over the state. Unsurprisingly, those holding the incendiaries are the opposition. But in 2025, it is different than anything I remember. One such difference are that the targets in some cases are people that were once darlings of the right. I wrote about LA County (whose election has been delayed due to the LA County Fires) which is one such instance.

This time around, the opposition to the CAGOP establishment are more organized than I have ever seen them. That said, with a few exceptions, the candidates are more extreme and fringe than I ever recall. People I worked with four years ago when attempting to elect Steve Frank, including Frank himself, I struggle to recognize. It feels like the FBI visit that made me a hero of the opposition was in 1921, not 2021.

Some of what I have learned will find its’ way in to these blogs. Some won’t because it is too disturbing. But if you think Jerry Springer is dead, he lives on vicariously through the garbage I am witnessing.

Solano County has long been one of the bright shining stars of the opposition. In fact, their closed caucus system was the inspiration for a by-law change stripping counties of their delegates to the CAGOP unless they were on the ballot. At the time, this was done to help a major donor who was pouring millions in to the party and contested primaries to try and eliminate conservatives in the legislature and county parties. He is not around the scene anymore. There is no excuse not to go on the ballot, because outside of San Francisco, there were no organized efforts to spend big money in county party elections.

Former Solano GOP Chair Michelle Guerra has become so toxic that she had to do two things – keep Solano off of the ballot in order to keep control and get a sock puppet to run for chair to replace her. I thought this is what the establishment does to keep control? (Hint: I’ve written about establishment Central Committees for years)

Not to be outdone, the Chair of Yolo County Dan Brown (whose tenure more closely resembles a ham-fisted dictator) attempted to extend his influence into Sacramento County. While Sacramento has not organized as of the writing of this blog, look for Brown and his candidates to get trounced. Brown may well have been making his endorsements from another state – the lack of self-awareness from the rank-and-file opposition folks is staggering.

I received one first-hand account of bullying in a Bay Area County whose election went the way of the opposition. In this case elderly members who were swing voters were bullied into voting for particular candidates. I have seen the establishment do this, (In fact, in Placer County many years ago) and now I guess the opposition is ok with this too.

Mendocino, Humboldt and San Luis Obispo opted out of going onto the ballot – costing the opposition another 12 delegates and furthering the absurdity that has been unfolding. I thought voting and being able to vote was a fundamental right?

It appears that Siskiyou County’s refusal to notice an endorsement in April of 2024, and the defense of it by the opposition members of the CAGOP Board was the first shot in the coming CAGOP officer election cycle. Rules and by-laws don’t matter when there is an election to win apparently.

While the opposition took Ventura County by storm, a bunch of democrats called the Briones crowd took over the SFGOP. A group of people who do not understand campaign finance law and have launched a personal crusade (similar to the J6 committee against Trump supporters) based on lies and fabrications to destroy people they don’t like took over Marin County.

I guess lying, bullying and denying several counties an election is OK if that is what it takes to get the bad guys, right? I guess burning the CAGOP down to the ground is ok, if you can’t control it? I guess attacking Conservative and Moderate alike and calling them all RINOS is OK because the war is now tribal and does not follow ideological lines anymore.

I don’t relate to this. These are not the conservative values I grew up with and that I promoted as an officer in CRA for a decade and a half. What I have seen is the tactics I attacked David Stafford Reade and others for, yet they have been applied to a more severe degree by people I once helped!

While I have major issues with Jessica Patterson and Kevin McCarthy’s crew and how they wielded the power of CAGOP –  the behavior I am seeing now is literally justifying all the things they did that I criticized.

Where is Mike Morrell in all of this? I can draw no other conclusion that the man I once knew is gone or has gone in to hiding. I could not imagine him associating with and condoning the tactics being used on his behalf., but here we are.

… and I am just scratching the surface.

