Search Results : meg whitman

Sep 102010

First of all – we have to have Steve Cooley as Attorney General. The AG’s office has been used as a Left-Wing partisan hammer by both Bill Lockyer and Jerry Brown.

Steve Cooley also has a proven track record in LA County putting criminals in jail… Kamala Harris loves Cop-Killers.

Prop 8, Prop 187 and others have been allowed to die and the AG’s office has subverted the will of the people – most recently, Jerry Brown has obsessively used his power as AG to sue to stop development.

Which brings me to Meg Whitman.

She has done one key thing that Arnold never did – she has finally enumerated a fiscal plan with some details. I still have significant issues with Meg Whitman – but, she has real-world experience and that places her head and shoulders above anyone who has run for Governor since Bill Simon.

Jerry Brown will decimate what’s left of the state period. Chelene Nightengale can’t even balance her own checkbook or herself for that matter.

Abel Maldonado – he is not Gavin Newsome. Gavin Newsome is a liar, hypocrite and in the words of State Senator Elect Doug LaMalfa, “Evil”.

Damon Dunn – a compelling candidate who is talking openly about dealing with election fraud. Debra Bowen is bought and paid for by ACORN.

Tony Strickland for Controller – maybe for the first time in 30+ years we can have someone who is not a rubber stamp of the Democrat leadership who uses their office to exacerbate the year after year budget crisis.

Mimi Walters for Treasurer – see comments about Strickland

Mike Villines for Insurance Commissioner – if you want socialized insurance vote for Dave Jones. Jones also hates insurance agents, insurance companies and small businesses – he scored a perfect 0 from the NFIB and other groups. Villines is to the right of the current Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner.

Doug LaMalfa for State Senate – he will score 100% from the CRA year after year. Need I write more?

Aug 052010

Tom McClintock warned us that Meg Whitman is the third term of Arnold. She appeared to confirm this on the John and Ken show recently.

Don’t take my word for it – listen here.

It appears that Meg Whitman does not care about her Republican base or is she taking it for granted? The best suggestion this blogger can make is for people to call her campaign office and/or email her campaign office and hold her accountable for her weak positions on Key issues.

Quoting Carla Marinucci of the SF Chron:

In the interview, Whitman said “yes” when asked if, as governor, she would layoff 40,000 state workers, admitted she was still undecided, but unlikely to support Prop. 23 on the November ballot, and strongly defended her immigration policies.

Then This:

Whitman — who has been sharply critical of the state’s climate change bill AB32 as a “job killer — said that “in all likelihood,” she will vote against Prop. 23. That measure on the November ballot would suspend AB32 until unemployment rates drop to near 5 percent for four consecutive quarters; Whitman has called for a moratorium on the bill to further study it.

To further study what!? AB32 is the largest tax increase in state history! We have the second worst unemployment rate in the country and Meg Whitman wants to study? We have three months to go before election day – there is no time to study…

Oh and Whitman’s own staffer – hired for the CRP for the “Victory 2010” effort didn’t have a clue that the state GOP endorsed YES on Prop 23 already. (Read Carla Marinucci from the SF Chron again)

… but there is plenty of time for the GOP base to abandon ship. If Whitman refuses to act like a Republican by being unafraid to stand up for soverignty and freedom from Eco-Tyranny, we’re sunk. Steve Cooley is Sunk. Damon Dunn is Sunk. Abel Maldonado is Sunk. It could also dash hopes of Fiorina taking Barbara Boxer out.

Just go home Conservatives. It’s Arnold all over again – now if it is as simple as Whitman not following her script, then her instincts are those of a Liberal Democrat.

Either way – the only way Whitman can climb out of this hole is to acknowledge that Conservatives are her base. Her appeal across the middle is financial management and economic revitalization and that AB32 is environmental extremism.

Anything else is a disaster for California – we already have a Liberal Democrat running for Governor.

Call Meg Whitman’s campaign – click here to find a list of contacts – and ask them why she is taking the Republican Party down the green drain.

It is not too late – I finish with a final quote from the SF Chron article:

And one veteran GOP strategist, speaking not for attribution, said that “lashing out at Poizner seems over the top for Meg, and pointless.” The strategist said her statements on immigration to the Latino press, combined with her stance against Prop. 23 could prompt some conservatives to believe they were “bamboozled.”
Bottom of the 9th – Meg Whitman at bat, will she step up or not?

