CA-11: The McNerney Cleansing is not complete (Hint: Waters Cash)

 CA-11 Race, David Harmer, Jerry McNerney  Comments Off on CA-11: The McNerney Cleansing is not complete (Hint: Waters Cash)
Aug 092010

Maxine Waters – she makes Barbara Boxer look well-behaved.

Jerry McNerney – rode in to office by assassinating the character of Richard Pombo. McNerney made the money Pombo got from Jack Abramoff in to a major campaign issue.

Maxine Waters has determined to make her ethics trial as painful as possible for the Democrat Party. She must be angry that her friends in the media could not keep the lid on anymore. That’s how it works when you’re a Dem. You stay in office years after getting caught.

To this date, Democrat members of Congress have returned $673K in dirty Rangel money. (A small portion of that is Maxine Waters Cash)

Here sits Jerry McNerney – that paragon of ethics. Whoops! $21k from Rangel, but he returned it. (only after getting lit up over it by the way)

Proof that McNerney didn’t really mean it? – he still has $1,000 from Maxine Waters.

It is dramatic irony isn’t it that Nancy Pelosi’s pet empty uniform has not stood up to question the ethics of his own party? One should not be suprised – the so-called Blue Dog McNerney votes with Nancy Pelosi 98.5% of the time.

Closing time, tin soldier… are you going to return the $1K from Waters or does it really not matter to you?

It comes around – the ethics monster is poised to take a chunk out of McNerney, and none to soon for the water starved farmers and the abused residents of the 11th Congressional District.

CA-11 Update – RightOnDaily Endorses David Harmer for CA-11

 CA-11 Race, David Harmer, Jerry McNerney  Comments Off on CA-11 Update – RightOnDaily Endorses David Harmer for CA-11
Aug 082010

Jerry McNerney.

A left-wing cylon that would be on the fringe of any district. But – what makes McNerney worse is that he is an empty military uniform that ran for office on a platform of “I’m a Veteran” and “Pombo is corrupt”.

Guess what? Pombo never came close to getting indicted and John Doolittle was exhonerated.

Now McNerney has a four-year track record of screwing the military, raising taxes, promoting socialism and moral values that belong in a psychological manual as opposed to in mainstream society.

Very simple.

David Harmer = lower taxes. Jerry McNerney = Higher Taxes.

David Harmer = less government. Jerry McNerney = socialized healthcare, tax payer-funded abortion and government takeover of industry.

David Harmer = values. Jerry McNerney = 100% record from NARAL, high ratings from LGBT groups and the ACLU.

Now who’s the extremist?

If you want a return to common sense – David Harmer is it. Jerry McNerney has distinguished himself as being the incumbent Congressional Politician who is way on the fringe.

Need more? Mcnerney has served his master Nancy Pelosi well – 98.5% of the time he has done her bidding.

Meantime – the Delta Smelt still gets precedence over the farmers of the Central Valley.

Jun 132010

Harmer won the GOP Primary – get over it.

Jerry McNerney is a Cylon Robot – voting with Pelosi 98.5% of the time.

McNerney voted for Cap and Trade energy tax

McNerney voted to destroy our healthcare system

McNerney opposes border security

McNerney has done nothing to address the Delta Smelt judge that took the water away from the central valley – but he did vote with George Miller to help the bay area.

David Harmer will represent a return to sanity for the voters of CD-11. While Harmer may never forgive the whuppin his opponents put on him in the primary – it pales in comparison to the lies and smears McNerney’s hardened team of Left-Wing Cylons have in store.

Get ready David – let’s hope you have a nice stone in your sling.

I would strongly encoruage the Harmer Camp to get as many people from the other camps as they can on to the team to diversify the support asap.