Jan 072025

I have known David Hernandez for years. Seems on the surface to be a good dude – affable, has a lot of good things to say, etc. Last year, he pulled off a surprise victory for LA Regional Vice Chair of the LAGOP. However, before you chalk that win up to the strategic brilliance of Hernandez… there was chaos and the vote was extended in to a special session after lunch. (Regional Meetings require in person votes and are typically from 9A-10:30A at the convention. Andy Garakhani, (who has since withdrawn from the LAGOP Scene post McCarthy) told at least 10 of the Establishment votes it was OK for them to go home.

Tonight, Baby! Jerry Springer, RIP

Hernandez won by 3. His tenure as LAGOP Regional Vice-Chair has been marked with causing chaos at CAGOP Board Meetings (along with others – a standard tactic of provocateurs in the minority), and exasperating CAGOP staff with absurd requests.

This same Hernandez is the mastermind of the Joe Isuzu slate for LAGOP leadership (along with Steve Frank). This same Hernandez has some sort of political group that raises money to put billboards along Los Angeles Freeways with his photo on them. (Hernandez is in his 70’s) It is about David or the cause?

Mitch Clemmons is their Vice-Chair Recruit. To say that Clemmons is unstable is perhaps understating the situation.

This is a post from one of Mr. Clemmons’ social media accounts. (Note that Clemmons was a GOP nominee for some statewide office in 2024) Note the use of the term “Vindictive Narcissists” in his screed. It is replete with megalomania – he, yes he MITCH CLEMMONS can fix LA Elections as Vice Chair of the LAGOP. If you believe that, I have 1,000,000 fake votes from a Dominion Machine for ya.

I am not sure what the CRA was thinking endorsing this guy, perhaps it was as simple as any bad of Dog S–t that Steve Frank presented the LA County CRA units with would suffice? Clemmons called the person on this text thread a B—h, (Great outreach, huh?) and then doubled down (see the above comment) when someone asked him to stop. It appears that Rudy Melendez recognized Clemmons destructive behavior and its’ impact on the cause of the opposition. (It is nice to know there are a few voices of reason over there, because I struggle to find any these days)

After getting called on his behavior – he gaslights the victim and makes it her fault. (see the pattern?)

But, it gets better – the man who would be Vice Chair of the LAGOP wrote the following:

When gaslighting and projection don’t work, Clemmons goes to the next rung in the playbook – playing the victim and outright calling the person he attacked Evil. He ought to be quite the piece of work at tonight’s candidate forum that they are staging.

I am sure David Hernandez and Steve Frank are proud of themselves over this recruit. (When Hernandez actually shows up to help get a candidate filed, that is.) Hernandez, has on occasion gotten “Stuck in Traffic” or gotten in an “Accident” while driving to the LA Registrar’s office to file candidate paperwork. If I was Hernandez’ Auto Insurance Agent, I’d cancel his policy any time he says he is going to Norwalk. Too bad he didn’t have an accident on his way to file Clemmons’ paperwork… yikes.

Joe Isuzu, Mitch (B—h) Clemmons, David Hernandez… is it any wonder Conservative activists in California can’t have nice things?

Oh, and the other slate of candidates running for LAGOP office? They are all Conservatives too, just not Steve Frank ass-monkeys. If people like Clemmons are what it takes to meet the criteria of a recruit sign me up for a pet Rhinoceros.

P.S. On a more serious note, I do not envy Roxanne having to deal with these people for the next X number of years she is chair of the LAGOP. But, if I know anything about Roxanne, she can handle shriveled up bullies just fine…

Jan 062025

What? You mean I can’t come to the party?

Did you know that CAGOP Party Elections are coming up? The best way to tell is when 35 of the 58 County Parties spontaneously combust. (Note that roughly 5 counties don’t even have a committee so note the dumpster fire ratio).

