Aug 142019

In what is becoming a pattern of continuing crookery there is yet another story in the Ricardo Lara chronicles of corruption. He directed Funds to a Charity when he was CEO.

Embattled Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara directed contributors to give hundreds of thousands of dollars — more than $840,000 — to nonprofit organizations so far during his career.   Amazingly, Lara served as the CEO of one of those 501(C)3 nonprofits which received funds at his behest.

He sat on the board of at least one of charity during the time he was acting to behest the funds between the charities.  More telling is one particular charity where the intake and expenses were by so a wide margin larger than its charitable contributions as to be potentially unconscionable.

Continue reading this bombshell here

P.S. This looks an awful lot like the Chuck Quackenbush scandal…

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