Oct 182012

There is a reason why I have been hammering the Lincoln Tea Party. They are one of the last remaining hold-out groups that had been co-opted by Team LaMalfa.

The Nevada County Tea Party has awakened. The Auburn Tea Party has awakened. Both had been engaged in a dispute with Ken Campbell who left active Placer GOP politics for National Tea Party Politics.

Ken Campbell, however is still a part of the Lincoln Tea Party Group. Campbell and the four others are reputed to be supporting the slate of liberal anti Pro-8, Pro-Choice Republicans that are angling to take over the Placer GOP.

This effort is the latest in a long string of Team LaMalfa’s efforts to exact revenge on people that supported Rick Keene.

They engaged in similar efforts in the Redding Area. Erin Ryan is a “Tea Party Leader” in Redding – she is also on the payroll of Doug LaMalfa. Erin Ryan has manipulated / “led” the Redding Tea Party for a number of years.

With the recent revelations about the blatant hypocracy of Doug LaMalfa – there is a full-scale revolt against Doug LaMalfa.

Attached is a flyer from a Tea Party Member. It is pretty brutal.

It features a real-estate for sale sign on the top of it.

It is a slam on Doug LaMalfa and all of his political allies. But the really important part is that  the paper empire of Tea Parties that Team LaMalfa co-opted is falling apart further. There is also a Doug LaMalfa scandal site linked by this blog that was made by a Tea Party member up there as well.

… we have not heard the last of this.

Deep Inside Nielsen Country – Tehama County Columnist Whacks “Career Politician” Jim Nielsen

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Sep 292012

Jim Nielsen has infested office for a total of 16 years.

The Red Bluff Daily News (Tehama County) ran a column today lighting Doug LaMalfa and Jim Nielsen up for “colluding” on Doug LaMalfa’s “resignation” and attempted coronation of Jim Nielsen.

“At least two things stand out. First, why are he and LaMalfa so closely tied together? It was clearly a coordinated effort when LaMalfa resigned from the State Senate and almost simultaneously Nielsen launched his campaign to replace him? A similar thing happened when LaMalfa left the Assembly and Nielsen announced his candidacy for that.”

The column goes on to rail on Jim Nielsen for deceptive ads (imagine that, another Dave Gilliard client with deceptive ads…)

“Well, look at his track record. If Nielsen wins, this will be the second time he will be in the State Senate; he served from 1978 to 1990 when he was defeated by a fresh face in the Democratic Party. Then he ran for the State Assembly when Assemblyman Doug LaMalfa finished his six years in the Assembly and ran for the State Senate. That pretty much fits the description of a career Sacramento politician.”

… and the column also revives the issue of how Jim Nielsen does not actually live in Gerber, the same issue that the Tehama DA (who is a rabid Nielsen supporter) will not investigate.

It is interesting, really – Doug LaMalfa made it through but now there is a full-scale revolt brewing all over the district. Getting force fed garbage is making the patient start to upchuck.

Sep 282012

Get Ready folks. Jim Nielsen has a long history as an officeholder.

The previous expose’ I did on Jim Nielsen was based on a couple of Sacramento Bee articles.

I recently obtained a copy of a 12-page expose’ done on Senator Jim Nielsen by the Chico News and Review. The date of the expose’ was October 1990. This expose that was accurate was one of the main reasons why Jim Nielsen was defeated by challenger Mike Thompson for State Senate in 1990.

Given that I have been following Jim Nielsen’s demonstrated pattern of duplicity on Water, his participation in the attempt to gut the California GOP Platform and the like – I had some expectations for what I would see in the CN&R expose’. Nothing could really prepare me for what I was going to see in this article.

Here is a summary – again, heavily citing the article:

Jim Nielsen pocketed over $70,000 (in 1980’s dollars) of Honoraria (aka Speaking “fees”) while in office. The donors listed included many with legislation before the Sacramento Government.

Jim Nielsen took a salary from a pesticide manufacturer during the entire time he was in the State Senate – he used his office to successfully lobby the state board of water resources to do nothing about pesticide runoffs coming out of Northern California Rice Farms.