Obviously, I am interested in the 2025 CAGOP Leadership Elections as we are guaranteed a Party Chair that is not a shivering denizen of Kevin McCarthy. That said, in defense of her Majesty the Chairwoman and the former Speaker – I can see clearly what kind of adult supervision they were providing for the party. The opposition to the Patterson-McCarthy axis is unrecognizable from the crew I worked with when I tried to elect Steve Frank Chair of the CAGOP. (As it turns out, I am glad I failed in that effort as Steve’s behavior since has gotten progressively worse as has that of those around him)

I don’t know why I keep sticking my nose in CAGOP politics. You’d think that with this being year 28(!) in that scene that I’d go Peace-Out. Can’t do it. I care about too many people too much not to. Many of those people keep stepping on landmines repeatedly. The latest batch of opposition candidates are lower quality and seem to be deteriorating with each cycle.

Witness Joe Isuzu and Mitch Clemmons. Apparently, their qualification for LAGOP Chair and Vice Chair is that David Hernandez helps pay their filing fees, they create a DIY website and then get shellacked time and time again running for D+1000 legislative seats. I am old enough to remember when the LAGOP tried the “Hire-a-Perennial-Loser” candidate. His name was Glen Forsch and he was a squish that kept running for BOE and losing. Forsch was not effective in the least – you’d think the Conservatives like Hernandez who have been around longer than me would remember that just because you put a different label on failure, it is still failure.

Which is why I am baffled at the tactics these people are using against Roxanne Beckford Hoge. Hoge was at one time a Tea-Party darling with a media presence. She is attractive, well-spoken, vivacious and presents herself very well wherever she goes. You’d think that Hoge would be the ideal candidate for LAGOP Chair, she will make the calls, can communicate and lead. She is also a social conservative!

This is where your intrepid blogger comes in. As a man who checks all the “Right-Wing” boxes myself, I have zero tolerance when my fellow conservatives in some sort of vainglorious rampage for truth resort to the same tactics that the far left use that they decry. It is immoral and even worse when coming from the allegedly moral part of the GOP.

Entre Joe Isuzu. Joe was one of those that talked to the outgoing Chair of the LAGOP like he wanted to help the party in 2024. Clemons did as well. All along it was a setup for their own ambitions to take over the LAGOP, screw ideology or effectiveness for the party – one’s own ambition is king. Both of these men are presenting a platform that may well have been drawn up in Steve Frank’s basement in the 1980’s (When I was in High School and Steve was in his prime)

When looking at photos of Joe Isuzu, I was taken by this photo of him doing community outreach:

Yeah buddy – candidates like this guy are why the Opposition to the CAGOP establishment can’t have nice things.

Just a couple notes – This Guy barged in to a planning meeting of the LAGOP Ex-Com based in part on false information disseminated by Steve Frank. The LAGOP ex-com was planning the election meeting and Mr. Isuzu accused them of election fraud, cheating and the like. (Sound Familiar) You can also expect him to bang the fraud gong if he loses his bid for LAGOP Chair.

He, Clemons and others are acting like they have the election won already:

The people that disseminated this email have been behind chaos in several other county parties in the lead in to the March 2025 CAGOP Elections.

Lastly, the “Event” I Lampooned at the beginning of this blog has a fascinating backstory. IN LAGOP Tradition, they set up a candidate forum for all interested to participate in. Mr. Isuzu indicated he was not available that night on more than one occasion. Guess which night this “Event” is scheduled? The same night.

The tactics of the left, lying, backstabbing, division. This is why the Conservative opposition can’t have nice things.

(Note for Context: County Party elections matter in the scope of the CAGOP as each county makes delegate appointments. After the Alameda and Shasta GOP debacle of two years ago, when both outgoing chairs appointed delegates before losing their chairmanship, the credentials committee (controlled by the establishment) recognized the illegitimate delegates appointed by the two establishment aligned chairs that lost. This caused a by-law change as the actions of the committee were egregious. The incoming chair gets to make the appointments.

The thinking in LA is if Joe Isuzu gets elected chair, the 17(!) or so delegates that the LAGOP gets will be Mike Morrell loyalists. As such, the opposition have been after several county parties – which may be the subject of future posts as I lay out the tactics being used by so called conservatives in the name of being anti-establishment.

Wanna know why people hate internal party politics? Buckle up.