Mar 302020

Are you a candidate for office? Have you ever been talking to your consultant or just going through life wondering, is the Right On Daily Blog going to kick my Tail?

In order to qualify for the Right On Daily Blog, you, yes you have to screw up. So let us list some of that stuff in a manner even a candidate for office can understand.

  1. Register as a Republican specifically to run for or hold office.
  2. Raise taxes as part of a “deal” or raising taxes as anything other than a last resort
  3. Use your office to advance the careers of donors or loyalists over more qualified competitors
  4. Become vested in your office – as in deriving part (or all) of your identity from your campaign(s) for or office(s) held.
  5. Fail to pay your bills – (screwing campaign staff, tax liens, lawsuits, judgments, etc)
  6. Have Sex with Staff, Donors, Supporters that you are not in a committed (preferably married) relationship with.
  7. Campaigning as a Conservative with a personal history of porn, alcohol or drug abuse (ongoing, versus sober 5+ years)
  8. Abusing your position to cover up malfeasance and/or criminal activity
  9. Supporting two or more of the following: Gun Control, Drug Legalization, Soft on Crime Legislation (or initiatives), “Rights” Bills/Initiatives at the expense of Religious Freedom,  which includes Open Borders
  10. Engage in Emotional Manipulation / Cult Leader Type behavior as a campaign or governing practice
  11. Lying about your qualifications for office or accomplishments while in office – including attempting to take credit for other people’s successes
  12. (Bonus): You’re a democrat – in which case you deserve to have your tail kicked by the RightonDaily Blog.

IF you do any thing in the above list, you, yes you could get your tail kicked by the Right on Daily Blog.

This helpful primer of pitfalls will help any candidate understand why the Right On Daily Blog is whaling the tar out of them – because we care.

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  One Response to “Have You Ever Been a Candidate and Wondered Is the Right On Daily Blog Going to Kick My Tail? Here is a Handy Guide For How NOT to Get Lit Up By Right On Daily”

  1. Aaron, you are wrong about #9. No Republican should ever support ANY of those horrible un-American ideas.

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