Mar 162020

Current CAGOP Chair Jessica Patterson was paid $12K a month by California Trailblazers up until her election as CAGOP Chairman. #TRAILFAILURES as I called it. During its’ existence, the CAGOP went backwards 13 legislative seats. I see at least 4 more being added to the total this fall (more on that soon).

I had pointed out the relationship between Tyler Diep and Jessica Patterson as a potential reason why the CAGOP IGNORED the OCGOP and left the disturbed and corrupt Tyler Diep CAGOP endorsed. Tyler had a slew of terrible votes (and campaign coffers stuffed with union money) to go along with.

Duane Dichara (aka Axiom) was Tyler Diep’s consultant. Mr. Dichara is also someone being paid by the legislative caucus for “strategy”. (This is in addition to the $25,000 a month David Carney) Could this relationship also have contributed to the CAGOP’s refusal to honor the action of the OCGOP? Bryan Watkins, who is also on the CAGOP payroll had a pre-existing relationship with Tyler Diep as previously noted.

You will see what I believe was part of Tyler Diep’s Payoff to stab Travis Allen in the chest

Tyler Diep was set up to run for AD72 due in no small part to the goodwill of Travis Allen, the former AD72 member. Also note that the California Trailfailures was quietly closed down in December of 2019.

Sometimes in politics – Justice is served. Tyler Diep is gone. Bill Brough is gone. California Trailblazers is gone. Both incumbents losing are due to grassroots and local political leaders – and have NOTHING to do with Statewide leaders who defended the status quo. The good news is that there is now a crack in the psychotic grasp of the Oligarchy of Controlled Failure that can not be sealed back up.


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  One Response to “CAGOP / AD72 Update: Humiliation. CAGOP “Leadership” Sandbagged the OCGOP and Now Their Hero is in Third, Out of the Runoff”

  1. Why did Tyler Diep thin that Mitt Romney was a good role model?

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