Dec 272019

I kid you not. Tyler Diep’s crew are claiming that Janet Nguyen will leave the GOP before he does.

This is the mantra I am hearing from the inside.

Whazzup Tyler!?

All I can tell you at this point is the Tyler Diep vs Janet Nguyen Race is going to be ugly. Neither are perfect Republicans by far.

What I can also tell you is that Tyler Diep has several issues that were not fully vetted as he did not draw a serious GOP opponent in 2018.

If you’ve read right on daily, then you know I have been all over Assemblyman Bill Brough in AD73, next door to AD72. Brough’s maladies are lengthy and it took 4 1/2 months of constant pounding in order to get Republican “Leadership” to just begin to deal with Brough. (Note: all the donor groups and party groups have since endorsed Laurie Davies over Brough)

Your intrepid blogger has been told by party insiders that the lack of discipline in the GOP Caucuses is having far reaching effects.

#1 Several members are alleged to have had meetings to negotiate leaving the GOP. Tyler Diep is just one of them. Names include Jordan Cunningham (remember has was to have been the third member of the defect caucus with Mayes and Maienschein), along with Tom Lackey, and Ling Ling Ling Chang. There are other names I’ve been told, but I tossed these three out as examples.

Why is Jordan Cunningham Getting Campaign Cash from the Teacher’s Union? Perhaps they know he will soon be a dem?

#2 It is every man for themselves inside the caucus. Note that Senator Brian Jones, in just his first year in the senate is trying to bolt to Congress. People like Philip Chen and Stephen Choi are out on respective islands.

#3 The CAGOP leadership have been held at bay by the Party Caucus leadership – while the consultants running the CAGOP operation have attempted to strangle the flow of information coming out, limiting access and attempting to control candidate recruitment. In their minds attempting to communicate with Travis Allen’s or Steve Frank’s supporters would only give them power. It is a sad 90’s era consultant paradigm of power and control… but it also explains

#4 Leadership / CAGOP people are attempting to tell candidates for office who to hire for their consultant and day-to-day managers. The implied threats if they use an “undesirable” are loss of endorsement and funding. I have firsthand knowledge in one race and secondhand knowledge in three more, I will be following up on this in a separate post.

#5 In SD23, it is alleged that Party “Leadership” applied pressure to both the San Bernardino GOP and Riverside GOP in order to get the endorsement of the pre-determined candidate of leadership. With the outcome determined, the containment of the behind the scenes action was broken thus forcing the drama to the surface. This is not a good look for a race that is going to be a difficult hold for the CAGOP.

Contrast SD23 to AD74 where the Party Leadership was unable to rally an endorsement of Diane Dixon as a handful of influencers expended themselves in blocking a party endorsement that will only forestall the inevitable outcome. More than one person on the ground in AD74 has indicated that Kelly Ernby has not acquitted herself well. That is actually sad as Ernby could be an excellent candidate with discipline and training.

The bottom line – it would take a miracle for the State Level GOP to get through 2020 with no losses of seats. AD74 and AD38 are winnable as a pick up, but other seats are on the tracks including AD55, AD68, AD74 (orange county) and AD75 (Voepel in SD County under the CA-50 Duncan Hunter Seat). Jordan Cunningham and Tom Lackey are also both extremely vulnerable. That is 6 incumbent Republicans with a significant chance of losing. AD-72 is a bonus 7th and despite the mantra – AD72 was in play with or without a Janet Nguyen vs Tyler Diep grudge match.

In the State Senate SD23 (Open Morrell), SD21 (Wilk), SD29 (Ling Ling Ling) and SD28 (Open Stone), SD37 (Moorlach) are all marginal and could be lost. That is 5 more Incumbent Republicans with a significant chance of losing.

Now, layer on top of the above list the very real chance that some of the members could jump parties even if they win.

With a dozen seats on the tracks you’d think “Leadership” would be more proactive and welcoming in order to bring in as much help as possible. Nope. It seems the risk of loss of control is overriding proven methods of real leadership and influence.

There are two constants – #1 It does not matter win or lose as long as “they” are in control. #2 the average legislator could care less if the GOP Caucus shrinks to 5 members as long as they are one of them. This is the brutal reality behind the “Oligarchy of Controlled Failure” I reference.

