Oct 212018

Right on Daily has written about the corruption of local gun rights groups in Riverside County. In particular is H Paul Payne of the local NRA. He and his crew launched SPAM drills against previous posts against him in an attempt to silence your intrepid blogger.

H Paul Payne controls the NRA in Southern California and is a morally reprehensible human being. (At least that is what I think of him and you will also once you are done reading this series)

Despite Payne and others in the NRA manufacturing endorsements for Stan Sniff. Sheriff Sniff is still declining CCW applications for absurd and arbitrary reasons. This is why Cal Guns and 4 other groups have sued the Corrupt Sheriff over his CCW Issuance practices.

Honest gun owners have targeted Sniff with withering criticism over the CCW Issue for years. His CCW practices have been the subject of many confidential informants to this blogger. See our exhaustive Expose’ of years-long criticisms of Sniff CCW permit issuance issues.

We’ve alleged that Stan Sniff tampered with the restraining order hearing in the absence of proof. It is the conclusion I have drawn from the evidence I have. Two things I am certain of: It is clear that Sniff and crew attempted to interfere with the police report related to the GPS device Payne illegally placed in Mrs. Payne’s car, and It is clear that H Paul Payne was able to avoid turning in all of his guns while under the Temporary Restraining Order.

Desiree Payne has photos and tapes to validate her claims about H Paul Payne’s behavior. Weather or not Desiree was cheating on her husband or not, (which is a rumor he has pushed out with some force) his boorish behavior, control issues, abuse and manipulation of the levers of power may well be criminal in addition to immoral.

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Desiree Payne used to teach the “Women on Target” classes at the Ben Clark Training Center. She has been blackballed from that facility. When she asked the Sheriff about this, Sniff feigned no knowledge of the ban. For an ego-menical control freak like Sniff to not know something like that is extremely unlikely.

H Paul Payne used to collect the money for the “WOT” even by getting checks written out to his personal account. It had been this way for years, apparently with wife #2 and now with wife #3 Desiree.

According to Desiree, H Paul Payne pockets all of the money raised from the WOT events.

Some of you are wondering why the NRA puts up with someone like H Paul Payne being a standard-bearer for their group.

Many Years ago a man named Neil Knox attempted to dethrone Wayne LaPierre from the Presidency of the NRA. H Paul Payne was instrumental in stopping the Coup.

In the years since, H Paul Payne has held a title in the group and literally runs NRA Board elections every year. According to Desiree and others that don’t like LaPierre very much, Payne is reputed to have as much as $40K a year to use towards keeping LaPierre in power.

Chris Cox, who is another high-ranking NRA Board Member does not like H Paul Payne very much but is largely ignored by the LaPierre loyalists on the NRA Board, thus there is willful blindness towards Payne’s near psychotic behavior.

I have some significant reasons to question some of what I have been told as this is a nasty divorce situation. However, what I do know for certain is that H Paul Payne is not a mentally healthy man. I Also know for certain that Desiree Payne fears for her safety and while I am not an expert in the law, it seems that she is being stalked.

I am also of the opinion that Sniff has been covering for Payne to some extent and clearly Payne has been covering for Stan Sniff’s horrific record on the gun issue.

The NRA needs to be reformed from the top down and back up again and people like H Paul Payne need to be cleared out of that organization. I quit the NRA after they endorsed Harry Reid for re-election some years ago and this situation makes me think even less of them.

There is way too much corruption in Riverside County. Cut the head off the political dragon and fire Stan Sniff.

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