Jul 112018

Back in 2008, we had a 5 Republican Board of Supervisors in Placer County. By 2012, it was 2.

In 2018, a motion to oppose Sanctuary State died for lack of a second, why did that happen? (note that the local media are celebrating it’s demise)

IN 2010, the Late Rocky Rockholm was up for Re-Election. Jack Duran, a School Board Trustee ran against him and was not found on the campaign trail. Duran in person is combative and was not a good candidate. So, the Democrat operatives running his campaign put him on ice and made the whole campaign about Rocky Rockholm’s taking a plane trip at the cost of $8,000 to return to vote on a project in North Lake Tahoe called the 3-lane hybrid.

They took Highway 28 in North Lake Tahoe and reduced it from a 4 lane expressway with no turn lanes to a 2 lane highway with roundabouts and a center turn lane.

Rockholm lost 100% because people cared more about the Plane Ticket than any other issue.

District 5 Supervisor Bruce Kranz had beaten the far-left Rex Bloomfield in 2004. Kranz went ballistic over the 3 Lane Hybrid Project and a lot of the animosity over that episode carried forward in to 2008. Bloomfield recruited Jennifer Montgomery, herself a Bernie Sanders type of Democrat to run for Supervisor and she won.

In the meantime Jim Holmes, a lifelong Democrat, turned Republican beat Alice Dowdin in 2004 for Supervisor. During 2011. Jim Holmes un-registered as a Republican and went DTS because he was upset with the County Party for consistently opposing Bonds and Parcel Taxes that local government are fond of floating.

So, just like that in 2010, 5 Republicans. In 2013, 2.

Worse, no one opposed Duran for Re-election in 2014. Now, in 2018, Duran was drubbed by 22 points by Bonnie Gore… who will not be sworn in until December 2018.

Holmes has been opposed both times he has run for re-election, but not by anyone serious. In 2016, Montgomery drew no serious opposition as 5 people filed against her.

Robert Weygant is the dean of the Board of Supervisors. He is a moderate / liberal Republican. He knew that the Sanctuary State Resolution did not have 3 votes, so he did not see fit to second Kirk Uhler’s motion to oppose the Sanctuary State. In his mind, there was no upside to taking a position sure to fail.

Robert Weygant is one of the breed of Republicans that Chad Mayes / John Kasich / Arnold are trying to promote. He has been in office since 1994 and on most all county issues has voted with Conservatives.

This leaves us with Kirk Uhler, the son of Lew Uhler, Placer County’s lone Conservative (at least until Bonnie Gore is sworn in) Supervisor.

The sad irony is that several within the Placer GOP’s Central Committee supported a liberal Bay Area transplant against Mr. Uhler in 2016. I’d lay odds they will leave Uhler alone in 2020 and go after Holmes and Montgomery. (One would hope)

Kirk Uhler is the one supervisor pictured without a “hat” on.

Aug 082016

This was printed in the Sierra Sun – the local progressive rag in the Tahoe-Truckee Area. It kind of says it all.

Recently I read the Sierra Sun opinion column, “Lake Tahoe is in need of progressive change — and soon,” dated May 30 about the need for progressive change in our region.

I could not agree more. Many of the issues mentioned by Heidi Hill Drum (of the Tahoe Prosperity Center) and Darcie Goodman Collins (of the League to Save Lake Tahoe) apply to the Village at Squaw Valley redevelopment project.

These two community leaders said: “Redevelopment — the effort to rebuild and renovate in the already-developed urban centers of each of Tahoe’s communities — can foster the conditions for businesses that provide year-round jobs at better wages and better housing in more attractive neighborhoods.”

I support well-designed and thought out redevelopment. I believe the Village at Squaw Valley project is a plan we as a community should support.

Over 90 percent of the Village is in-fill redevelopment on existing asphalt parking lots. That asphalt is the first “filter” for water going into the Squaw Valley aquifer — certainly we can do better than that.

The Village plan includes installation of best management practices that will begin to treat stormwater from the minute it hits the roofs. New wells in Squaw Valley will ensure reliable water supplies, the rehabilitation of Squaw Creek is a great idea, and the park and bike trails are needed amenities we’ll all enjoy.

While we might not agree on how many lodging units is the correct number, we should support new, updated, energy-efficient lodging that will attract visitors — those same visitors many of us are dependent upon for our livelihood.

I think most of us would agree that the significant investment in transit and transportation improvements promised with the new Village works toward a new way to experience our region. Not any one redevelopment will solve our transit woes, but each and every improvement will help.

I’ve watched the changes in the plan over the years it’s been in the process, and I think we’re now at a place that’s just about right for our region.

I urge the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors to approve the Village at Squaw Valley and move it forward. It’s time to accelerate environmental redevelopment and understand the status quo is threatening the viability of our future.

Alex Mourelatos is a Tahoe Vista resident and partner at Mourelatos Lakeshore Resort, and someone who considers himself a champion for responsible redevelopment in our region.

Recently, the Placer County Planning Commission was intimidated in to declining another project that was far more broad than just a redevelopment of an existing area. There may be more to the story about the opposition to that project – but the extreme nature of the opposition to anything that will bring economic development is clinical.