Dec 262019

I will write this again, anyone that cares about the state of California wants a healthy vibrant GOP. As such, I want Jessica Patterson to succeed as Chairman of the CAGOP.

I have been outspoken in my criticism of the current CAGOP Leadership. This one they got right. Along with others, I was frustrated when Chad Mayes was endorsed by the CAGOP in the first place, but today’s action was excellent.

The first two paragraphs are not conflicting statements, as I attempt to offer solutions with the criticism and attempt to balance criticism with recognizing when they do right.

With Chad Mayes, Jessica Patterson was in between a rock and a hard place. Remember, Assembly GOP Leadership are huge boosters of hers and Chad Mayes endorsed her for Chair. Had Patterson run Chad through, she’d have been guilty of a smaller betrayal than Mayes did by leaving the GOP in the underhanded manner that he did. Given that the Assembly leadership are still angry over the CAGOP standing up to Mayes in the first place, the CAGOP leadership were almost stuck having to wait for Mayes to do what he did.

The truth be told – the fact that four board members stood up against the endorsement was really unprecedented. Usually, by the time an endorsement gets to the CAGOP Board, it is unanimous.

I’ve written that Jessica Patterson has been hopping mad behind the scenes about Bill Brough. I will have more to say about Bill Brough and his sexual misconduct soon – but Patterson was also privately backing up some of my accounts about some of the monsters in the body politic I’ve been writing about recently. Perhaps this very public rebuke of the Assembly Leadership and the CAGOP will be a wake up call and people like Marie Waldron will stop interfering with the CAGOP leadership actually leading.

What Jessica Patterson did today was outstanding. Her leadership in getting the CAGOP to set fire to Chad Mayes was excellent. I am looking forward to seeing her become more bold and being willing to deal with problems before they get to the Bill Brough or Chad Mayes level.

This response was one of the best political emails I have ever seen.

There is no doubt that Chad Mayes’ exit was pre planned. Other things have been happening that I have been writing about that have made it clear there was movement. While Mayes will get the short-term narcissistic supply to fuel his psychosis, long term he will be remembered poorly by everyone whose admiration and opinions he craves.

In the mean time Madam Chairman saddled up a dump truck and took out the trash. Here’s to more housecleaning.

Dec 262019

Donnelly-LogoI have written ad naseum about Tim Donnelly. He is a fraud. I have made a clear case to prove it. He makes conservatives look like frauds. I have been pretty clear about my disdain for a lot of conservative frauds in office – but Donnelly is in a league of his own.

In my opinion, Donnelly should be in jail for fraud along with Lauren Stephens, his pet Chiahuahua who is also running for Fresno County Supervisor.

In 2013 – Sharon Gilbert of the Examiner sounded the alarm about Tim Donnelly’s plans. She wrote clearly about a contemptible man she knew well:

Donnelly was telling people to vote for Paul Cook, not Gregg Imus. For many, that was perplexing. For those in the know, it was not surprising.

Donnelly’s rationale was simple. He did not like Cook as Cook was a moderate Republican and could walk across the aisle to cut a deal, something Donnelly was incapable of doing. But Cook was also up there in age and has had serious health issues. The thought was that Cook would be in Congress less than ten years and likely only three terms. At the end of three terms, if not sooner, Donnelly could pick off Cook.

Donnelly’s goal was, and is, to be the next CD8 representative. The voters of CD8 are conservative enough to elect a Tim Donnelly as their representative.

I believed Sharon then and Tim Donnelly’s disaster of a guv campaign made it clear that Gilbert had nailed his agenda.

Donnelly is a disaster personally. He owes a ton of people money and had to try to raise a few bucks as his radio show was not cutting the mustard. Lauren Stephens and Tim Donnelly hatched a plan to try a referendum against SB277 – the third referendum Tim Donnelly was involved in.

I wrote about the SB277 “effort” a few times. The bottom line – I believe that Tim Donnelly ripped donors off for as much as $70k. The reports from the effort made it clear that Donnelly did indeed rake in $25k for his radio show, but there was a lot more money unaccounted for. Read More about the SB277 Referendum Scam here and Read more about the SB277 Referendum Scam here.

