First off, I’d like to thank Dan C and his fellow commies over at the Liberal OC for the love. While their goal is to turn AD-73 in to a communist cesspool, I did want to thank them for the attribution. #RESPECT
Some local media outlets are finally picking up on the OC Supervisor Lisa Bartlett story. There are now at least 5 more victims your intrepid blogger is aware of and one with whom I spoke directly.
Bill Brough is going to go down fighting, this is what I’d expect from someone that has no comprehension of what he has done. It is also consistent with the denial that comes along with having several behavioral issues.
Brough withdrew his endorsement request from the OC GOP – but “Intends to re-submit after the session is over so he can fight the allegations”.
A woman I know who I have fought political battles on the same side with came forward with her story. She is an ex-staffer for two members of the Assembly. She was working for an Assemblymember at the time of her incident with Bill Brough.
This Assemblymember was a top target of the democrats in 2016, thus, there was a caucus meeting in late 2014 early 2015 that required her and another staffer to head north to Sacramento for a meeting(s).
In an evening after meetings in Sacramento, my source headed across the street to one of the local hangouts. She described Brough and another member of the legislature “Who Always Wears a Cowboy Hat” at the bar drinking with him. She indicated that the other member was even more intoxicated than Brough.
Brough struck up a conversation with my informant. He proceeded to tell her that he had seen her at events and had been watching her. Brough then informed her that he was a member of the elections committee and could “help” her boss. He indicated that he had a place “right around the corner” from the bar they were at.
My informant told Brough he was disgusting and to go to hell. She immediately called the other staffer who was taking an uber to the location she was at in some sort of ruse to end the conversation. The former Chief of Staff, the (now) Former Assemblymember and a second Assemblymember all knew about the incident within an hour of it happening.
There was a public event involving the (now former) Assemblymember that also had Brough participating in it. She told her boss she was not going and he excused her from it. Since then, she was studiously avoided any contact with Brough.
I have been informed by this informant that one of her co-workers appears to have had similar issues as they discussed how they planned flights from John Wayne Airport to SAC in order to avoid being on the same plane with Bill Brough.
Worse, it was made clear to me that after Bill Brough propositioned my informant, he continued to text her for several weeks after the incident.
Please remember, I am not being paid to write about this situation. Rather, I am embarrassed that I helped elect this man and in a sense I am trying to make amends for the mistake. The sooner Bill Brough resigns, the better we will all be.
In addition, three more sources, known to me who requested not to be identified indicated that a rules committee complaint was filed and was dismissed on a technicality. The staffer, (different than the Woman whose story I told) was told that the complaint was dismissed for lack of a second credible witness. The problem? at least three other people offered testimony related to the case (based on accounts given to me) and had their testimony rejected/suppressed related to the case. It was also put to me that another Orange County legislator may have put her thumb on the scale. It is because I never had witnesses willing to allow me to go forward with allegations that I sat on this information for two years. At that, I have no proof to back up the allegations in this paragraph, just well known stories among insiders. Brough has denied there was a rules committee complaint and has denied wrongdoing. (I think he is lying)
It has also been put to me that Brough has lost staffers as the truth and the totality of his behavior has become more widespread and known. Today, local media are finally writing about Lisa Bartlett’s spellbinding presentation to the OCGOP on Monday.
Your intrepid blogger was contacted by several party insiders who contested my assertion that the party was bankrupt. I obtained a copy of the most recent Federal Election Filing. It shows $26,500 net cash on hand. I suppose bankrupt is the wrong word. Perhaps “Cash Challenged” is the right word? I did not make the allegations in a vacuum.
There are fewer donors giving fewer dollars regardless of whether or not the party is bankrupt. The issues with fundraising are why people like Bill Brough need to be cleared out, as we need good, quality candidates picked on the merits – not an incumbent protection plan or an affirmative action recruiting standard.
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