Omar Navarro and Deanna Lorraine Tesoriero had an 8 month long relationship. It appears that the crazed Navarro has been stalking her as he had a run in with the law at the last CAGOP Convention and was arrested for at least 2 felonies on 12-7-2019. Lest Ms. Tesoriero play the victim too much in an attempt to obfuscate her own issues, here they are once again. Note: Omar Navarro provided me proof of the length of their relationship – this is key as Tesoriero represented to the Judge that gave the restraining order (that Navarro has violated at least twice) that the relationship lasted 4 months.
This calls in to question her judgement and her integrity. John Dennis is running in CA-12 against this grifter. You have a choice. BTW – the LAGOP endorsed Omar Navarro’s opponent Joe Collins in CA-43.
The 35 Year Old Congressional Candidate on the left
Your Intrepid Blogger took up the case of DeAnna Lorraine (Tesoriero) as her nascent candidacy for CA-12 (against Pelosi) started to take off in the social media arena. Several things set off alarm bells. Typically, candidates that lead with “God” are doing so to over-compensate for other issues. Deanna Lorraine Tesoriero appears to be no exception to that rule.
I know a lot of people don’t care about morality anymore. It is a symptom of our society. It does, however become an issue when someone campaigns on morality and leads a double life. In the above photo Mrs. Make Love Great Again is with some dude in Florida and looks higher than a U2.
In 2011 – She was Convicted for driving on a suspended license. This instance may not be such a big deal, if it was not part of a pattern. Remember, we previously wrote about a still active gigantic tax lien against her valued at well over $40,000.
She has a still active go fund me page that appears to be a scam.
We also located yet another occurrence of Deanna Lorraine Tesoriero not paying her bills again – resulting in a misdemeanor conviction in Butte County.
Court Details
Case Number: NT098720
Date: 04/26/2004
Offense Details
Case Number: NT098720
Sentence Date: 12/11/2003
Court Details
Case Number: NT098720
Date: 12/11/2003
Offense Details
Case Number: NT098720
Court Details
Case Number: NT098720
Offense Details
Case Number: NT098720
Court Details
Case Number: NT098720
Date: 06/28/2004
Offense Details
Case Number: NT098720
She got caught with booze and then bounced the check for the fine. It also looks like she failed to appear at at least one hearing. In 2010 Driving on a suspended license, then parlay it in to a misdemeanor conviction. At least two misdemeanors because she was lackadaisical with her bills.
In a previous post, we detailed Deanna Lorraine Tesoriero’s Dating Service from 2008 in San Diego. It appears that Ms. Tesoriero had to shut said dating service down in 2014 due to a still outstanding $40,000 Federal Tax Lien.
Deanna L Tesoriero
Address: 1670 Kettner Blvd Apt 506, San Diego, CA 92101-2560
Filing Location:San Diego, CA
Total Lien Amount:$40,257.14
Deed Category Type:Placement
—– Document Type: Federal Tax Lien
Court Case Number: 534519
Federal Tax Lien Area: Small Business
Tax Lien Serial Number: (redacted)
Tax Type: 1040
Tax Lien Location: Oakland, CA
Tax Period Dates:Dec. 31, 2007 – Dec. 31, 2012
Extension Date: Jul. 29, 2019 <<<< (MEANS IT IS STILL ACTIVE AND UNPAID)
Tax Lien Date:Nov. 21, 2014
Recording Date: Dec. 5, 2014
LIEN (SEP. 13, 2014)
This explains clearly why she appears to have not had a w-2 Wage job where her wages could get garnished. It also explains why she had to shut her business down in 2014. An accompanying $2,500 tax lien from the State of California suggest she had an incompetent accountant or that she got caught trying to not pay taxes.
Whatever the reason, the lien is there, all $40,000+ of it to the IRS and $2500+ to the State of CA.
It is impossible for anyone to take her responsibly on fiscal issues. Criminal Convictions for not paying tickets and a couple of still active Tax Liens. It is not out of the realm of reason to suggest that Mr. Deanna Lorraine is attempting to pay off those bills with this campaign for congress. She saw Omar Navarro raise $1MM against Maxine Watters, why can’t she against Pelosi?
Consider yourselves warned.
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really you call yourself a Christ follower and think you can snow GOD. I am sorry. IF you dress in immodest clothing and hang the girls out to share with the world and post party girl and flipping the finger all over FB and You tube guess what Not getting my vote. Jack Hibbs said to research you out. Feb 12th Wednesday service so I did. No amount of excuses hides your lack of character. We know our brethern by their fruit and Yes God did make me a fruit inspector.