Sep 262019

What if a told you there was a complete dirtbag running for City Council in San Clemente? At least that is what I think of Gene James and when I am done writing about him, everyone else will also. If you read our 4 part expose’ on Harvey Englander and the “racket” he ran on behalf of San Clemente, you’d better understand where I am coming from on this statement. Pretty much everything in San Clemente is suspect and Gene James appears to be a laboratory reject from the San Clemente NIMBY factory.

What If I told you that Gene James has been on a rampage since being a candidate for San Clemente City Council? He is allegedly physically confronting people, verbally abusing people, cyber stalking, etc. The alleged victims are mostly women that are much smaller than he is. We have received several tips over the last 6 weeks about how out of control Mr. James’ behavior has been.

What if I told you I have evidence that Fred Whitaker may have covered up some of James’ actions on behalf of Gene James’ consultant – in order to assist James in getting the OCGOP endorsement (by one vote, mind you). It is alleged that Gene James’ consultant Jim Bieber was calling and pressuring OCGOP Members, some of whom stayed home rather than having to deal with Bieber or Gene James?

It is a known fact that OCGOP Chairman Fred Whitaker and Jim Bieber go back years.

I have been told by SEVERAL people that the special election in San Clemente is one of the dirtiest campaigns they have ever seen and that Gene James has been on a rampage. It stands to reason that Gene James and Bill Brough would be good buddies and that State Senator Pat Bates would be in the middle of it.

The feckless Congressional Candidate Bryan (-20) Maryott who finished 7th in a contested primary in 2018 is also party of the Uncle Harvey party crew.

Tonight, there is a candidate forum in San Clemente and the rampaging Gene James has been attempting to bully all of his opponents in to silence.

It is also alleged that people who may or may not include Fred Whitaker, Bill Brough, Pat Bates and others have been telling donors there will be consequences to giving money to any of James’ opponents. Rest assured, your intrepid blogger will unwind the web and will name the names of the corrupt.

Your Intrepid Blogger is serving notice – Gene James – Welcome to RightonDaily. I’m coming for you. Right On Daily will defend women from bullies, even while so-called political leaders participate or turn a blind eye.

Sep 262019

That’s right folks. The insufferable William “Bill” Brough, aided and abetted by his Chief enabler Senator Pat Bates is having a feel-good public event. If I was the County or Orange, the City of Laguna Niguel and these Veteran’s Groups I’d think twice.

I am not surprised to see some institutional donors willfully ignoring the controversy. An incumbent basically has to have a felony indictment against them before most of those guys bail. (Give it time guys, it may yet happen) I do find it interesting that after hundreds of credible references to Bill Brough abusing donor’s money to finance his lifestyle well beyond his means that they are still willing to support him. It makes one wonder about nexuses and it certainly reinforces the image of “The Swamp”.

It also appears that 4 on the record victims of sexual battery/harassment do not matter to Senator Pat Bates, the Orange County BIA or the Orange County Realtors. Given that the “leaders” of the Republican Caucuses are still hiding in their bunkers, I could understand how Pat Bates would feel empowered to ignore everything and act like it is business as usual. The Realtors and the BIA, however have no excuse for ignoring the reality.

Mimi Walters, Diane Harkey, the Orange County Lincoln Club and the Orange County Republican Party have said otherwise. They have all stood up against Bill Brough. His colleague in the Assembly, Stephen Choi has done a 180 after talking to Brough’s Victims:

Furthermore, I researched the explanation provided by Assemblyman Brough and am no longer convinced that he was as forthright as he should have been. I have let him know that I am disappointed and disturbed by the charges leveled against him. 

Pictured: Your Intrepid Blogger

Perhaps this Navy Veteran needs to show up at this October 5th Shendig, maybe I should bring some others with me. Perhaps Crime victims of Orange County needs to organize a demonstration outside of this event…


Sep 252019

My thesis for AD74 is simple. A viable and strong candidate will retake this district. The democrat is a far-left wackjob and leaves a ton of room to get hit hard.

I am still not sure of the nexus for Kelly Ernby’s campaign, but it rings empty. Hence the name Kelly Empty. Why is she running? What does she bring to the table?

This is a good look for a fundraiser. A top California Republican and some solid names for a host committee.

There are some parts of California where Pete Wilson plays well. My understanding is that Orange County is one of them. Again, drawing a sharp contrast between Diane Dixon and the Empty Ernby campaign, it looks clear that Diane Dixon’s campaign is covering the bases you’d expect from a front-runner and viable challenger to a dem incumbent.

Ernby has not filed a 24-hour report in quite some time, suggesting that her “Fundraising Events” have been Potemkin Village Drills, and at that she had less than 1/3 the available cash at the end of the last campaign finance reporting period.

In a future installment, we are going to break down some polling that was released recently as we continue our expose of AD-74. The key question to start asking yourself – is Kelly Ernby just an empty spoiler? Kelly Empty.

