Here’s the recap on the Tour-de-Uhler vs Suzanne Jones.
Kirk Uhler’s record:
Stopped numerous proposed county fee increases
Pro-Growth Vote
Pro-Law Enforcement Vote
Helped get CA-65 Improvements Funded
Has been addressing homelessness for a decade or more
Has dealt with shortages during the recession and maintained solvency for the county
Opposed runaway spending, built strong reserve
Lone vote against Sanctuary State at board of supervisors
Recruited Bonnie Gore to run for Supervisor against Jack Duran
Led Fight Against 27% Pioneer Energy Rate Increase
Provided material aid and support to the Informed Parents of Rocklin
Kirk Uhler also raised money used to take out Rene Aguilera, David Larson and Jack Duran from local office – three activist liberal democrats
Apparently, Suzanne Jones does not like this sort of leadership from Kirk Uhler
Here’s the Tour-De-Suzanne:
2008 – Ran for Congress (Then CA-01) Against McClintock and Ose, finishing 3rd ahead of only Theodore Terbolizard in the GOP Primary (Lost)
2010 – Ran for Assembly (AD-05) Against Andy Pugno in the GOP Primary. (Lost)
2010 – Elected to Placer County Office of Education
2012 – only regular election in last 12 years Suzanne Jones was not on the ballot
2014 – Re-Elected to Placer County Office of Education (briefly ran for US Senate earlier in the year)
2016 – Ran for AD-06 against Kevin Kiley and Bill Halldin (Lost)
2018 – Re-Elected to Placer County Office of Education
2020 – Running against Kirk Uhler for Supervisor
Bonus: 2017 – applied for vacancy on San Juan Water Board.
While Suzanne Jones has spent over a decade shopping various offices, Kirk Uhler has been making a difference in Placer County.
Everyone in Local Government will verify that Kirk Uhler was the prime mover behind Bonnie Gore challenging Jack Duran. He helped her raise a ton of money as well.
It seems nonsensical that Suzanne Jones would challenge Kirk Uhler unless she wants to usher in a dem majority on the board of supervisors.
During the 2016 Assembly campaign I observed that Suzanne Jones would change her stripes to suit her audience if she believed it would help her get votes. Perhaps this is why her in lieu petitions for her current effort were circulated by some of the most notorious anti-growth democrats in Granite Bay. Perhaps this is also why she was happy to do an event with Viktor Behket and several local democrat activists.
Note: all four donors showing publicly are democrats
Just note – Suzanne Jones told Dennis Revell she was going to resign as First Vice Chair of the Placer GOP if he was ousted as Chairman, yet here she still is. Can you rely on her to be true to anything she says? It is a fair question and one I have asked watching her run for damn near anything she can file for in the 12 years she has been politically active.
Some people I know are upset that Kirk Uhler endorsed Jim Holmes – who also endorsed Kirk. The record of Uhler is unassailable. So, let’s tell a Kirk and Jim Story.
Did you know that when the final, fateful vote was to occur on Pioneer Energy’s proposed massive rate hike came down the pipe – Jim Holmes called Kirk Uhler to ask him how he was supposed to vote on the issue. With Holmes opposing the 27% rate hike, that ended the debate forever. It is because of Uhler’s relationship with his colleague that this happened. Would Suzanne Jones be able to pull this off?
Placer County has seen far less of a homeless problem than surrounding counties – Kirk Uhler’s leadership on the issue, empowering law enforcement and making sure there is extra homeless shelter space are in part the reasons why.
Placer County has lower crime than most surrounding counties – It is because of a well-managed County budget enabling solid numbers of Sheriff Deputies this has happened.
Placer County is one of few counties in California that would not be in fiscal jeopardy if there was a recession. Why? Kirk Uhler’s leadership on matters of budget and spending.
Suzanne Jones has run for major office 3 times and lost. Yet for some reason she is taking issue with Mr. Uhler’s record as a supervisor and his leadership in dealing with democrats in local office.
She has been making base personal attacks against Mr. Uhler and against his wife. Between her repeated failure, cavorting with liberal democrats and her lack of character demonstrated by bringing a candidate’s family in to the field of fire, she has proven she does not deserve serious consideration.
If you’re a resident of Placer County’s 4th Supervisory District and you like where you live and your quality of life, you value integrity in leadership and you value leadership period your choice is Kirk Uhler.
To be continued…
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