Apr 162018

It appears that there are more than one employee of the Stan Sniff Riverside Sheriff’s Office who were railroaded by Lenny Purvis, Lt. Mark Bostrom and others in the last couple of years. Without direct evidence, I’ve drawn the conclusion there was some sort of edict handed down to terminate a bunch of people based on whatever in order to reduce the budget.

Posted here is proof that Captain Leonard Purvis signed off on the report. Again, this is a highly unusual thing as Captains never sign off on reports, suggesting that the cover-up was fully engaged.

This whole set-up reminds me of 1993 when Sniff’s fellow democrat Bill Clinton did something similar to the military and people were getting discharged and separated from service en masse. It also reminds me of when Obama took over GM and was shutting down dealerships run by Republican Donors in favor of others.

Some of the employees are fighting back. In an attempt to assist them with Pitchess and Brady motions, we are going to post more information so that the victims of Stan Sniff’s tyranny will be able to understand what kinds of people get promoted and what kind of people get destroyed by PSB at the behest of the Tyrannical Sheriff.

Especially egregious is that Joseph Sinz and his Wife Veronica Amparo both got promoted to Sergeant AFTER being identified as participants in the cheating scandal. When you read their testimony as given to the ratt-squad, it does not pass muster.

Of note – Cole Simon whose portion of the report was previously posted was Joseph Sinz’ source for the exam questions. Somehow, Sinz thought it was believable to say that he did not notice the words “2015 Investigator Questions” on the document he was sent. Yeah, right.

Read Amparano’s Report REPORT PAGE 1, REPORT PAGE 2


Allow me to now quote a confidential informant about Sinz and Amparo:

Amparano always finds a way to skate, but shes a shady one too. She hates white girls, makes lots of nasty remarks about them and to her female partners,intentionally bitchy, unless they are hispanic. Real cozy with the men though.

Hmmm… so it looks like racists are those in line for promotion. (Like Mike Cornett) Some people may not understand why I am writing about so many specific employees, the issue here is who gets promoted and what kind of behavior is rewarded under the Stan Sniff regime. Honest, ethical employees get fired and attacked while ethically and morally challenged employees end up on the Second floor / fast-tracked for promotion. The informant continues:

Joey Sinz is a piece of shit too. He was having an affair with one of his beat partners wives, who’s name escapes me at the moment. That deputy was an accomplished professional or semi pro boxer. Very talented guy. Joe was married to Amparano, horrible racist troll in her own right, and also sworn RSO. The four of them, Joe, Amparano, Deputy boxer and his wife were all friends and hung out quite extensively.

Anyway, Amparano caught wind of the affair between Joe Sinz and deputy Boxer’s wife. In fact, Sinz was intending to leave Amparano for this woman. Amparano, viper that she is, didn’t tell Deputy Boxer.

Instead, she learned of a planned outing between her husband, Sinz, and the deputy’s wife, at Party City in Temecula, where they were shopping for an upcoming children’s event. Armed with this knowledge, Amparano, invites Deputy boxer to accompany her to Part City where they set upon their spouses canoodling with one another.

Shocked and inflamed, Deputy boxer proceeds to confront Sinz, whereupon Sinz begins to shade boxer and call him a bad husband, that he is in love with boxer’s wife, etc. Joe Sinz, having been caught in flagrante delecto, gets the beating of his life. Deputy boxer proceeds to rearrange Sinz face so badly he puts him in the hospital and he no longer looks the same as he did before.

Everyone ends up on Administrative leave. Of course, Amparano is being fingered for setting both men up, which she absolutely did, but during her investigation, somehow (liar) convinces them she is the victim in all of this. Probably when she realized that supporting kids when your husband is in the hospital and you have a mortgage and neither of you can work, is hard. Joe Sinz is a POS who has nothing coming. You can use the above all you want.

Nice, huh? They both got promoted to Sergeant.

In true team Sniff fashion, there’s more:

Sinz was also known for padding his stats. He would arrest a guy on a felony at the beginning of the week, book him, not get the paperwork in on time and the guy would get a kick. Joey would rearrest the guy on his friday and rebook the guy. Since all paperwork has to be in, he would milk the overtime too. Either that or he’d file paperwork late, let it go to warrant and the do the arrest. Either way, he would double stat the arrest to make him look busy. Reality was he spent a lot of time at Coldstone Creamery or Starbucks.

Sounds like Dekker or Kent.

We also had a request to post the portion of the report on Joshua Hephner who apparently is not liked by his colleagues very much. It is provided here for your review. Hephner was named in the previous blog as a major player.


Why did this never appear in the Press Enterprise? 

