Feb 182020

Carl DeMaio is a fraud. He is a liberal by his own words and his attempts to reinvent himself ring rather hollow. Mr. DeMaio is on record using leftist talking points on the environment and on the gun issue.

Carl DeMaio: While I believe climate change is real and human activity has an impact on the climate, we must continue to invest in research to determine what is happening, why, and what we can do to mitigate it. I’m proud that some of that research is being done right here in San Diego.

As we improve our understanding of climate change, we must take immediate action — which is why I support a variety of investments in renewable energy and energy conservation.

On the San Diego City Council, I supported the authorization of PACE (Property Assisted Clean Energy) programs to make it easier for businesses to finance solar and other green energy solutions, and in Congress, I’ll champion legislation to extend these programs to homeowners as well.

Because climate change is a global challenge, we must be prepared to enact global solutions — and most cost effective way to do that is to continue San Diego’s leadership in inventing the sustainable technologies of tomorrow.

Carl DeMaio in his own words is a globalist and a green freak. He publicly advocated for government subsidies of Green Energy which in some cases are 100 times as expensive as say building a dam. Recent articles are showing that wind turbines break down and the used parts can not be recycled. How can someone claim to be a fiscal conservative while supporting government giveaways to subsidize industries that are not competitive in the open market?

He also uses leftist talking points about sustainability and mitigation. I suppose Carl lays awake at night worrying about how Spring turns to Summer.

6. Would you support legalizing marijuana at the state or national level?

Carl DeMaio: I want to get the federal government out of the regulation of marijuana and leave this issue up to the states to decide. In California, we must responsibly and accountably implement California’s voter-approved Medical Marijuana Law and I’ll fight to make sure we can do that free from federal government interference.

What’s next Carl? Heroin? Leave the issue up to the states? Meth? This was another feel-good try to sound libertarian dodge of a tough issue. Marijuana legalization has been a disaster in Colorado and has led to an explosion of the Black Market in California. This is very irresponsible and places a burden on local governments to deal with the societal costs.

You can’t be a fiscal conservative and support legalizing crime and intoxication. Bad behavior (more on Carl’s coming in future posts) has societal costs and consequences that far outweigh the “tax revenue” that legalizing said behavior brings.

Carl DeMaio: I support the Second Amendment and believe all but a few individuals can responsibly exercise their personal freedoms. Responsible Americans should not lose their personal freedoms because of a few irresponsible individuals. I do support full enforcement of existing laws as well as more resources to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and those with mental health disorders.

Carl DeMaio always qualifies his answers. He supports red flag laws and he makes it clear here, he also effectively said he supports an “Assault Weapons Ban”. Good Lord – he uses the standard dodge language to avoid tipping off Consearvatives of his true feelings on the issue.

Conservative Mugs 970×250

I support the Second Amendment, but believe we must make improvements in our mental health programs to spot warning signs as well as expand background checks to prevent those with criminal records from obtaining a gun. I do not believe we should take away the freedoms of responsible Americans because of the misguided actions of a few.

So should someone with a DUI 20 years ago not be able to buy a gun, Carl?

Fortunately, voters in CA50 have viable options not named Carl DeMaio. When we continue, we are going to pivot back in to some of the drama that has plauged the man for the 12+ years he has been in public life. It is the opinion of this blogger that DeMaio is not trustworthy or stable and needs to go somewhere far away from public life to get his act together – as well as his rhetoric on issues.

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