Sharon Gilbert’s Second Post in 2013 (after former Donnelly Chief of Staff Gregg Imus was defeated for Congress by Paul Cook) was a brutal expose’ of several things I would learn about Tim Donnelly over the last three years both factually and via anecdotal evidence:

The next time Tim is in a public forum, here are some questions to ask him (and demand full answers):

  1. Why were you in possession of an illegal firearm in an airport?

  2. Are you allowed to legally register firearms in your name now? Is that a term of probation or are their other reasons? What are those reasons?

  3. Prior to the airport incident, why were you not allowed to have a firearm registered in your name?

  4. How many bankruptcies have you filed, either as an individual or as part of a company or partnership?

  5. How many properties did you or do you own that have gone into foreclosure? In what states?

  6. Have you been convicted of a felony?

  7. Have you been taken into protective custody for being a danger to yourself or to others? Have you been subjected to a 72-hour mental health hold?

  8. What is the story with the strippers? How much debt do you have due to your sexual addiction?

  9. Why did you refuse to endorse Gregg Imus for Congress?

  10. Why did you provide the photo of the Imus house in Maine to the Paul Cook campaign?

  11. What other information about Imus did you (or your wife or thru a friend) did you provide to the Cook campaign?

  12. Why did you privately tell some of your supporters to vote for Paul Cook?

  13. When you were at the border, did you ever make racist or threatening remarks?

  14. When you were at the border, were you ever in possession of a weapon you could not legally possess?

  15. Have you ever been declined to buy a firearm by a licensed Federal Firearms dealer? When (month and year)?

I personally asked Tim Donnelly if he had a police record, knowing that he had been arrested for a felony in Michigan that he plead down to a misdemeanor. He bald-faced lied to me about having any sort of police record. The media found the misdemeanor during his guv run, but never followed up to find out the rest of the story.

I am also familiar with Tim Donnelly’s personal life, including his habits and his massive personal debt. I only have stories from several people, one of whose businesses failed due in part to Donnelly’s actions. Given that Donnelly lied to me about his police record, and his bizarre personal behavior – I am inclined to believe the stories.

After seeing the scam he ran that screwed the mothers of California out of their chance to overturn the police-state vaccination law, nothing I hear about Donnelly surprises me.

It is my understanding that Paul Cook will demolish Tim Donnelly at the ballot box. Tim Donnelly belongs in an institution, not in any other office. Please, voters of CD08, make him go away.

Dec 232019

Here’s the recap on the Tour-de-Uhler vs Suzanne Jones.

Kirk Uhler’s record:

Stopped numerous proposed county fee increases
Pro-Growth Vote
Pro-Law Enforcement Vote
Helped get CA-65 Improvements Funded
Has been addressing homelessness for a decade or more
Has dealt with shortages during the recession and maintained solvency for the county
Opposed runaway spending, built strong reserve
Lone vote against Sanctuary State at board of supervisors
Recruited Bonnie Gore to run for Supervisor against Jack Duran
Led Fight Against 27% Pioneer Energy Rate Increase
Provided material aid and support to the Informed Parents of Rocklin

Kirk Uhler also raised money used to take out Rene Aguilera, David Larson and Jack Duran from local office – three activist liberal democrats

Apparently, Suzanne Jones does not like this sort of leadership from Kirk Uhler

Here’s the Tour-De-Suzanne:

2008 – Ran for Congress (Then CA-01) Against McClintock and Ose, finishing 3rd ahead of only Theodore Terbolizard in the GOP Primary (Lost)
2010 – Ran for Assembly (AD-05) Against Andy Pugno in the GOP Primary. (Lost)
2010 – Elected to Placer County Office of Education
2012 – only regular election in last 12 years Suzanne Jones was not on the ballot
2014 – Re-Elected to Placer County Office of Education (briefly ran for US Senate earlier in the year)
2016 – Ran for AD-06 against Kevin Kiley and Bill Halldin (Lost)
2018 – Re-Elected to Placer County Office of Education
2020 – Running against Kirk Uhler for Supervisor

Bonus: 2017 – applied for vacancy on San Juan Water Board.

While Suzanne Jones has spent over a decade shopping various offices, Kirk Uhler has been making a difference in Placer County.