John Bender, Editor for the Press Enterprise of Riverside was in charge of making sure the Chad Bianco retaliation story came out.  After it came out (01-04-18) sometime in late Jan 2018, he was transferred to the PE Rancho Cucamonga Office (located in San Bernardino County). He was with the PE of Riverside for 15 years.

When I spoke to him….  I asked him:  Did they transfer you because of the Chad Bianco story.? His response: “Appears to be.”

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  10 Responses to “Riverside Confidential: Stan Sniff Coverup – Cheating Scandal Update, We Name More Names and Provide More Documentation”

  1. It’s easy to see how Ignoranus Amparano made rank. She has always been a waste of space and even when she was new, she acted all that. Walked around with a scowl all of the time but if a male was nearby, she’d dawn the charm and spray her nasty pheromones in hope she would have an ally (or organ to play).

    That parking lot debacle would have terminated the players in any other department. But this one is so shady, if you’re the “in” person with Sniff and his henchmen, YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH ANYTHING! PROBABLY MURDER TOO IF YOU LOOK AT PECKER RAY’S SKULL TATTOOS!

    Anyway, Ignoranus will move up the ladder it seems. No stopping the runaway train because by now I’m sure she has dirt on a few above her rank for, er, working below them.

    Remove the snakes that make up the 2nd Floor!!


  2. I am just sitting back sipping on some Crown Royal!!!

  3. I was also one of Lt. Clark and Bostrom’s victims of “Investigate to Terminate” at the Moreno Valley Station. It’s sad that RSO does not hold everyone to same standards because Deputy Hephner keeps his job after lying and the department fires me after a year long PERS investigation and 3 separate interviews (last being with Bostrom) for changing a call on my MDC. The dept and Kennedy-Smith didn’t care about the lies and the dishonesty that were written in the final PERS report that we discovered and brought to their attention. They only cared about finding a way to terminate. Thanks to Stan Sniff and his snakes, I had to cash out my deferred comp and CalPERS to survive and not lose everything. I guess working for RSO for almost 10 years with no disciplinary actions or write ups means nothing but having a leader and administrative staff that permits DUI’s, DV’s, cheating, dishonesty, etc., I should not be surprised.

    Vote for Bianco!!!!!!!!!

  4. Darkman, drop an extra shot for me.

  5. Thank you for reading and visiting. We will continue trying to expose malfeasance as best we can.

  6. Already!!!! Aaron I spent some time with Chad over the weekend. I was happy to hear what he had to say. He mentioned dishonesty in the church and I yelled out ” Amen” I know the folks were wondering who this big black man was. I say to everyone vote on June 5th if you don’t vote you don’t count.

  7. As I understand it, Chad is an Evangelical Christian, Sniff is an atheist. Add that to the list.

  8. Deputy “Boxer” was Jaime Morales. And talk about someone who was done wrong… during that incident, Sinz challenged Morales (a sponsored Golden Glove boxer) to a fight. When Sinz started to lose, he tried to pull out his off duty pistol to SHOOT Morales. Morales then proceeded to put Sinz in the time out box. Morales was ARRESTED and this incident was later used against him to fire him. Sinz should have been arrested and fired instead. Now he’s a sergeant in San Jacinto spreading hate and discontent.

    At Candelas… I’d leave your incident well out of the lime light. You were rightfully fired for failing to do your job as a Sheriff Deputy. NORAing a righteous domestic violence… after several of your beat partners tell you to make an arrest… and then having someone respond out and to make the arrest for you… that’s a big no no. Especially when you have video rolling… and you can see the victim’s injuries… and the suspect admitted to punching the victim. I guess if you are comparing your lie or inaction to Hephners then go ahead but your sins weren’t even in the same time zone. A lot of us worked with you and you weren’t even a C player… more like a Z player. I would never want someone of your caliber assisting my family.

    Point is, just because you were fired by Bostrom or Clark doesn’t mean you weren’t justifiably fired. Don’t muddy the waters with your unjustified hate.

  9. There is so much study material floating around this department. When 60 + people get study material that is similar to the test, is it cheating or is there something wrong with the testing process? I (like everyone else) keeps notes on past tests. Since the tests don’t change much, I have most the questions and answers, is that cheating? If I share that is it cheating? This whole scandal is the same thing that had been going on since the first test and that is why the process needs to be changed.

    From all accounts, Sinz’s deputies like him and he is going out and handling radio calls, unlike most supervisors.

    Morales was fired for making a false arrest in perris, not the assault

  10. I remember last year, a Tuesday,I remember because it was unbelievably busy, I went from call to call. I stopped at the stn I believe for a TRO. Anyway, I saw Joey as I was walking to my unit. He says, why in a rush, I tell em the board is F’d. He said, let it all lend. Cold calls will be there in progress calls will Nora themselves. And now he’s a Sgt.

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