Greg Janda Mailer #2 hits – looks like mailer #1 with a twist

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Oct 302010

Greg Janda has run an aggressive campaign for City Council.

As I have said before – I like Greg, I think he has made a couple mistakes, but for a first campaign has done well.

He has raised enough money to buy the California Voter Guide for $3k. He has also been able to send out two mailers.

In addition if you check your “junk mail” he’s had two inserts in that as well. Not a bad showing at all.

The second mailer incorporates the Male Chauvanist Sacramento Bee endorsement in it. (I can’t help myself – the Bee sucks and if they ever endorsed me, I’d hide it)

It also has the Roseville Cops and Fire – now that is a big deal. Brett Storey’s quote is shortened and there are a few stylistic changes.

This is a solid offering at 7.5 gets a B+.

Rocklin City Council Update Part 4 – Right On Daily Goes Public for Diana Ruslin

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Oct 152010

It is common knowledge amongst those “in the know” in Rocklin that I am close to Kathy Lund. Many figured I was supporting Diana Ruslin as a result.

Let me tell you, it is not that easy.

I am and always will be a fire-breathing conservative until the day I die. If I run for office – I will run as an unapologetic Conservative. This likely assures me of never getting the endorsement of the Sacramento Bee, or Gold Country Media.

Diana earned my support for a couple reasons – but let me start by explaining where I am at with the other candidates.

Aman Singh – please contact me. We’d love to get you involved in local Republican Party Politics.

Michael Murphy – please take your medication.

To the others – Like Mr. Singh – please get involved in the local party, we need you.

Mark Klang – has been a friend for several years. I completely understand his desire to serve and actually agree with more than one of his beefs regarding the decisions made at the City Council Level. I was part of the 16% that voted no on the Park Tax.

I practice an old Maxim in business – when I criticize someone or something, I always try to offer an alternative solution. Having read Mark’s literature and having spoken with him at length – I wanted to see more solutions from him.

The Placer Herald articles which basically used Mark as an attack dog to stir up controversy did not assist Mark’s image at all. Either the Herald was trying to make Mark look like he was failing his anger management courses or they were trying to promote him at the expense of Greg Janda, Diana Ruslin and Scott Yuill.

Greg Janda – not ready for Prime-Time. Yes, the $14K is impressive and shows that Mark has made a lot of friends over the years. I also respect Bill Halldin’s opinion and have had positive interactions with Brett Storey.

Greg has led with his religious right when I have seen him in public. I salute that – especially with the concerted effort by the left to exterminate faith and its’ influence from society. The anti-religious biases of many have caused several candidates I have seen try to downplay their faith.

Greg Janda should run again and I mean that – but the elementary mistakes he’s made suggest that he needs some more time to come in to his own as a “public figure”.

It would be my natural inclination to support Greg Janda or my friend Mark Klang if I had not been able to get to know Diana Ruslin.

For example, Greg Janda did not get endorsed by some of the local Moderates or the education establishment that I and the GOP Central Committee have run afoul of in the past.

(If I run for Rocklin City Council – this will be my primary baggage)

In fact- one of Diana Ruslin’s primary supporters is Peter Hill. Hill left the Republican Party because he felt stung over the Central Committee endorsing Ed Rowen and David Nelson over him in 2008.

As it relates to this election: So What.

If I run for Rocklin City Council – I’ll meet with as many stakeholders as I can. If they endorse me, they will be endorsing me right-wing and all. If they don’t, they don’t.

Diana met with all kinds of people  and they all fell like matchsticks.

Now, why is that? Is it because Diana is a squish? Nope.

Will Diana raise taxes? Not likely.

Will Diana actively oppose Charter Schools? Not Likely.

Is it because Peter Hill Controls her and got the good ‘ol boys to endorse?

I’ve heard it all.

I believe that Diana Ruslin has been attacked as being a puppet of Peter Hill – because she is female. When I shredded the Sacramento Bee for their patronization of Ruslin – chauvinism was the overriding theme.

You’d think with Carly Fiorina and Meg Whitman bearing the standard for the GOP in California that people would get over it. Women in office are here to stay.

Diana Ruslin is the real deal – take it from this fire-breathing Conservative. She has universal appeal because of who she is – not because of who she’s affiliated with.

I wrote previously that when I look in to the eyes of Scott Yuill, I see an honest man.