Top 10 Reasons Why Meg Whitman Lost Her Lead

 California Governor's Race, Meg Whitman, Steve Poizner  Comments Off on Top 10 Reasons Why Meg Whitman Lost Her Lead
May 132010

I can’t help myself. Seeing the polling data and the reactions to it tells me it is real. Steve Poizner has overcome $100million dollars.

I started asking myself – self? My did Whitman’s Campaign fall apart?

10. Whitman gave $300,000 to the Environmental Defense Fund – the Group that sued to turn the water off to the Southern Central Valley in Favor of the Delta Smelt.

9. Whitman supports Taxpayer-Funded Abortion and attacked Steve Poizner for being Pro-Choice. (see also Hypocricy)

8. Whitman opposes across-the-board-tax-cuts. This puts her in the category of Thomas the Tax Engine (Tom Campbell).

7. Whitman thinks California’s Gun-Control Laws are OK.

6. Whitman waffled on the AB-32 suspension initiative (does #10 have anything to do with that?)

5. Whitman took 5 different positions on Prop 8. (She originally supported Prop 8 then tried to clarify it)

4. Whitman is tied to Goldman Sachs – like a noose.

3. Whitman really didn’t have all that money?

2. Whitman bought the Red County Blog. (Couldn’t help myself) See the payments of $20K and $15Kx3 to

1. Meg Whitman is a huge fan of Van Jones.

Steve Poizner only need two things – The California Republican Assembly Endorsement and the Endorsement of Tom McClintock.


Welcome to the Jungle Meg Whitman Part 3: 13 Days of Meg + 28 Years Never Voted Ad

 Meg Whitman, Steve Poizner  Comments Off on Welcome to the Jungle Meg Whitman Part 3: 13 Days of Meg + 28 Years Never Voted Ad
May 132010

Remember how it took Meg Whitman 13 Days to figure out whether or not she voted?

Not to worry – Millions will be reminded of it.

Click here to watch the 30 second ad from Steve Poizner about Whitman’s Failure to vote.

For months – there has been a utube video about the 13 Days it took to get Whitman to figure out when he may or may not have voted.

The 13 Days video about Whitman is 3:48 and very well done.

Apr 302010

You know, when I start to see the usual suspects come out of the woodwork for a candidate, I can almost predict what’s going to happen.

This time – they went past Scozzafava and endorsed someone with Scozzafava’s values who tried to (and in many cases did) purchase the loyalty of the Party of whom she is barely a member.

I’m sorry – I am glad I stuck with Steve, and I keep getting reminded of it. Six weeks ago, people were calling on Steve to suspend his campaign or not file… now, it is time for Whitman to suspend her campaign for the good of California. Jerry Brown will shred Whitman to pieces.

1. Tom McClintock is going to open a can of B.T.A. on the opponent of said candidate. Watch here to see Tom McClintock call Meg Whitman the third term of Arnold.

Now that Meg Whitman’s store-bought 50 point lead has evaporated… Goldman Sachs and their “Vulture Funds” are center stage. Also center stage is Meg Whitman’s participation in Stock-Spinning.

You see – Whitman’s fortune is almost 100% tied up in Goldman Sachs (except for the $300K she gave the Environmental Defense Fund)… and Goldman Sachs is front-and-center as they raked in billions from people’s misfortune in this depression we are in. That brings us to —

2. Steve Poizner just leveled the playing field on Meg Whitman. Voters will now get to see how Whitman’s fortune is an albatross and how she supported bank bailouts while Sachs — you know the rest…

I should have titled this Welcome to the Jungle Part 3 – Whitman gets “Sached”, but that might have been too nuanced.

Whitman Supports Taxpayer Funded Abortion
Whitman Supports Late-Term Abortion
Whitman Opposes Across-the-board-tax-cuts
Whitman supports open borders

So why are Ed Royce/ Kevin McCarthy Et Al supporting her? If it is for her deep pockets – arrgh, that money is now radioactive!

In addition to the 300K she donated to the environmental defense fund – Meg Whitman is a huge fan of Van Jones.