Dec 132020

Do note that Moorlach still has not called nor attempted to contact Trish Todd the former staffer of his that was raped by Bill Brough.

Michael Schroeder, the former chairman for the California Republican Party, is legally representing Todd through the criminal complaint process.

“I only met Trish about a month ago. Once I became convinced that this happened, it felt like somebody needed to do something,” Schroeder said. “I think there’s a culture of silencing victims in Sacramento that Brough has been able to take advantage of for years.”

Bill Brough’s home paper picked up the story.

I wrote previously that having Tim Clark do crisis communications for a candidate is like inviting Michael Jackson to chaperone your son’s slumber party. Here we go again:

For five years, I did not know about the alleged attack on Ms. Todd. I would never protect Brough or any man so accused. It’s not in my DNA. You know me as someone who has tried throughout his career to tell you the truth, even when it was uncomfortable for many to hear it.

One minor clarification to the OC Register editorial below: I have not engaged a political consultant for my Supervisorial campaign. I have known Tim Clark as a man of good character. Tim says he encouraged Ms. Todd to report the incident to the proper authorities and he referred her to competent legal counsel.

So Moorlach is starting to whine on his update site – comparing the Trish Todd situation and himself to Brett Kavanaugh. This level of delusion is grounds for a therapist’s office, and not a candidate for supervisor. It was proven that Brett Kavanaugh’s accusers were lying (at least 3 of them). Trish Todd is quite credible and has a ton of evidence to support her claim.

Perhaps this bizarre comparison drawn by Moorlach means he thinks Trish Todd is lying? Tim Clark has changed history, as I was told my Mrs. Todd multiple times that Clark told her NOT to go to anyone with the complaint and that her career would be ruined. This is consistent with the Pre #METOO culture and Trish is not the only assaulted woman told the same thing.

Either Tim Clark is lying or Trish Todd is lying given the way Moorlach has framed things – Moorlach has made it clear where he stands “I have known Tim Clark as a man of good character”. You can read another radically different view of Tim Clark here (with evidence and several sources mind you). Thus, the claim that John Moorlach says Trish Todd is lying stands and Moorlach now owns it. Perhaps in his mind this makes him Brett Kavanaugh. In my mind, it makes him look nuts. There are a variety of ways to handle this situation and listening to Tim Clark who has a vested interest in wrecking Trish Todd to save himself is just plain dumb.

But then there is the other issue: “For five years, I did not know about the alleged attack on Ms. Todd.”

What man of Good Character would hide an attack on an employee of his boss from his boss? I’m sorry Mr. Moorlach, you can’t spin this one and this is indefensible and shreds the Good Character canard.

John Moorlach may well have figured out what happened to Trish Todd had he had any level of a relationship with her. She worked for him for 16 months after getting raped by Bill Brough. When she quit, Moorlach could have called and asked why? At any time, during the entire time she worked for him Moorlach could have engaged in small talk, which is usual and customary for good employers to do with employees – a relationship of trust and regard for an employee may well have empowered Trish to tell John directly what happened.

Instead the stories I hear about Mr. Moorlach indicate a socially awkward, distant man. (Nothing immoral there, many people like that survive well in the world) However, on some level there is responsbility that Moorlach himself shirked, beyond giving a pass to a “Man of Good Character” that hid the Rape of one of his employees from him for 5 years!

Then of course there is the smear campaign Tim Clark and Fred Whitaker ran against Trish Todd two weekends ago in order to clear a path for the OCGOP to commit suicide and endorse Moorlach’s latest quest for office. Remember, we are dealing with a “Man of Good Character” that told OCGOP people that Trish Todd was not credible and/or was lying. In the words of Fred Whitaker:

I’m reaching out to you to ask a personal favor, because we are at a critical point.  The absolutely false accusation against Sen. Moorlach is threatening the ability of the party to unite behind one candidate for this special election, where only one more vote wins. The Democrats have only one candidate – Katrina Foley.   We have 4 candidates, and now even Diane Dixon says she wants to run because of the allegations against Moorlach.  That would be 5 Republicans (three City Council members from Newport and one from Huntington Beach and Sen. Moorlach).   I have commitments from two of our candidates they will withdraw for Moorlach, but not the others.   Once we show courage, others will follow.

I believe that if we consolidate behind Sen. Moorlach, we will have the most well-known candidate as the only candidate. We cannot say that with the others in the race – the city council members will not get out for each other and they are not known past their cities.    John Moorlach as always fought the principled fight. We need to fight for him.

I personally, think the blog was sent out just to sow disarray in the party by those that want to see us divided, since they know we can’t unite behind one of the others.  I know you know how it feels to be wrongly accused and have libel sent out against you.   Please help John fight this. Would you please “reply” that we can count your email as support for Sen Moorlach’s endorsement?   I appreciate the consideration.

Given that the woman leaders of the California Republican Party have been as silent as Church Mice about the rampage of Bill Brough, including the rape of Trish Todd, I am not surprised at this intransigence. However, the voters can certainly let all these folks know how they feel at the ballot box. God help the OCGOP with people like this in charge.

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