The California Republican Taxpayer’s Association was started in 2010 as a Front for Abel Maldonado’s Campaign for Lt. Governor against Sam Annestad.
Maldonado needed a shunt to deflect criticism for selling his vote time and again on massive tax increase budgets. In 2009, Abel Maldonado had demanded Proposition 14 as his price for giving the Democrats the lone Republican in the State Senate to pass a massive tax increase.
Proposition 14 was an attempt to exterminate Conservatives from the GOP with the open primary. It has not achieved that goal at all.
The man behind it all is Brandon Gisecki. He worked for Abel Maldonado for years. Click here for a story about Maldonado’s campaign, quoting Gisecki in 2010. Then you can click here to see a story in 2013 about Abel Maldonado’s I’ll-fated Governor Campaign.
My Brother George worked for Sam Aanestad in 2010, we know this story well. He was defeated by Maldonado in the primary and the California Republican Taxpayer’s Association fraud was born in that campaign.
To get a better view in to who Gisecki is, he also ran the campaign of Bill Kirby in 2002, who challenged Congressman John Doolittle on ideological grounds. Kirby and Doolittle later reconciled after Kirby got just 22% of the vote against the Former Congressman with a lifetime 94% score from the American Conservative Union.
Anyone in Placer County at the time, who was involved in politics then remembers that race.
(Today, Bill Kirby is a well-respected Auburn City Council-Member)
In 2014, the California Republican Taxpayer’s Association got in to legal hot water for using a deceptive Republican Elephant Logo in order to imply a GOP endorsement of those on its’ slate. They were forced to sign a letter with the California Republican Party agreeing to never use a deceptive likeness of the GOP Elephant Again. This is why their logo is a bear,.
The deceptive mailer was covered in a piece on the Cal Newsroom. The candidate in question – who won her race had a spotty history on taxes and spending. However, before this election.
Given that Abel Maldonado and other major candidates who have paid for placement on this slate are typically tax-raising moderate Republicans… this makes the case that those of us affiliated with Aanestad knew in 2010.
You will note that Kevin Kiley purchased this slate for this Assembly race – and did so months ago. The slate card has a big fat asterick next to his name (indicating placement was paid for).
The “endorsement” of Brandon Gisecki is clearly bought. It is what it is, it is not illegal. It is deceptive. Mr. Gisecki is all over Kevin Kiley’s mail. This deception is what moderate-liberal Republicans need to do in order to deceive enough conservative voters (who are the overwhelming majority of Republicans) to win election.
Compare this to Lew Uhler who endorsed Bill Halldin. His slate card did not have any Assembly candidate on it because the vendor had already done business with Cristi Nelson. Mr. Uhler endorses first and then sees who will buy onto his slate card – not the other way around.
Thus, Nelson was omitted from the National Tax Limitation Committee Slate featuring Lew Uhler.
This is why the fraud known as the California Republican Taxpayer’s Association is deleterious to the Republican brand – it elevates someone like Abel Maldonado whose’ voting record was to the left of some democrats in his years in the State Senate to the same footing as someone supported by real tax fighters like Lew Uhler or those with reputations of tax fighters like the Jarvis people.
P.S. you will notice the Central Committee Candidates also made it on to this mailer. The story about why that is and who likely paid for this and what their possible nexus for doing so will be told soon.
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[…] Kiley’s other major endorsement has been revealed to be a fraud. […]
There are ads supporting the 2020 California Prop 13 running now on radio claiming that Prop 13 is supported by the CRTA. The ad sounded so fake, so phony, like an ad for an ED “cure” that I went back and looked at the Voter Information Guide. Yep, it’s a FRAUD. Prop 13 is a disaster, a boondoggle, supported by all the usual promoters of the more money for schools spenders. No REAL Republicans or fiscally-responsible voters support Prop 13. I went on the CRTA website, looking for a phone number, so I could call and inquire about their support for Prop 13. No contact number. Only a way to join by email address and info on how to contribute. This is clearly a fraudulent organization. They should adopt Adam Schiff as their mascot.