Dec 122017

We apologize for the poor quality of the letter that was leaked to us. We re-saved it in to a PDF for posting purposes.

Craig Cheslog has been accused of raping an activist at the 2016 CADEM Executive Board Meeting in November.

Cheslog is the Region 2 Director of the California Democrat Party.

Apparently, at the Westin Hotel in San Francisco in November of 2017, Mr. Cheslog followed up his alleged rape with “sexually aggressive behavior” according to the letter.

Given that there is a purge of Democrat Moderates (Tony Mendoza, Matt Dababneh and Raul Bocanegra) currently underway in Sacramento by virtue of Sexual Harassment, Assault, etc. issues, it appears that the problem is endemic in the CADEM ranks.

4 Members of the CADEM Exec Board are demanding the ouster of Craig Cheslog from the CADEM ranks. The First Vice Chair Alexandra Gallardo-Rooker is theĀ  prominent signer on the letter. She is joined by Daraka Larimore-Hall, Dan Weitzman and Eric Bauman (the Chair himself listed 4th).

It appears that they are only taking action to remove this monster from the Executive Board, not the ranks of democrat party delegates. (It makes sense as the party of felons voting would keep this guy within their ranks)

What is significant is the lengths the CADEM Party went to in order to try and keep this “in the family” and out of the public eye as this leaked letter was quite difficult to obtain.

Update: Craig Cheslog is a former Staffer of Senator Tom Torlakson, who went on to be Superintendent of Public Instruction. This story was also picked up by a lefty blog in the bay area.

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  2 Responses to “LEAKED LETTER to Right on Daily Blog: Formal CADEM Complaint Letter detailing Sex Assault Charges against sitting CADEM Exec Board Member”

  1. […] letter was sent November 29 to CDP Secretary Jenny Bach and recently leaked to various political bloggers in the Golden […]

  2. […] letter was sent November 29 to CDP Secretary Jenny Bach and recently leaked to various political bloggers in the Golden […]

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