Aug 132019

The Orange County Toll road saga can not be as simple as a bunch of NIMBY’s and some knucklehead Republicans slithering in to the lowest common denominator to get votes? This saga alone should be enough to show any reasonable person that neither Bill Brough nor Bryan Maryott should hold office, ever. (CA-49 = Mike Levin’s Congressional Seat, AD-73 = William “Bill” Brough’s Assembly Seat)

Yeah, they even hate “Green” energy as these memes came from a fight over solar arrays and windmills.

Picking up with the LA Times article assaulting the now former consultant for the Toll Road Authority, it looks like the “overpaid consultant” for the Toll Road, just months after being hired engineered an end to 12 years of environmental lawsuits. There goes that cover story. True to form for the weak leadership in Orange County, the consultant was thrown over the side rather than being defended. This dynamic has to be part of what San Clemente was counting on when they hired a media drill that yielded LA Times Stories attacking the consultants among other stories in other outlets as well. 

It appears that in addition to the media drill, that the City of San Clemente attempted BS Enviro Lawsuits that failed. It looks like with the enviro hurdles cleared (by the Consultant that the Toll Road Authority fired, by the way) that the San-Clemente City Council got desperate and went looking for help.

Enter Major Democrat Donor Harvey Englander who obviously has to have a major axe to grind as he lost the $1.8 Million Contract for the OC TCA to someone else. In 2015, when the open bidding was done to hire a consultant, (A fact omitted in the LA Times Hit Piece referenced in a previous blog) Adam Englander and the firm Englander, Knabe and Allen finished in second place. Note to LA Times – that means they bid higher than the $185 an hour you breathlessly reported about. (and that “overpaid consultant” helped in saving millions of dollars by mitigating the enviro lawsuits against the project!)

That’s right, Bryan Maryott, San Clemente and William “Bill” Brough are in bed with a major Democrat donor. Look at the donor pedigree of Harvey Englander. Adam Schiff, Hitlary, the Kamala Dragon, even — $2,000 to MIKE LEVIN. He even gave $500 to that loser John (t)Ossoff whose GA-06 Loss was an epic fail for Trump-Haters everywhere! In the most dramatic of ironies, Bill Brough is now allied with a four-time donor to Bob Filner. That’s right – Harvey was a repeat donor to the groper… How’s the swamp water feel Mr. Brough??? 

Given the abject bias of the LA Times and the timing of their story, it is the belief of this blogger that Harvey Englander was behind planting the story and the careful omission of facts in it. If it was not for people trying to obfuscate the issues of Bill Brough and the stupidity of Bryan Maryott (sending me Facebook ads 450 miles away), your intrepid blogger may have never come across this attempted sabotage of YET ANOTHER FREEWAY in CA. Based on what I know, Daddy (as in Harvey) has tons of connections in LA County, including having social justice warrior reporters in his back pocket he can shop stories to. Harvey has been infesting the body politic since the 1970’s. Englander donated to Al Gore for President for pete’s sake.

Get a good look at Harvey, he is the man trying to screw over a generation of South OC Residents to settle a score. The NIMBY activists in San Clemente have pinned their hopes on him too. Has Harvey taken care of Bill Brough? Inquiring Bloggers want to know…

If you still don’t believe me, take a look at Harvey Englander’s proposal to San Clemente. Read it here as many times as is necessary. Did Bill Brough read the proposal before a couple cases of Burbon made it to his spread on the coast of Dana Point? (Who knows, maybe it did not cost Harvey a dime to get Brough on board)

Unfortunately for San Clemente and Harvey Englander, I found a neat link on the internet about the exact same subject matter as the LA Times hit piece. Boy what a different story it tells about the Southern Orange County Toll Roads!

Harvey and his crew (that includes Don Knabe, who has more baggage than a 747) quote Sun Tzu in their preamble. Sun Tzu died over 1,000 years ago and if Sun Tzu was alive today, he’d get his ass kicked on the Right on Daily Blog too. Your intrepid blogger does not like NIMBY’s very much, nor do we like politicians that make chicken-feed short-sighted decisions to curry favor with groups that will never support them. (Ahem, Billy Boy and Bryan)

On page one of the proposal that Englander sent to the City of San-NIMBYte, Harvey talks about having contingency plans to deal with responses and being available for a kill-shot when the opportunity is presented. Harvey shoulda run a background report on Bill Brough first as Brough is a walking political suicide shot.

In the words of the great American theologian Mike Tyson, “Everyone gotta pwan till dey get punch in da fathe”. It appears that Englander has been running around bullying people on behalf of San Clemente. Then they got punch in da fathe…

If you boil down the proposal by Englander, it is a litany of maybe legal, but undeniably unethical abuses of the system.

Given that most in office are cowards and hate any sort of negative news, (This applies to Harvey’s side of the political aisle as well as Republicans) Harvey and company understood that starting the fan and throwing stuff through it would be a great strategy. He could get unprincipled trans-conservatives like Maryott to buckle and could “buy” people like Bill Brough who are corrupt (as proven by the Right on Daily Blog) and vulnerable to change with the whims of the political winds.

Harvey was able to get something like $97K out of the City of San Clemente after the humiliating defeat a couple years earlier for the prime $1.8 Million OC TCA Contract. Harvey Englander was paid in October of 2017, as it appears from records posted on the internet. The public smear campaign started shortly thereafter. I sometimes Imagine what I could do to someone or some group for $97K. (fill a psych ward?) 

Quoting the 3/7/2019 Article linked previously:

Englander did not mince words in its proposal, citing five lessons from The Art of War writing, “at Englander… having a well-thought-out timetable enables us to be offensive in our activities and be prepared to take a “kill shot” when the opportunity is presented.”

Englander backed up that “kill shot” statement, squarely aimed at the TCA and Venture, taking the proposal to another level that will have many questioning the business practice of “antagonism campaigns” and the motives of the San Clemente City Council.

Blogger’s Note: Venture (Strategic) is the consultant that beat Harvey for the Toll Road Contract

In the proposal Englander wrote, “TCA’s primary challenge throughout its’ history has been earning public support for their [told road] activities.”

“The path to success is to increase public antagonism toward the agency, its Board of Directors within their own cities, taxpayers and even some environmental groups.”

Got it? When we continue, we will start unraveling the tactics Harvey Englander and crew are using to bully local electeds. If you are on the fence about the Toll Road thing in Southern Orange County, once Right on Daily is done with Harvey Englander and the San Clemente City Council I hope you will support the Toll Road Authority digging a tunnel right through their City Hall. 

Bill Brough just appears to be a useful idiot, trying to get more campaign cash to spend on Cigars, overpriced meals or junkets to Ireland. (when he is not acting like a complete pig towards women that is)

It is also a goal of Right on Daily to make sure neither Bryan Maryott nor Bill Brough get any serious consideration from Republicans as their decision to side with the left-wing democrat donor bullies is indefensible and was based on short-sighted political gain and not about the best interests of their would-be constituents.

If you are an officeholder or a stakeholder in Southern Orange County – take heart because Sun Tzu has never met a blogger from Placer County that wants to see the GOP return to relevance. It is a bonus that I get to torch some liberal democrats and their so-called Republican buddies trying to keep California in the stone age. You no longer have to fear bad press because it is now open season on the bullies, and you can now vote your conscience without fear or intimidation.

P.S. No real conservative sells out core Republican principles for a few votes and a nice seat at a cocktail party. Given how feckless Bryan Maryott is, there is a part of me that would rather see Levin re-elected as he is an honest communist who took $2,000 from Harvey Englander. To be continued…

Just say No to Bryan Maryott in CA49 and No to Bill Brough in AD-73
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