Jul 142017
Let’s start with Mr. Mayes’ Statement:
There are no Assembly Republican votes for the Cap and Trade deal in its current form. We will not support a deal that doesn’t cut taxes, roll back regulations and protect ordinary Californians.Over three months ago, Assembly Republicans laid out a set of priorities that would lead to our participation in an historic, bipartisan agreement to reform California’s Cap and Trade system.Since that day, we have been transparent, direct and focused on our willingness to vote to establish a market-based approach to lower our greenhouse gas emissions rather than sit on the sidelines and allow a draconian, government-run command and control process that would harm consumers by making California even more un-affordable.Today, we are in sight of a bipartisan agreement to cut taxes, roll back regulations and government overreach, and reduce costs for ordinary Californians and businesses while doing our part to protect the environment for future generations.Unfortunately, this historic agreement remains elusive.
The first sentence is what gives me alarm bells. It implies Mr. Mayes is still open to a deal. You see, reducing the size of the cap and trade tax could be construed as a tax cut. Rolling back some, but not all job-killing cap and trade regulations but leaving other job-killers in place may also qualify. The words “current form” should be the most concerning as well, as this means the door is not shut.
It is clear that their polling data indicating that man-made-global-warming is the key issue and reacting as such is the key issue to future Republican success in their minds. If you accept the premise that it is man’s fault for Global Warming (I refuse to call it climate change, as this lie was concocted to cover for global warming when the earth started another cooling cycle), then you accept draconian regulation, loss of freedom, excess taxation and the like as the solution. This is wrong.
On the subject of Republican Leadership, let me cast a distinction. When I refer to Republican Leadership, I am referring to Chad Mayes, Jean Fuller and the group of consultants and donors that make policy decisions and attempt to anoint Republican Candidates for various offices. CAGOP Leadership is a different group, even though there is overlap.
While I have criticized Mayes and others for their role in recruiting David Hadley in to the race, CAGOP leadership did not have a hand in recruiting Mr. Hadley. Hadley is indeed going to be pushed for an endorsement by CAGOP Vice Chair Kristen Olsen at a future convention, but that will require a 2/3 vote from the floor of the convention. In the future, I will make a clearer distinction for the readers between the Party leaders and the elected leader/consultant group.
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