Free Speech is a double-edged sword. When LA Caught on fire, almost immediately the conspiracies about the Jews causing everything sprouted up. On the far left, the hatred manifests in pro-hamas rallies and on the right the Illuminati and Trilateral Commission crap.
I have also detected tinges of racism for several years within grassroots ranks, but only in select people in select areas – lest the media read this post and think the CAGOP as a whole is beset by it. Naw, just a few wackjobs with influence, like John Paul White:
Apparently, according to White, when Israel gets invaded by terrorists who shoot rocket launchers on city streets, rape women, take hostages, murder families and such – they are committing genocide when they respond to the terrorists. The CAGOP Board should immediately expel Mr. White. I do not know the person that posted this, but I am sure she is a piece of work, too.
Of course, Mr. White and crew had some candidates they wanted elected to the Orange County Republican Party. I was in the position of endorsing Fred Whitaker and his crew because the alternative would have been these Israel-hating rabid dogs. This is just the latest installment of why the opposition to the CAGOP can’t have nice things.
Just for further backup is a twitter message exchange with Will O’Neill, the now chair of the OCGOP:
I thought the old libertarian racists I knew in the CRA 20+ years ago had all died with the exception of the guy in San Joaquin County who hates Corrin Rankin. I thought wrong. The CRA’s leadership (and I respect Carl Brickey) need to identify these people and show them out of CRA post haste. There is no room for David Duke wanna-bees.
Does John Paul White know that Jon Fleischman, and Steve Frank are Jewish? All are long time conservative leaders in California. Are they not welcome in the John Paul Duke version of the CAGOP?
Where is Mike Morrell in all of this? Silent as usual, I can draw no other conclusion that he is or has become a puppet leader. The Mike Morrell I knew would be as appalled as I am over the behavior of this crew.
And there are schisms developing in the opposition, others that are hard-core Trumpers and good solid people are upset with the direction Steve Frank, David Hernandez and others have taken this effort. Good for them, they know the tactics are losers and Steve Frank is using the Alinsky playbook from 1968 when he was a Richard Nixon guy. I can tell you dear readers with certainty, that if the opposition was disciplined and professional you would not be reading these blogs, good for those people who contacted me voicing their displeasure.
All that said, take a look at Shasta County for a contrast:
Laurie Wallace and Mark Wright were present at their organizational meeting. (Not sure if Johanna Lassaga was or not) In this case, Shasta is a county in the Northern Region and there is a clear nexus for both to have been there. Laurie is the Sitting Vice Chair North (who I ran the drill to elect in 2021) and Mark is running to replace her now that she is term limited.
With no Tom Hudson present, the meeting was tense like all Org meetings, but polite. The proceedings went off without a hitch and Valerie Vollebrect was elected Chair. Valerie is a great person and will be a great chair there.
Similar to when David Cushman was elected Chair of San Joaquin County the only thing the opposition folks wanted to talk about post-election were who the delegates to the CAGOP were going to be. Where is talk about registering voters, GOTV, flipping seats and the like? I can only conclude that their entire focus is taking down the CAGOP and they will figure everything out later, when they are not fighting amongst themselves.
Given that their coalition is fracturing, it is a recipe for disaster…
… and on that note, I received indication from the North State that some within the opposition ranks want to replace Mark Wright with Tenessa Audette for Northern Region Vice Chair. Just let that sink in. The mere fact that someone as out there in opposition to everything CAGOP (Mr. Wright) would be expendable, or that people within the ranks would want to flip him out is mind-boggling.
Audette for her part has continued to be seen in public a lot, which is rare for a candidate that loses a major election. What she is planning next, I am sure we will all figure out soon.