May 152014

We’ve written a few posts her about psychotic El Dorado County DA Vern Pierson who has been prosecuting political enemies. If you’ve ever met Pierson in person, his dead fish handshake should leave a permanent memory.

Ray Nutting yesterday was found not guilty on all Felony charges brought against him over botched paperwork.

Yes, the jury hung on one count on a 5-7 vote and the rest were shot down. This is a humiliating defeat for Vern Pierson.

Note that Nutting did get convicted of Misdemeanor counts related to asking for help for bail money – which would have never happened had Pierson not gone on a psychotic rampage. Any of us would have asked for help – but apparently, a county supervisor can’t ask county employees or people with business at the county for help.

It is too bad that Vern’s opponent for DA is a loser.

We had blogged here that the prosecution of Nutting may well have been tainted by a tainted grand jury. The grand jury recommendation was the excuse Vern Pierson used to prosecute two other political opponents.

Conservative Mugs 970×250

The man is out of control and it is too bad the judge could not torch him for this malicious prosecution.

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