If this blog curries any influence with your decisions of who to vote for – then please join in voting for Diana Ruslin and Scott Yuill.

Rocklin City Council Update Part 3 – Bash Yuill, Bash Yuill and Quote Mark Klang a Lot

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Oct 152010

Scott Yuill. The Boogie Man – arguably the most conservative member of the Rocklin City Council (by voting record)… gets used like a rag doll at the beginning of Placer Heard Hatchet Job #2.

First off – Mark Klang suggested that the $100 Scott Yuill took from a supervisor at A-P Recology looked like a bribe.

Dutifully, the Placer Herald cat pan liner that was on my driveway quoted that screed – but then the next paragraph wrote:

During an August public hearing, Yuill tabled the proposed garbage fee increase measure until after the election because he needed more information on how much other cities are charged for their garbage collection. City staff recommended the fee increase.

If I was the donor expecting a return on investment – I’d be angry.

Then the next part illustrates the absurdity of the second Placer Herald Cat Pan Liner Story in its’ entirety:

Yuill also accepted $100 from SureWest, a Rocklin cable subscriber, who was recently impacted by a cable franchise fee increase passed by the Rocklin City Council. Cable companies like Wave, have been publicly against the measure because it raises money for the city at the expense of their customers. Scott Yuill voted no.

Scott Yuill just got lit up for opposing a Cable tax and for delaying a vote on a fee increase for trash collection!? It sounds eerily like Roger Niello (who voted for the largest tax increase in state history) attacking Ted Gaines for being fiscally irresponsible!?

Like I have written several times – this election cycle has been bizarre.

The Placer Herald wasn’t done – it is as if Scott Yuill and Diana Ruslin have become John Doolittle. I have written about the obsession Gold County Media had with trying to destroy Doolittle many times.

Evidence – they nitpick the donations Ruslin took from Family outside of California. They started the article basically reciting Mark Klang’s litany against Scott Yuill, focusing on $200 out of nearly $15,000.

With respect to my dear friend Kathy Lund, I don’t care about Greg Janda’s business being in San Jose’ –

What I DO care about is Janda talking about relocating businesses to Rocklin. Then that DOES make Janda’s business location an issue.I don’t see it is an integrity issue – I see it as a Greg Janda didn’t think his platform through issue.

If I run for Rocklin City Council – I hope my business being in Roseville is not an issue… in fact, I’d probably say we need to attract more businesses to the area and hopefully Rocklin gets its’ fair share… (as I will still be in an office lease for 4 more years)

Two notes to Janda – do not label Ruslin establishment and re-phrase the attracting business to Rocklin sentence and you’ll be fine. Otherwise, you look desperate and like you’re playing fast and loose with the truth.

Quoting the Placer Herald:

Just because there is a lack of money, doesn’t mean there is a lack of support,” Klang said. “I have volunteers who can’t afford to donate money, but they want to walk precincts and make phone calls for me. If we win, we’ll prove to the city that you can run a grass-roots campaign and win without spending $10,000 to $15,000 like the other candidates.

To Mark Klang – you are Mark Klang, and only you can be Mark Klang. If your message gets traction – then you would become my political hero.

TO BE Continued

Rocklin City Council Race Update Part 2 – Who is the “Establishment?”

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Oct 142010

I get it. Greg Janda got flustered because Mark Klang laid down the gauntlet, rightly criticizing the Rocklin City Council’s decisions on some issues.

Recently, I found myself at the lunch table with a couple of Tea Party leaders… finally able to answer some of the myriad slander from earlier this year. But, the most recent installment where I was accused of trying to Rig a CRA endorsement of Ted Gaines for $4,000 triggered the meeting.

As I was explaining that I am not in control of who the Placer County Central Committee endorses… I found myself answering a question as to why I held “so much sway” over the committee!

I was explaining the concept of getting out in the community and getting to know the Todd Lowells, Scott Yuills, my long-standing relationship with Kathy Lund, John Allard, Kirk Uhler and a host of others…

… and it hit me. The rage against government is so pervasive that anyone who engages in the usual methods of networking, building relationships with stakeholders and community service is viewed with disdain.

That gets me back to the Tea Party meeting. (link to article)

Greg Janda – despite having some strong endorsements from local power brokers found himself on the spot. I know how he felt… I never thought I would be viewed with suspicion for having a lot of friends in local politics.