Jim Nielsen started taking a salary from a pesticide manufacturer in Woodland – while using his office to successfully lobby against efforts to address pesticide runoff by the water resources board many times. While I disagree with the CN&R’s leftist editorial bent in favor of the onerous current laws – the point here is that Nielsen had a grotesque conflict of interest and was 100% wrong as it appeared he was getting paid directly to intervene to stop efforts to clean up the Sacramento River.

Jim Nielsen appears to have paid his second wife $75,000 in “consulting fees” in order to artificially reduce his income to get out from under a messy divorce settlement related to the failure of his 17-year marriage to wife one. While the previously written about Sacramento Bee articles alluded to it, the CN&R went in to graphic detail (so will I later).

Jim Nielsen lobbied for and got approval of a state grant in 1987 of $500,000. Most of it went to construct a Co-generation plant in Williams that he had a financial interest in. Apparently, writing bills to benefit themselves is something Doug LaMalfa and Jim Nielsen have in common.

In 1990 after his divorce from wife #2, Jim Nielsen was sued by a business partner in the aforementioned power plant. He was accused of double-dealing and a conflict of interest. Nielsen’s attorney withdrew and submitted legal documents stating that Jim Nielsen owed him over $13,000 in unpaid legal fees.

From 1989-1990 – Nielsen is alleged to have been using his employees on State Payroll to do campaign work.

Jim Nielsen got caught declaring under penalty of Perjury that his residence at the time was in Rohnert Park. On documents related to the above mentioned Lawsuit, Neilsen listed his address as being in Woodland. Woodland was outside the Senate District that Jim Nielsen infested at the time and is also outside the current SD-04 district.

The Right On Daily blog will unpack each of the above issues in detail in the coming days – so that voters can be better informed about “Conservative Rancher” Jim Nielsen from Woodland.

Jim Nielsen Loses Glenn GOP Endorsement

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Sep 212012

There is a by-product of the slow awakening that the North State has had to Conservative Fraud Doug LaMalfa.

Groups of people once beholden to Doug LaMalfa aren’t anymore.

LaMalfa’s attempt to anoint Jim Nielsen is the latest in a string of things Doug LaMalfa has done that have caused the dress to come off the pig (so to speak).

While the ignorant focus on LaMalfa saving the taxpayers $2million on a special election – those same people have permanent memory loss over LaMalfa’s $5million in farm welfare checks.

They also seem to ignore Jim Nielsen’s record of playing lets’ make a deal with everything important in the State.

However, the group of siccophants is shrinking. Glenn County is the heart of LaMalfa country. All the “Cow Counties” on the Northern I-5 Corridor are where LaMalfa / Nielsen are the strongest. In fact, team LaMalfa cleaned out several of those Central Committees of dissenters.

However, Doug LaMalfa’s own glass jaw seems to have cost Jim Nielsen a Cent Com endorsement he should have gotten.

When Doug LaMalfa had a confrontation with an 85-year old woman because he did not like an editorial critical of his “resignation” posted on the window of the Glenn GOP HQ, (because they rightly saw it for what it was) Doug LaMalfa set in motion a chain of events in Glenn County where the activists there started to reconsider.

There are also the issues that Jim Nielsen campaigns on one side of – yet acts on the other side of:

It is common knowledge amongst insiders in the far north state that Jim Nielsen negotiated Dam removals in to the Arnold Water Bond. (A copy of said bond language is coming soon)

Jim Nielsen did indeed support the peripheral canal – George Deukmejian’s Version – but Nielsen fought against Jerry Brown’s Version.

Nielsen’s team are quick to call anyone a liar that makes the above assertions.

There are some counties that don’t care – Shasta, which is run by a small oligarchy that has been there since the beginning of time and Tehama – where Jim Nielsen’s alleged residence is.

It should tell the reader everything they need to know – the counties with true activists that are independent minded are endorsing Dan Logue.

Glenn is coming out from under the long influence of LaMalfa – they voted 10-6 in favor of Logue… 2 votes short of the 2/3. Nielsen should have had this one in the bag and he could not even get a simple majority.

Jim Nielsen continues to run from behind.