Everyone in Local Government will verify that Kirk Uhler was the prime mover behind Bonnie Gore challenging Jack Duran. He helped her raise a ton of money as well.

It seems nonsensical that Suzanne Jones would challenge Kirk Uhler unless she wants to usher in a dem majority on the board of supervisors.

During the 2016 Assembly campaign I observed that Suzanne Jones would change her stripes to suit her audience if she believed it would help her get votes. Perhaps this is why her in lieu petitions for her current effort were circulated by some of the most notorious anti-growth democrats in Granite Bay. Perhaps this is also why she was happy to do an event with Viktor Behket and several local democrat activists.

Note: all four donors showing publicly are democrats

Just note – Suzanne Jones told Dennis Revell she was going to resign as First Vice Chair of the Placer GOP if he was ousted as Chairman, yet here she still is. Can you rely on her to be true to anything she says? It is a fair question and one I have asked watching her run for damn near anything she can file for in the 12 years she has been politically active.

Some people I know are upset that Kirk Uhler endorsed Jim Holmes – who also endorsed Kirk. The record of Uhler is unassailable. So, let’s tell a Kirk and Jim Story.

Did you know that when the final, fateful vote was to occur on Pioneer Energy’s proposed massive rate hike came down the pipe – Jim Holmes called Kirk Uhler to ask him how he was supposed to vote on the issue. With Holmes opposing the 27% rate hike, that ended the debate forever. It is because of Uhler’s relationship with his colleague that this happened. Would Suzanne Jones be able to pull this off?

Placer County has seen far less of a homeless problem than surrounding counties – Kirk Uhler’s leadership on the issue, empowering law enforcement and making sure there is extra homeless shelter space are in part the reasons why.

Placer County has lower crime than most surrounding counties – It is because of a well-managed County budget enabling solid numbers of Sheriff Deputies this has happened.

Placer County is one of few counties in California that would not be in fiscal jeopardy if there was a recession. Why? Kirk Uhler’s leadership on matters of budget and spending.

Suzanne Jones has run for major office 3 times and lost. Yet for some reason she is taking issue with Mr. Uhler’s record as a supervisor and his leadership in dealing with democrats in local office.

She has been making base personal attacks against Mr. Uhler and against his wife. Between her repeated failure, cavorting with liberal democrats and her lack of character demonstrated by bringing a candidate’s family in to the field of fire, she has proven she does not deserve serious consideration.

If you’re a resident of Placer County’s 4th Supervisory District and you like where you live and your quality of life, you value integrity in leadership and you value leadership period your choice is Kirk Uhler.

To be continued…

Dec 202019

Your Intrepid Blogger has detailed how Tony Amador has run for office and lost several times.

Several weeks ago, we covered how the San Joaquin GOP stiffed Republican Tom Patti for Supervisor, and endorsed an un-funded Trump-Hater for Congress in CA-10. We believe it had a nexus with the paying clients that the local political boss is running for election.

Here is your recruit for CA-09, He hasn’t posted in over 1,150 Days as of the writing of this blog.

So was Tony Amador pulled in to CA-09 by Tammany Hall in Stockton to punish William Martinek? Or is Tony Amador a career foil to help re-elect Jerry McNerney?

Take a look at the candidate snubbed by Stockton’s Tammany Hall? William Martinek. Check out Martinek’s website and read his story. It is pretty cool and represents a candidate with youth and potential. Tony Amador is 75, twice Martinek’s age.

Note: Only 115 Likes and note the website address.

Tony Amador has a pattern, he pulls candidate papers very late. In all of the past races I have detailed, he is filed late when there have been other more qualified Republican Candidates on the Ballot. He then wins the primary and folds up his tent in the general election. This pattern has repeated several times.

One has to wonder if Amador is a foil to clear out more aggressive and qualified Republican Candidates – winning on his ballot title (Retired US Marshall) – then laying down for McNerney three different times.

At Age 75, Amador is going after his fourth defeat.

In case you have any doubt as to weather Tony Amador should be taken seriously? Look at Amador 4 Congress, baby: baby. The good news is that Amador can call the local political boss – he can get Peter Kuo to translate it for him!

Large and in charge in San Joaquin County baby! (I do miss the old-fashioned McDonald’s plain cookies though…)