Sep 192018
With apologies to Will Smith, the November election for Riverside Sheriff boils down to this:
•Old and Busted (Sniff)
•New hotness (Bianco)
[Men in Black, 1998]
Sniff is well past his prime and his thinking (and best years) remain stuck in the last century. One awesome example are the 1970’s era uniforms that the Deputies are forced to wear.
Sniff is advancing in years and if he wins in November, Sniff would be the oldest person – by 15 years- to be elected sheriff in over half a century.
Interestingly, Sniff himself has advocated against older people working for the sheriff’s department. He says they’re slower and more prone to injury. When declining cognition and reduced mental acuity are factored in, it becomes apparent that a new sheriff is needed in Riverside County.
Sniff’s visible hand tremors, forgetfulness, short temper and tendency to repeat himself frequently demonstrate that he’s no longer in top shape to perform the duties of the office of sheriff.
The following are the ages of the 5 previously elected/re-elected Sheriffs:
53 – Doyle 2006
53 – Larry Smith 1998
53 – Cois Byrd 1990
55 – Ben Clark 1982
54 – Joe Rice 1962
After 45 years in law enforcement, Sniff’s best days are obviously behind him. Sniff ought to consider retirement before everyone else starts referring to him as “Old and Busted.”
Riverside County needs:
•New ideas
•New energy
•New leadership
•New hotness
Vote Chad Bianco Nov. 6
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  5 Responses to “Stan Sniff Update: ELDERLY SNIFF OUT OF TOUCH”

  1. TO ALL OF MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN THE SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT: We alll need to work together more than ever and keep our comments as concise and to the point as possible with the “common goal” of unseating Sniff and voting into office our new sheriff Chad Bianco. With only 48 days left until election day, we are on the home stretch and a lot of citizen voters will be reading Right On Daily. While this has been a great forum for all of us to express ourselves, let’s consider the citizens who will be reading who have no previous knowledge of what a corrupt politician Sniff really is. We have to keep our citizens informed of the truth in the most diplomatic way we can. We need everyone’s vote to get Sniff out and get a fresh, new leader in. Chad Bianco for Sheriff

  2. @Ocean Unit, I couldn’t agree more. Let’s get the message out to the public that we need their support to help us get this department back on track as true public servants. We are all here for public safety and we need to vote the old politician out of office and bring in new blood. Sniff’s time has passed and he has worn out his welcome with all of the government officials he should have been working with all this time. Let’s say goodbye to Stan Sniff and Hello to Sheriff Chad Bianco!

  3. S/Sniff needs to lose about 170 more pounds and then have HAZMAT respond to pickup the uniform he polluted with unethical behavior. S/Sniff I have included some reading material for you while your rotting in retirement. I hope your first few years are as miserable as you made mine. This goes for your crack whores who did your dirt.

    Policing requires perfection and unyielding ethics and ultimately depends on each employee’s own level of knowledge, rationality, and devotion to moral excellence. Anything less than perfect ethical conduct can be disastrous for a department, a community, and an entire nation. While officers are only human and will continue to make mistakes, ethical misconduct cannot be tolerated.

    First of all, the discussion of ethics as related to law enforcement must begin with a definition of the word integrity. One researcher has said that it is “the sum of the virtues required to bring about the general goals of protections and service to the public.”3 He created a list of characteristics that he feels officers must possess to have integrity.
    1. Prudence: the ability to discern between conflicting virtues and decide the best action to take
    2. Trust: loyalty and truthfulness in relationships between officers and citizens, fellow officers, and supervisors
    3. Effacement of self-interests: without this, officers may exploit their authority to further themselves
    4. Courage: the mean between cowardice and foolhardiness
    5. Intellectual honesty: not knowing something and being humble and courageous enough to admit it
    6. Justice: not in its normal context, but, rather, adjusting what is owed to a particular citizen even when it may contradict what is strictly owed
    7. Responsibility: intending to do the right thing, clearly understanding what the right thing is, and being fully aware of other alternatives that may exist; taking responsibility, rather than finding excuses for mistakes or poor judgment

  4. Done wrong at Perris station: ” S/Sniff needs to lose about 170 more pounds and then have HAZMAT respond to pickup the uniform he polluted with unethical behavior. S/Sniff I have included some reading material for you while your rotting in retirement. I hope your first few years are as miserable as you made mine. This goes for your crack whores who did your dirt.”

    This was an awesome comment… Loved it.. It’s chignon.

  5. Sniff is not the only one past his prime, DiYorio is no better, but the rest of them, Raya, Horton, Vest, Kubel, Evans, Graves, they never had it going on in the first place, and were only political appointees (this includes you too Kurly), and were promoted beyond their capabilities. It’s no wonder we are referred to as “Riverside Country” instead of a modern agency. The deputies at Mo Val will be looking forward to a new captain come January, we are the largest station, yet the second floor gives us Kurly fries as a commander, and all he does is berate RSA instead of working with them. All this does is create a vast canyon between the deputies at Mo Val and management. Kurly should know better since he was a union man himself. Kurly, you are selling your integrity in your attempt to make Division Chief. Sad.

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