May 042018

Apparently Stanley did not like the beer bong caper very much. He is reputed to have blown a gasket and likely was draining a bottle of jack as a result of his psychosis over the embarrassment.

His minions came over to our facebook page in an attempt to challenge your intrepid blogger.

First – Denis Vernal and others claimed the whole thing was Photo-Shopped. WHOOPS! There was a video, too.

Other nitpicking Stan Sniff Butt Monkies tried to challenge the assertion it was a Palm Desert Deputy. The problem is that the occupant of the vehicle looked waaaaaaay to comfortable.

We stuck to our guns, and as the facts of Beer-Bonggate have come out your intrepid blogger has won on all points.

We present to you Sgt. Jorge Ramirez folks! He is the civic-minded deputy that was holding up a beer bong for Stagecoach participants!

Conservative Shirts 2 970×350

Jorge Ramirez has had pretty much a non-descript career in the RSO until he decided to become the beer bong holding member of Team Huskey at Palm Desert Station.

Some of the Sheriff’s defenders who have obsessively commented on the facebook page are incapable of understanding why Jorge’s behavior is a representation of Sniff’s Corruption – This kind of lack of discipline within the ranks of the department is a SAD, SAD commentary on the state of morale within the Sheriff’s Department.

I’m 500 miles away and I can see that. I hold neither a High School Diploma nor a College Degree and people with PHD’s (that they likely ripped off the taxpayers to get on the clock) are acting like morons (and worse are being enabled by the second floor for various reasons) across the board.

I’d trade Jason Huskey in for a Pet Monkey, similar to Kevin Vest. I’d suggest trading Ramirez in for a Chihuahua but I am sure some social justice warrior within the second floor gulag would run to their willing whores in the media calling me a racist. Oh, wait, that’s already been done.

Right on Daily 100, Team Sniff 0. #EPICFAIL Better study harder in hopes those book smarts pay off someday.

Did I mention there is a video of Ramirez holding up the Beer Bong? Maybe the PSB RATT squad will get a copy of the one Ramirez shot on his phone.

P.S. did I mention that Stanley was upset about the Beer-Bong Caper?

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  10 Responses to “Stan Sniff / Jason Huskey Update: LOOKIE HERE! Right On Daily Nailed It Again. Palm Desert Station Hookin’ Up ‘Da Beer Bong Baby!”

  1. It’s all good to take pictures with the gay’s at pride or other LGBT events without fear of punishment, even if there half naked. God forbid you try the same thing at Coachella or Stagecoach. Sgt. Ramirez is a stand up dude, but he brought attention to himself from the scum on the second floor/sh*t floating in the basement.

  2. That’s true Lost and found, shit Purvis the pervert can get tea bagged on social media by some flamer at the gay pride parade and Stanley will likely give him one of those cheap ass awards like he gave Jughead Vest at his ridiculous awards ceremony. Stanley has our recruiting personnel set up the sheriff’s recruiting stand next door to barrels full of condoms and anal lube and no one says a word, but have Jorge holding a bong full of apple juice for a pretty girl and they want him tar and feathered. That’s right, I said apple juice mother fucker, because Sniff and his and his fucking trolls have Jorge tried and convicted already without even knowing what he was serving. Of course, when Jorge sees that it’s ok for Sniff to have photos of himself feeling up other men’s wives, why would it be so bad for him to hold the beverage container for the pretty girls?

    Stanley you are confusing the shit out of these poor guys, please just get the fuck out now, and take those stupid fucking morons on the 2nd floor with you. I forgot to mention that some of their wives aren’t smart enough to stay the fuck out of the fray, so they can reap what they sow. And their last names end in Horton and Wood!!

    Stand by to stand by!!!
    It’s on mother fuckers!!


  4. Woodpile Ray shows all the girls his tattoo of skulls that represents all his on-duty kills, Vest’s girlfriend worked for Orion Communications, which is where the Department obtained Agency Web from, (which is a serious conflict of interest), yet these are the same people that will sit in judgement of Sgt. Ramirez. Unbelievable.

  5. The lack of leadership is why this conduct occurred. Simple as that…double standards and failing to lead by example. When you command to promote self no one will follow willingly.

    Capt Huskey is responsible because he is the commander of the Palm Desert Station.

