Blogger’s Note – Thank you San Clemente Times for the Attribution.
Are you smelling what we are cooking? I don’t think there is a whole lot of food in some of these restaurant bills. In our first installment of our expose’ on Bill Brough’s out of control lifestyle, we detailed his donor-funded Burbon Barrel and a side trip to a RedSox Game. The $20,000 junket to Ireland could also have elements to it that were illegal as well.
Anyone with a picture of Bill Brough’s Burbon Barrel, please send it to me at aaronfpark71@yahoo.com. You can remain confidential. Help RightonDaily drain the swamp.
Provided for your convenience, the source material for today’s installment of the Bill Brough lifestyle support fund – the 2017-2018 FPPC Filing for Bill Brough.
3-1-2018: Mastro’s Steakhouse, listed as a fundraising event with 3 guests. Total? $1200. I live in the wrong assembly district. I want to go to one of these events, even with a $200 meal, I’d be a cheap date. Does anyone think a $1200 Dinner (ahem, bar tab) for three was a fundraiser? If yes, is it fiscally conservative? Do Bill Brough’s Donors know about this and would they be happy with it? I suggest the FPPC take a look at the receipts for this as well.
Bill Brough is reputed to be a lousy fundraiser. You could never prove that by looking at the litany of “Fundraising Events” on his campaign finance report. It looks like Brough was using pretenses to pay for his personal entertainment and luxury drinking/dining habit at the expense of his campaign account.
12-12-2017 the Capitol Grille is listed (Note this is alleged to be one of the locations where Brough Harrassed / Assaulted one of his vitcims in 2015) for a whopping $1800. “12/12 LEGISLATIVE STRATEGY MEETING & MEAL COSTS – 4 ATTENDEES INCLUDING OFFICEHOLDER”. So, let’s see, the legislature is out of session. It is December in Sacramento which is a lot less nice than December is in Dana Point AND it cost $1800 for a 4 person event? Let’s see some receipts. It looks like a big fat bar tab from several weeks or months.
Then there is El Niguel Country Club for $2360.80. This was a retirement party for Jeff Montejano. Montejano was Bill Brough’s Chief of Staff who now works for a special interest in Orange County. Several Capitol Insiders told me confidentially that Montejano had a reputation for covering for Bill Brough’s actions. Monetjano also lived part time at Bill Brough’s rager pad in Sacramento. It is alleged that Mr. Brough had several trysts and drunken incidents in that location. Again – this is heresay from confidential informants as the code of silence in Sacramento is strong and people fear losing their job.
People familiar with Bill Brough’s Assembly life and campaign life in 2018 tell your intrepid blogger that the 3-1 “Fundraiser” was not a fundraiser. Was $2300+ on a retirement party a legit use of campaign funds? How much could a few cheese and fruit platters have cost?Again, the FPPC should look at these two line items on Bill Brough’s campaign finance report. Perhaps someone should talk to Mr. Montejano and ask him if he knew that Brough for Assembly threw him a retirement party and paid for it too?
As of right now, we are aware of 5 women. Two are on the record with graphic accounts of Bill Brough’s misconduct. The incidences are not connected and happened in different parts of the state at different times. As we continue to tear through the sordid history of Bill Brough as an Assemblyman, it continues to spiral…
To be continued…
P.S. your intrepid blogger has a theory, with evidence on why OC GOP Chairman Fred Whitaker has been trying to prop Bill Brough up. Coming soon.
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