Jun 042018

First off, given the plant life he has dealing with social media, he probably could visit the zoo and get a couple inmates there to do a better job. (My favorite are the Rhinos…) This Northern California Blogger seems to have no less than 30 people on suicide watch in Riverside County Sheriff’s Admin.

I was sent a San Diego Union Tribune article. It was the typical anti cop pablum about a poor mistreated convicted felon in the jail. The story was about inmates that die in custody and cited instances in various parts of the state. In the dead middle of the article was a bombshell:

The Riverside County Sheriff’s Department said keeping the public informed about crimes, arrests and other operations is a high priority. The office has a three-person team responding to media calls and churning out press releases, including 16 in the first week of April.

I am aware that “Eggplant” is paid something like $90k a year. Jessica Gore (wife of cheater Jason Gore who has been promoted twice since cheating on the investigator exam) is paid something like $120k a year. The third employee may well be that Sergeant on special assignment at something like $130k. That is at least three employees for the empty jail.

Must be nice to have a staff that keeps pumping out pseudo-campaign materials under the guise of “Media”.

Equipment is broken, cars are rusting out, jails are empty, but It’s all a matter of priorities, right?

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  One Response to “Stan Sniff Update: Explain This One… Not Enough Money to Staff a Jail, but Enough to have THREE STAFF FOR MEDIA”

  1. Public employees on the county dime running a campaign for a failed POS of a sheriff. He has no integrity and no moral compass, so why would he care about the “legality” of county workers being paid to manage his personal campaign? OVER 300K in county paid campaign workers. Facebook had it right this weekend, “Stan sniff hates his employees.” He cares only about himself. Time to get rid of him. VOTE BIANCO on Tuesday.

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