Janda Fumbled.

Diana Ruslin had a great comeback: “I am not the ‘establishment candidate,’ but I  am established in the community,” Ruslin said.  “I have a long, successful record of community service.  I feel my established record and commitment makes me the most viable candidate for the Rocklin City Council.”

Scott Yuill had a decent, yet defensive response.

Quoting the Herald: Klang compared Rocklin to the city of Bell that recently had its mayor, city manager and city council members arrested and indicted for corruption associated with their own city salaries.

The big winner of the Tea Party Meeting was Mark Klang if you track the way the Placer Herald wrote up the story.

Klang’s campaign is a longshot because he has only raised about $1500. I know Mark has a fair number of volunteers (I call them his “wingmen” in honor of his military service)…

… but anger alone does not win.

Voters are going to have to sort through some things:

Is Scott Yuill establishment or not – does he deserve to be lynched as a “boogie man”?

Is Diana Ruslin’s pedigree of Community Service compelling or does it suggest she is a “boogie man”?

Does the fact that Greg Janda has almost raised as much money as “boogie man” Scott Yuill make him a “boogie man”, too?

And does all this talk of “boogie men” cause Mark Klang to walk in to winning?

All this and I am sure the Sacramento Bee is still pissed that a Conservative Republican Woman is A) a leading Candidate for office and B) out of the kitchen…

To Be Continued

Rocklin City Council Race Update Part 1: Newspaper Coverage of Tea Party Gathering

 Diana Ruslin, Greg Janda, Rocklin City Council Race, Scott Yuill  Comments Off on Rocklin City Council Race Update Part 1: Newspaper Coverage of Tea Party Gathering
Oct 142010

First off – there are a ton of Angry voters out there looking for a “boogie man”. And, for the first time in my political life – I personally had to endure smears and personal attacks that were lies. This is far different than my attacking Tim Herman or David Larson for being liberals – they are.

What I am referring to is Karen England branding myself, George and Tom Hudson the boogie men and in a personal thirst for revenge presenting us as such to local Tea Party groups. It will take quite a while before many of these folks we should otherwise be aligned with will trust.

Despite Karen England’s personal crusade – I won a seat on the Placer GOP Central Committee despite a hotly contested race. There are a lot of people interested in the political process that were not before and a charlatan like Karen England can sucker them in.

Now Rocklin.

There are no charlatans running in Rocklin… just an incredibly bizarre dynamic and up until last week, a boring race.

You see – the overriding theme of the Placer Hearld article was a few anecdotes of Tea Party Members attending the convention in search of the “establishment”.

Enter Scott Yuill – the first term council member and punching bag. I support Scott Yuill because when I look at him, I look in to the eyes of an honest man – not a “boogie man”… and at the candidate forum Scott was forced in to the following Quote:

…“I voted against the cable franchise fee increase, voted against the crash tax,” Yuill said. “I had nothing to do with the fake rocks – that was well before I was on the council.”

Yuill pointed out that some city employees work out of modular buildings and said the city has “no waste here.”…

Now why was that? Because it was open season on Diana Ruslin and Scott Yuill… Whether Greg Janda intended to or not, he pretty much saddled up on them both.

Here’s the deal – Greg is not a dishonest man. Brett Storey is not either.

However, both of them are in a position where the only distinction they can cast is trying to present Diana Ruslin as a puppet or a “Good ‘Ol Boy”.

Well, the fat-assed male chuavinist liberals on the Sacramento Bee set that ablaze. (can you tell I am still hot over that one?)

I never thought the day would come where networking in the community and getting to know people would become a negative.

Both Mark Klang who said he doesn’t accept endorsements and Greg Janda chided Yuill/Ruslin for their endorsement lists. Greg Janda quoted by the paper as saying:

“Mr. Klang (prior to the forum) has described me as part of the establishment,” Janda said. “He’s the only one in town that believes that. Before I entered the race, the establishment had selected their candidate – Diana Ruslin.”

I got news for Greg. I am considered part of the establishment as well – this despite the fact that I have been setting people on fire for raising taxes, endorsing Democrats and the like for years. Ask Peter Hill, Todd Lowell, Greg Dailey, Brett Storey and Steve Paul – they have all been on the receiving end of my blogging…

To Be Continued