Don’t forget – they tried to incorporate a city to stop this, then threatened lawsuits – and now they are emptying the hippee commune in Nevada County and bringing more of Fred Ilfeld’s friends down from Nevada in an attempt to bully Placer County Government in to declining a project that has already been vetted environmentally and planning wise.

Ever wonder why companies don’t build in California? IF you can make it up the hill on Thursday to help support good people with a good project – please leave a comment. It won’t display publicly and I will get back to you.

(10AM Thur, the Planning Commission meets in Tahoe City)

NorCal Tea Party Update: Day 12 of their Lie and Counting

 Jennifer Montgomery, KenCampbell, Kirk Uhler, NorCal Tea Party  Comments Off on NorCal Tea Party Update: Day 12 of their Lie and Counting
Feb 222015

In case you missed it, the NorCal Tea Party lied in an email.

They accused Placer County Supervisor Kirk Uhler of single-handedly conspiring to raise our taxes. Their attack was so ill-conceived that they told people to call the Placer County Board of Supervisors.

The NorCal Tea Party could not even attack the right government entity in their lie! The PCTPA is looking at ways to fund much-needed Road improvements in Placer, not the Board of Supes!

The attack was so absurd that liberal Democrat Jennifer Montgomery went to the most recent Auburn Meddlers meeting and set the record straight. That’s correct – a liberal Democrat told the truth and the NorCal Tea Party lied.

Something about that has to be unconstitutional.

Undaunted – the NorCal Tea Party has dug their heels in. They, like so many other tea parties have determined that even conceding one detail of their attack would be akin to getting captured by ISIS.

At the recent Placer GOP Central Committee Meeting NorCal Tea Party leader Ken Campbell repeated the lie again, including reiterating that it is the Placer County Board of Supervisors promoting the tax.

I wonder if the NorCal Tea Party knows about the 12 year old resentment that Ken Campbell has against Kirk Uhler – Campbell was making unilateral decisions as Chairman of the Placer GOP back then and Cent Com Members Kirk Uhler, Kathy Lund and others called him on it. Ken has never forgiven any of them and has been on a personal vendetta ever since. I doubt anyone in the NorCal Tea party would care if they knew, since the facts don’t matter.

Another Tea Party member of the inept and useless Placer GOP Central Committee asked the question about recruiting Republicans to run against other Republicans in office. (So there’s your context for Ken Campbell’s lie)

If the NorCal Tea Party uses this lie to go after local Republican Electeds (which I believe they will), you read it here first. They will lose and they will lose their credibility forever. But, heck, they will never have to apologize or retract their lie, will they?

… and people wonder why someone as far to the right as I am can’t stand the Tea Party? It was never their principles, it is many in their leadership and the libertarian anarchy that seems to have taken over. The Tea Party refuses to police themselves and in many areas are useless agents of chaos. Only they can stop being stupid – day 12 and counting.

Do I think they will ever retract their lie? Nope – some of the brain-surgeons in their group still think the FBI was investigating my Brother for Embezzlement (It has been 4 1/2 years since the alleged visit to Karen England’s House, btw)

P.S. Thank you Jennifer Montgomery for being an honest liberal and standing up for the truth.

It’s Official: Pam Tobin is Owned by the Unions

 Anyone But Montgomery, Jennifer Montgomery, Pam Tobin, Placer Sup D5 Race  Comments Off on It’s Official: Pam Tobin is Owned by the Unions
May 222012

The headline reads: Pam Tobin will “reduce Worker Furloughs and Increase Staffing in Placer (County)”.

This should be music to local 39’s ears and any other unions that have bought and control the Spendocrat party in California. The budget is out the door all the way.

The big loser here is Jack Duran – the so-called “Moderate” Democrat is outed as being “pro-worker” by Pam Tobin. I guess that $10k from the AFL-CIO really did buy a supervisor (along with the assistance of Ted Gaines).

Read the attached article – it is a doozy and is a very honest look in to the mind of a true liberal, 100% lack of regard for fiscal reality in pursuit of an ideological agenda.

P.S. – Placer County has a surplus because jobs have been left unfilled so that furloughs can be reduced and/or eliminated at the county level all together… So Jennifer Montgomery and her doppleganger Pam Tobin even lie when kissing up to their union masters!

Vote for Mark Wright – His Name is Not Johnson.

 Anyone But Montgomery, Jennifer Montgomery, Mark Wright, Placer Sup D5 Race  Comments Off on Vote for Mark Wright – His Name is Not Johnson.
Mar 142012

Incumbent Jennifer Montgomery is a hypocrite, she is a kool-aid drinking leftie. She has infested Placer’s 5th Sup District for 4 years – she needs to go. (more on that, soon)

Mark Wright decided to step up and run against her when no one else would.

Then, the man who was trying for 3 months to find someone suddenly found someone – Jerry Johnson.

Then another guy, Rich Johnson got in – that a lot of the Auburnites know.

Then at the last minute – Gary Johnson filed for both Central Committee and Supervisor.

Got that?

Jennifer Montgomery (commie)
Jerry Johnson
Rich Johnson
Gary Johnson

Mark Wright… makes it easy to remember, doesn’t it?