AD-09 Update: Richard Pan Wants to Be Your Mommy and Daddy

 AD-09 Race, Richard Pan, Tony Amador  Comments Off on AD-09 Update: Richard Pan Wants to Be Your Mommy and Daddy
Nov 012012

Richard Pan thinks you should be forced by the state to have vaccinations irregardless of your view on the matter.

I wonder if he wants to force Muslims to drink alcohol and eat bacon, too?

What Richard Pan targeted with AB2179 was narrowing the definition of qualification for a personal belief exemption from having to have a child immunized before starting school.

Richard Pan also took about $175,000 in campaign cash from Doctors, Medical Companies and Pharmaceutical Companies as well! Cozy.

The refusers – a group of anti-vaccination activists had a thorough expose’ on what Richard Pan did.

And, this continues the pattern of Richard Pan who uses government to enforce his idea of what life should be in America and his pattern of writing bills to benefit himself and the medical industry at the expense of freedom.


AD-09 Update: Inside the Mind of Richard Pan

 AD-09 Race, Richard Pan, Tony Amador  Comments Off on AD-09 Update: Inside the Mind of Richard Pan
Oct 302012

Since Richard Pan is not heard from much in Public – you have to judge what is in his mind by the actions he takes.

He has had some really interesting votes that show how far to the left he really is!

Richard Pan voted yes on SB 1366 which would have turned crime victims into criminals if they failed to report lost or stolen guns within 48 hours.  Talk about blaming the victim! This bill was so bad that it got Vetoed!

Pan also supported SB 1455 which would have prevented the expiration of numerous taxes, fees, and surcharges until 2023.  The revenues would be squandered on hare-brained, counter-productive, special interest schemes, such as hydrogen fueling stations for hydrogren vehicles that do not exist. SB1455 was ultimately defeated in the Senate as even the Democrats in the State Senate realized that this bill would be a train wreck!

Maybe Richard Pan was thinking about how to fund some of the bills he was writing to benefit himself?

Richard Pan has done his part to expand the state deficit and to further the ridiculous unemployment in this state – rumored to be over 20% still (when you include people whose benefits have expired and those that are underemployed or have given up trying)…

Where are all those jobs you promised Richard?


AD-09 Update: Richard Pan Promotes Socialized Medicine

 AD-09 Race, Richard Pan, Tony Amador  Comments Off on AD-09 Update: Richard Pan Promotes Socialized Medicine
Oct 282012

I wonder if Pan supports the “Death Panels” that Obamacare includes. I thought doctors were supposed to have some sort of code for their patients.

Richard Pan answered a questionnaire from the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health. It provides a window in to the Doctor’s mind:

… fighting for the establishment of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program and later its re-authorization, and opposing efforts to cut or cap the Healthy Families program in California…

Got all that – fights against budget cuts or limits to social welfare programs, and proudly proclaims his support for socialized medicine even though that has been rejected several times by voters in California…

Q2: In the past decade, Californian voters have consistently ranked children and child-related issues as a top priority, yet state programs that support children frequently lack adequate resources to fulfill their missions. If elected, what steps would you take to make the health and well being of children a higher priority in California?
PAN: The health and well-being of children will be one of my highest priorities as a legislator. As a pediatrician and child advocate, I see first hand how children and their families often bear the brunt of state budget cuts. I also bring a knowledge and expertise on children’s health that does not currently exist in the legislature. I have worked with many child advocates, both locally and in the state, to support families in helping their children reach their potential. As a legislator, I am eager to seek solutions to adequately supporting state programs for children and to build partnerships to improve the effectiveness and reach of services for children.

Allow me to translate – as  a Doctor, I support the government raising our children and I will write legislation that gets public funds in to the pockets of my fellow doctors. I will fight against budget cuts or limits on spending no matter how far underwater the state is. Finally, my vision for healthcare in the state of California is for it to be government-run and the parents removed as far away from the healthcare decisions of their children as possible.

Richard Pan’s pattern of using government to benefit himself – then using government to take a larger role in our healthcare should scare the heck out of everyone…

AD-09 Update: Richard Pan Enjoys the Perks of Office

 AD-09 Race, Richard Pan, Tony Amador  Comments Off on AD-09 Update: Richard Pan Enjoys the Perks of Office
Oct 262012

California is $60 Billion in the hole if you listed to Controller Chiang.

Richard Pan is getting his part of it for sure. He got the taxpayers to pay for his “move” from Natomas to Pocket as he had to move in order to run for the new AD-09.

The Sacramento Bee highlighted how Richard Pan is going to take per-diem after all. And the money quote is here:

Asked about his decision to accept per diem, Pan said, “I think the rationale is that I have to maintain two places of residence. I know that we’re all trying to work things out.”

Pan said that he now lives in the Pocket area but continues to make mortgage payments for his North Natomas house.

“The current financial situation, unfortunately, makes it difficult to sell the other place,” he said. “As you know, housing prices are still falling even now in Sacramento.”

Run for office, get the taxpayers to make your second house payment!

Most of the legislators that live close enough to the capitol to walk to it don’t take per-diem!

Where are the Jobs, Richard? Oh, wait – there are more bills to write…


AD-09 Update: Richard Pan Serving His Constituency of the few

 AD-09 Race, Richard Pan, Tony Amador  Comments Off on AD-09 Update: Richard Pan Serving His Constituency of the few
Oct 252012

Everyone knows Richard Pan is a Doctor.

The Doctors have several lobbies and most of their money goes to Democrats. They generally lobby for a larger share of the socialized medicine pie.

Richard Pan has been their champion…

While the state budget is a train-wreck and unemployment is continuing to get worse, Pan is slopping at the government trough for his fellow doctors.

AAP-CA cosponsors AB 301 authored by Assembly Member Richard Pan, MD, FAAP, to support the California Children’s Services (CCS) program Assembly Member Richard Pan, MD, FAAP, newly-elected pediatrician legislator, yesterday introduced his first bill, AB 301. AAP-CA joins with the Children’s Specialty Care Coalition in sponsoring this important legislation. AB 301 would permit CCS services to be paid fee-for-service until 2018, rather than being incorporated into Medi-Cal managed care beginning next year, with uncertain reimbursement under capitation. AB 301 will thus help to preserve a system of care that protects roughly 185,000 California children with serious and chronic health conditions such as congenital heart disease, spina bifida, cancer, cleft palate, premature birth, and other life-threatening conditions. Passage of AB 301 is a necessary step in our larger effort to address the persistent under-reimbursement of those who provide services to California’s children with special health care needs, and the related restriction in access. As AB 301 moves through the process, we will keep you updated on opportunities for action.

Richard Pan carried legislation to make sure that several welfare programs were spared cuts while he supported AB109 – the dangerous “realignment” bill that transferred thousands of hardened criminals to county facilities and will ultimately allow thousands to go free.

It’s called priorities. Richard Pan’s are clear – release criminals, add to the budget deficit and certainly forget about all those jobs he promised to create.