Sep 242019

Tick tock Bill Brough. The pre 2017 world of dismissing harassment and abuse claims is gone.

Hannah Cho is the Senior Policy Advisor for Los Angeles City Council President Herb Wesson. In this role, she provides strategies and counsel regarding public policy issues and special projects throughout the 10th district, which encompasses Koreatown. She also serves as the Council President’s liaison to the greater Los Angeles Asian American Pacific Islander community.

Prior to her role at the City of Los Angeles, Hannah’s professional experience includes serving as a District Director in the California State Senate and many years in various roles in the nonprofit, and political sector. Her portfolio includes policy initiatives, programming, and advocacy campaigns with organizations such as the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change, the California Democratic Party, Operation HOPE, CARE, the Clean Air Campaign, and the US National Park Service.

Hannah is a member of the Executive Board of the Asian Pacific Islander Caucus of the California Democratic Party, the Glass Leadership Institute of the Anti Defamation League, and Pi Sigma Alpha, the Political Science Honor Society. She completed graduate coursework for her Master’s in Political Science and has a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science, and minors in Hospitality and Non-Profit Management from Georgia State University.

Apparently Hannah Cho thought it was ok to ask a female colleague about a “hickey” on her neck. She also told this same colleague she “can’t stop staring at your chest”.

Remember, Bill Brough is alleged to have pressed his erection against a victim (who he later outed in likely violation of the law) telling her “I’m really in to you” and is also alleged to have told another victim he’d been watching her (even though he claims to have only met her once). Supervisor Lisa Bartlett has gone public with similarly graphic allegations as well.

Please note that as of the writing of this blog, only one major media outlet has covered this story about Hannah Cho, I wonder why.

(Link to Hannah Cho’s Bio on the Korean American Website)

Hannah Cho looks like an accomplished career tax-leeching bureaucrat who got little more than a slap on the wrist over this incident.

Sep 242019

Did you know that this relationship expert has had a “GoFundMe” page up since 2017? This certainly shows premeditation and the donations she has received since declaring her candidacy for Congress may well be violations of federal election law.


Is this “relationship expert” (who has never been married apparently) a serious candidate or is she just looking for attention. Your intrepid blogger has uncovered several financial maladies that suggest that she is in this for the money. It appears she is attempting to track the same pattern as Omar Navarro did in 2016 when out of nowhere Navarro raised $1 Million.

I do find it interesting that she has not re-set her social media and is quite open about being from Southern California running for Congress in San Francisco. This is a bit different than Maxine Watters, Nancy Pelosi or Tom McClintock who live less than 30 miles outside of their districts.

I also find it interesting that Deanna is making pseudo-religious plays in her campaign advertising, given that her “relationship advice” includes sex outside of marriage and homosexuality. While I am a solid man of faith, I do not attempt to leverage that to make money or promote myself. It is part of who I am and some thing I share freely with others so they may find the freedom and redemption I found in Jesus Christ. It is my experience that this distinction is the difference between fake and real faith.

“Dating Service * Politician” – what is this? Amateur night?

Please see our first post about Deanna Lorraine Tesoriero here.

I am sure the “Deplorables 4 Donald J. Trump” may well be interested in learning more about their future speaker as the expose’ on Right on Daily Continues. It is pretty hard to dismantle the democrat agenda when you live like a democrat.

They should take a look at our second post on Deanna Lorraine Tesoriero and ask themselves what this will look like on a national stage.

Then there is this:

I have seen several cons like this before. It is frustrating as a man who has fought several very personal battles and who prays daily and relies heavily on his faith to see it abused in such a manner. Even with well over 6,000 days of sobriety – I never claim moral superiority over anyone. Yet here is Deanna Lorraine Tesoriero absuing God Talk for personal gain.

Then I hearken back to this recent photo of her in the midst of an affair with a married man and seriously question her sincerity with all this “God Talk” as it just reinforces the belief I have that she is running a scam. She should research scripture as it relates to her relationship advice (see also fornication and adultry).

Coming up soon, Ms. Deanna Lorraine Tesoriero has quite a trail of public documents related to a variety of things. Once you see them you will agree that she is not to be taken seriously as a conservative or a candidate for anything – if you are not already convinced.

P.S. as a bonus, Ms. Deanna Lorraine Tesoriero has sent out campaign communication seeking to connect Omar Navarro (the man pictured above) to her primary opponent John Dennis. While the two met at the CAGOP Convention, as someone who is actively helping John Dennis I know such a claim to be false. In addition, a check with sources in Riverside County indicate that there are no open cases against Omar Navarro, no scheduled court appearances, or warrants. Ms. Tesoriero was claiming otherwise and trying to smear Mr. Dennis with the legal maladies. Ms. Tesoriero should consult scripture for guidance about adultery, fornication, homosexuality and then take a look at exaggeration, concealment and bearing false witness.

To be continued.