Teacher’s Union to California’s Students: UP YOURS

 Andy Sheehy, Eureka Union School District, Rocklin, Teacher's Union  Comments Off on Teacher’s Union to California’s Students: UP YOURS
Jun 302011

Thanks to California Voters getting fooled by Labor Unions many times, we have our most recent situation about the Teacher’s Union.

California Voters passed Prop 98 – an onerous spending mandate for Government Schools. (California has slipped from 40th to 49th in the nation since Prop 98 Passed).

Last year – angry voters were tricked by labor unions in to passing Prop 25. In exchange for “Getting the Man”, by not paying legislators when the budget was late – the 2/3 requirement for a state budget was gutted.

So, California Voters are as much to blame as the true evil – the California Teacher’s Association. AB114, a trailer bill tacked onto this year’s majority vote state budget is pure evil.

Because of Prop 98 spending mandates – the CTA patrols the hallways of the state capitol making sure they get every last cent. There is no regard for good government or for what happens to public safety or other services, it is all about them.

The California Teachers Association has long wielded tremendous clout in state budget negotiations. It is a multimillion-dollar player in state political campaigns – and is widely expected to help fund Democratic efforts to raise taxes on the November 2012 ballot.

Another provision in the bill would make the state liable for roughly $2.1 billion in retroactive school funding if voters reject or never get the chance to vote on such a measure.

Part 1 – the CTA is going to try and fool you in to raising your taxes.
According to the Sacramento Bee Articles on the subject – beyond raping the California Taxpayer and the State Budget – the CTA also got their whores in the Capitol to tie up and gag school districts. This bill tells districts that they are forbidden to lay off any teachers in Fiscal Year 2011.
Part 2 – the CTA wants districts to go broke paying their member’s salaries and their benefits.
So Andy Sheehy in the Eureka Union School District is going to get what he wants, to have the district bankrupt itself paying off his donors.
So what Todd Lowell and others warned me about in Rocklin – that the Teacher’s Union refuses to negotiate – is now going to be 1000% worse because their whores in the state legislature have tied Lowell and other’s hands behind their back.
You know what I’ve told the School Board members I know? Impose a contract on the Teacher’s Union and make them all take a 15% pay cut and tell them to thank their union for AB114.
You don’t believe me about the teacher’s union? Take this quote from their friends in the Bee:
As previously reported, it also requires that school districts deal with a potential Mid-year “Trigger” cut by slashing school days and bus transportation rather than Teacher Jobs.
CTA to California: Screw the children, we want to get paid. And since we can write out big, fat checks, no one will get in our way.
Why the hell would anyone want to run for school board?

Eureka USD Update – Move to Put Bond or Parcel Tax on Ballot?

 Andy Sheehy, Eureka Union School District  Comments Off on Eureka USD Update – Move to Put Bond or Parcel Tax on Ballot?
Dec 122010

Declining Enrollment.

Excelsior Middle School has been fully or partially handed over to a charter school (depending on who you talk to)… new facilities built in the last 5-10 years are either unused or groosly underutilized…

… and there is a movement to post up a parcel tax or school bond.

I am sure the same people that walked precincts for and funded extreme left wing (now board member) Andy Sheehy will be out in force for this one…

Eureka School District Update: Labor Union Moonbat Andy Sheehy Calls for “Transparency”!?

 Andy Sheehy, Eureka Union School District  Comments Off on Eureka School District Update: Labor Union Moonbat Andy Sheehy Calls for “Transparency”!?
Oct 142010

In the Eureka Union School District? EUSD is tiny, it has about 10% of Roseville and almost all of Granite Bay.

The budget of the district is tiny.

Enter big spending Liberal Democrat Andy Sheehy and his union-made mailer.

First off – one of Sheehy’s supporters posted the following on his facebook page and it shows the arrogance of Sheehy:

Debate tonight isn’t even over yet and Andrew is CLEARLY the winner of the debate and he will garner the most votes on election day hands down. Was amazed, shocked, and floored at the lack of preparation by the other candidates and the quality of their skills. Again Andy…. You got this.

Like other progressive liberals – he calls for transparency. You know, he’s hiding his liberalism, democrat registration, teacher’s union support, $250 from the Democrat Party (who also removed any mention of him from their website) and his website is devoid of endorsements. (Even though Jack Duran, Homosexual activist Gary Miller and Liberal Icon Rene Aguilera are supporting him)

As to the mailer – the front side says nothing.

On the back, it attacks the current EUSD board for not being “transparent”.

Translation – The Teacher’s union wants more pay and wants to dip in to the reserves of the district to get to it.

Andy also pimps his uniform just like his idol Charlie Brown did in an attempt to fool Republicans in to supporting his campaign from a few years ago against Conservative Tax-Fighter Tom McClintock for Congress.

Sheehy runs a non-profit agency – the Placer County chapter of the MDA. Now, how did he come up with $3800 to give himself? I am sure that the salary there is not conducive to such personal magnamity… and did I mention that he recently ran for Assembly against Tax Fighter Ted Gaines?

A review of his facebook page shows several young socialists and a few people I recognize as members of the teacher’s union posting comments. This confirms reports that the Teacher’s Union is actively backing this guy.

Hide all you want Sheehy – we know who you are and we’re coming for you.