In a quest for answers, I’ve talked to a ton of people in the last week since breaking the Lisa Bartlett story on 6-19-2019 (Again, thank you to the media outlets that attributed this blog) Right On Daily also broke the story of a female staffer last Thursday 6-20 that was also quoted in the LA Times yesterday (also asking them not to publish her name). Other media outlets have spoken to 3 other victims, 1 one the record and two more requesting anonymity.
I have direct knowledge that at least two of Brough’s victims in the Sacramento legislative staff orbit have re-filed their complaints with the appropriate committee set up in the wake of the #MeToo crisis.
A common strategy of crisis communication is to attempt to wait out the storm. I have more room on this blog than they have time to forestall the inevitable.
You may be wondering why I’ve posted a photo of Bill Brough at at RedSox Game.
Let’s have a look at his 2017-2018 FPPC Filing.
You will see a notation for 7-23-2017 listing $11,603.38 of his campaign funds being used for a trip to Ireland. Amazingly, this may be legal. However, if you continue down – you will see an additional notation for $2405.20 to United Airlines for plane tickets to Boston. The date the trip started is listed as 8-2-2017.
You can fly from SoCal to Ireland direct and don’t need to stop in Boston, unless of course you want to slip a trip to Fenway Park in at the expense of your donors. Now, the picture posted on Bill Brough’s Facebook account 8-4-2017 becomes clear. It is the opinion of this blogger that the $2405.20 for the diversion to Boston is clearly an issue and may very well be an illegal expenditure.
The next part of the issue is his whole family traveling on the dime of his campaign account. It is probably time for the FPPC to start looking for receipts to justify these expenses and taking a look at where Bill Brough’s donor’s money is going.
A look at the expenditures shows $2707.25 for a hotel in Ireland entered on 8-14-2017. I am not sure it is legal to treat your whole family to an Irish Caucus Trip at the expense of your campaign account. The diversion to Boston is definitely an issue. This is going to make a brutal hit piece for Brough’s opponents in 2020.
There are thousands in other expenses related to Irish Caucus events. However, the junket to Ireland in 2017 appears to have cost about $20,000 worth of donor’s money.
Take a look at this screenshot. I decided to sort the excel spreadsheet I downloaded by category. Knowing what I know about Brough’s Drinking exploits made me wonder what the heck cost $331.12 at Bevmo. It probably funded another rager at his apartment in Sacramento I guess. (stay tuned because $331.12 at BevMo is small potatoes)
However, the Bourbon Barrel is something the FPPC should also take a look at. Insiders describe the Bourbon Barrel is described by Bill Brough as his pride and joy. Everyone that has been to Brough’s office has seen it and seen Mr. Brough raving about it. The Bourbon Barrel is literally a Bourbon Barrel that you open up as a portable bar. It is there in his capitol office – you know Office Furniture. I am sure the receipt would look awesome in a freedom of information act request. A picture of a Bourbon Barrel in a campaign mailer would look good too.
Brough’s fellow members of the legislature know about the Bourbon Barrel, but probably did not know it is listed as an office expense on his 2017-2018 Campaign finance report. Bill Brough’s Donors almost certainly do not know they bought him a Bourbon Barrel.
To be continued.
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