Sep 132019

Marie Waldron – are you paying attention? (assembly permanent minority leader)

Pat Bates – are you paying attention? (Bill Brough’s protector in the legislature)

Shannon Grove – are you paying attention? (Senate Permanent Minority Leader)

Madam Chairman Jessica Patterson – are you ready to stand up publicly and tell Bill Brough the CAGOP is done with his trail of destruction? Will the soon to be retired from the legislature David Stafford Reade give her some new talking points?

The Right on Daily Blog salutes the Orange County Lincoln Club for being the FIRST Republican organization to say, “Bad Billy Resign Now”. The Right On Daily Blog salutes the Orange County Lincoln Club for standing up for the victims of Bill Brough’s rampage. The OC Lincoln Club decided to lead when others waffled. 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                 CONTACT: JOHN WARNER
September, 12th 2019                                                                 (760) 807-7029


ORANGE COUNTY, CA – Today, the Board of Directors of the Lincoln Club of Orange County voted unanimously to rescind its endorsement of Bill Brough for the 73rd Assembly District.

“Serious allegations have been made against Assembly Member Brough, and the Lincoln Club takes them seriously,” said Lincoln Club of Orange County President John Warner. “One-party rule in Sacramento is bad for our state, and it’s a disaster for middle class families who are struggling in California. Republicans need strong, unencumbered leadership, undistracted by disturbing accusations about personal behavior.”

The Lincoln Club will be actively seeking alternative candidates for the 73rd Assembly district.


Founded in 1962, the Lincoln Club of Orange County is the premiere political association in Orange County. Its members are businessmen and women and professionals who are united behind the principles of limited government, free markets, and personal responsibility. For 55 years the Lincoln Club of Orange County has worked to expand freedom, opportunity, and prosperity for all.

Bill Brough is being investigated by the FPPC for nearly 100 alleged violations of the political reform act and has 4 known (as many as 7 rumored) investigations in to sexual misconduct pending with the Assembly #METOO working group. This is what the Orange County Lincoln Club is referring to. Since this sort of stuff does not happen in a vacuum, I am sure more of these are coming.

So to those of you worrying about what people will think of you or what the stakes may be for standing up to Bill Brough – I dedicate this meme to you:

It’s time for everyone to say, “Bad Billy, Resign Now”…

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