  6. I was in the military many years ago. It seems to me the police department is loosely patterned on that command structure, with rank and responsibilities divided, and the objectives and missions getting accomplished through structure and performance of job tasks. When we made individual mistakes, we accepted our role and took a summary Article 15, or worse, Courts Martial. However, we were a brotherhood that shared blame and responsibility during the mission for everything (good and bad). When the rank and file soldiers went unsupervised, in this case a sergeant was without guidance from his platoon leader (lieutenant), the results can be poor choices, failed objectives, and loss of mission altogether. In the military, and I assume here in the police department, a failed objective and failed mission (protect without discrediting/demoralizing the police service), has a shared discipline with the command chain. Failures are cause for leaders to reflect upon their dispensed guidance measures/training measures/decisions… or a lack thereof. We have Congressional hearings to require an answer for failures in the field by Generals. Some have only blamed this non-commissioned officer’s conduct, yet allow the company commander (Captain) and platoon leader (Lieutenant) to dodge their own responsibility for over-watch, training, guidance. The protection of Stagecoach people appears successful, but some objectives were not met and can be considered failures as this incident is an embarrassment to police service.

  7. You hit the nail on the head LQ Resident, but the problem with “Riverside Country” is that the troops work for very ungrateful, and selfish managers that only care about their own position, and not the mission, or the welfare of the staff members under their command. When leadership (AKA Police Management), fails, instead of accepting responsibility, the managers discipline the troops instead of taking responsibility for their command. Instead of disciplining Sgt. Ramirez right away, the second floor should be asking the Captain and Lieutenants,”Where did your command fail?” But that will never happen because the people the Sheriff is promoting have only one view “Upword mobility” and could care less about the rank and file on their way up the chain of command. Discipline and order is very important in police work, but leadership is what the troops expect, and deserve, and they don’t get it from what Sniffy-Sniff has been promoted so far.

  8. Ramirez is a freaking supervisor and with a 1725 ID number, he has over 29 years on the department. Everyone is calling him a “standup guy”, but bottom line, he is a sergeant and should’ve known better. Everyone makes mistakes, but this was a really stupid one.

  9. Perris Sergeant you are right. Ramirez made a decision and must accept the consequences. My issue is with others who have done worse and not a peep, because we all no stripes, bars, and stars rarely get touched.

    Take the Palm Desert Sergeant who was under the influence at work and was reported to the administration. Nothing happened. Or the two Thermal Sergeants who covered up a T.C. Nothing happened. One got transferred to the West End, the other got promoted. The list goes on and on.

    It’s the guys who bust their ass day in and day out who get called to the carpet for mistakes and disciplined. While other lops call in sick, dodge calls, kiss ass and get promoted because they got a degree in an unrelated field. Life experience and job experience trump a piece of paper you got while you were still living with mommy and daddy. That’s why you have idiots ruining the Department. And it starts at the top. Poor leadership and mismanagement are this Sheriff’s legacy.

    The ship is sinking Scratch and Sniff, not take your rats and abandon ship. You are worse then your predecessor. Can’t wait till June.

  10. Put that same arm hanging out a US Humvee in the middle of a middle eastern country, and change the woman from a loose, no tooth tweaker to a woman wearing a burka, and we’d have an international incident on our hands. Heads would roll (literally) and whoever that arm is attached to would be locked up in Leavenworth no matter who the commanding officer is.

    This “stand up” sergeant fucked up, plain and simple and whilst doing so, made all cops look like baboons. Maybe he’s retiring soon and thought, hey, fuck it, I have two months left, what have I got to lose?!? You disgraced the badge, Sarge, and just every cops credibility who protect and serve. Not to mention the good chance there will be less spots for RSO personnel for Coachella and Stagecoach next year.

    As much as I want to see Sniff out of the Eagle’s nest he cannot be held accountable for the sergeant’s stupidity anymore when one of our own commits a stupid act. True, Sniff’s lack of leadership has brought our department to a new low. True, he is known to associate with criminals. True, he rewards those who kiss his ring and the scale is out of balance. His morale compass is so out of synch, he orders his marionettes to dispatch a full on CSI investigation for stupid shit, he’s seen groping females in inappropriate photos (get a room already), and HE KNOWS HES LOSING SUPPORT FROM THE RANK ANS FILE.

    I agree, if you’re led by hyenas, soon you will be laughing like one. But we all know what’s right and wrong. Don’t drop to the same low the 2nd Floor has. We know Pecker Ray has cheated on his wife to marry who he is with, but does that give us permission to follow in his footsteps?

    Reptile Purvis is a snake and untrustworthy, should we resort to the same backstabbing antics he is known for?

    But to blame this sergeants stupid act on the lack of leadership, Sniff losing his way, etc., etc., is no more correct than the excuses the 2nd Floor gives for the shit they do to fuck us over.

    It’s simply the immature way of blaming someone else for their stupidity. He fucked up, own it, take your lumps, retire.

    As for the weak…damn the torpedoes: put that Bianco sign up…SUPPORT YOUR NEW SHERIFF!! Show these assholes they can no longer intimidate us!!

    VOTE FOR BIANCO – 2018!!

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