May 222018

How much did this cost?

As we continue our series of stuff never covered by the Riverside Press-Enterprise (who transferred an editor to Rancho Cucamonga for daring to write about the Retaliation against Chad Bianco) we have a new gem.

Stan Sniff, he of the bizarre campaign posters trying to be Clint Eastwood or Wyatt Earp, apparently channeled his inner James Bond.

A video, only discovered recently (with about 80 views the first time I saw it) features the Helicopter (which is frightfully expensive to operate), a Pilot, “Eggplant”, Sniff, two K-9 deputies, someone behind the camera and a “Stunt Deputy” who went down the rope out of the helicopter.

Were the 5 employees on the clock? How much were they paid? How much fuel did the Helicopter Use? How much did it cost to shoot and edit the video?

This seems to matter as it is widely rumored that similar to CCW Permits, Stan Sniff loves to hand out helicopter rides to his donors / buddies.

Nevertheless, how much did this video cost all in? Just add this to the file…

May 202018

On the heels of our announcement of 800,000 hits since 1/1/2018, we were made aware of some misinformation. Allow your intrepid blogger to set the record straight. I am re-posting something I put on the RightonDaily Facebook Page:

Please note that there have been efforts to suppress the flow of information to RightonDaily by the second floor. These include searching the office computers of RSO Employees, setting up anonymous facebook pages to spread disinformation and of course claims that I tape all phone calls. Please note that taping a call without someone’s consent is illegal. There have also been several attempts to plant blatantly false information with your intrepid blogger as well. Since no one edits my page but me, the opinions and facts presented on the RightonDaily Blog are mine. AND – when I say you can remain confidential, it means just that. #FREERIVERSIDE #FIRESNIFF#COXFORGOVERNOR Rock On.

There have been a variety of things going on behind the scenes, some of which I have written about (Including their attempts to attack my wife, calling her employer, several attempts to hack this site, trying to attack my insurance business and the like).

It is apparent that Team Sniff is running low on options to try and stop the bleeding. It is our mission here at RightonDaily to provide him and his crew political proctology. Remember, you can remain anonymous.

May 202018

What happened to the smiley, muggy for the camera Stanley?

Stanley has been having a rough time lately even though he has been going back to the same well for dollars lately. It looks like Stanley has raised another $100k for his campaign. Why so upset Stanley?

There was a 25 year anniversary celebration of the death of Kent Alan Hintergart. The story is that Sniff went bonkers on the people organizing the remembrance because he was not consulted first. So, Stanley skipped the remembrance of this icon of the department.

Recently, retired Sergeant Christopher Sanford passed away less than a year in to his retirement. There was no acknowledgement of his death by the Sheriff and there was no escort of his body by the Sheriff’s Office (most heard about the lack of escort after the body was delivered) to the Corner’s Office. The Corona PD was left to do the job.

Wednesday Night at the RAGLM meeting (A homeowner’s association for an area between Riverside and Corona) – Sniff had Gregory Fellows and Christopher Brandon Ford with him. Must be nice to grab salaried employees and take them on campaign stops. He was trolled by people in attendance and reacted accordingly.

At the Sheriff’s award ceremony, Sniff was so personally disturbed that he sped by everyone in the hallway, ignoring their greetings. When he was having trouble opening the door to his office, someone opened it for him and he then pulled the door shut behind himself. People present were aghast at the rudeness.

Just yesterday, Sniff showed up late to the MADD (mothers against drunk driving) meeting with Chrisopher Brandon Ford and Lenny. He did not speak even though he was supposed to, instead he sat at his table, ate then left.

Sniff also skipped the CRA endorsement meeting that was (5/18/2018). The CRA is a group that is in the bag for Sniff, so this is quite odd.

It appears that the Sniffmeister is not having a good time these days. He could suspend his campaign and the beatings will stop, but we all know that is not going to happen.

May 192018

These are the campaign contributions made by Riverside Sheriff’s Department employees to Sheriff Sniff.  Titles are included when listed in the campaign reports.

Its curious that some contributors have bounced up and down at a fairly rapid pace.  Some employees promoted really fast, others not so much. Some appear to have been demoted and re-promoted – at least according to the campaign filings that Sniff signed under penalty of perjury that he examined his filings and they are correct based on the best of his abilities.

Either his abilities to figure out the rank of his employee donors is extremely flawed OR he simply failed to review the document for accuracy – in spite of signing these documents under oath.

Last time I checked, perjury is listed as a felony in the California Penal Code.

Over the years, Sniff has extracted $38,097 from his employees – many from those he promoted or would promote soon.

It sure looks like he was selling promotions to a number of these folks.

Of course, Sniff is likely to respond that these employees contributed freely to his campaigns because they viewed him as the best person for the job.  Fair enough.  Let’s run with that perspective.

So, in Sniff’s world, the $38,097 is just financial validation of the support he earned from these employees.

Well, this is going to sting a bit.

Sniff needs to be reminded that the $600,000+ contributed to Bianco’s campaign is just financial validation of the the bulk of Sniff’s employees telling Sniff that he has lost the support of his employees and he needs to pack his bags.

Sniff complains about unions – especially public employee unions – and how they are spending union dues to oppose his re-election.

Poor Sniffles.  His dementia must be more advances than previously reported because during his prior elections, he had no problem at all taking wads of public employee union money.  I guess now that he’s been cut off, he’s decided that union money i a bad thing.

Please see previous post about Sniff taking $193,000 from unions, with the lion’s share coming from the RSA.

Karma’s a … what?

We’ve made it easy for the world to see who is kissing Sniff’s butt and hoping for promotions before he leaves office with his tail between his legs.

The visual is hilarious, and “sniffs butt” just makes me laugh. Enjoy the numbers.

John Anderson

$100          2/1/10

$100          5/16/14 (Chf Dep)

$100          5/12/15

$100          12/7/15

$100          12/23/16

Garland Bell

$100          2/1/10 (Dep)

$125          6/14/10

Andre Benson

$150          6/11/09

Chad Bianco

$200          7/10/09

Jaime Briones

$200          5/18/10 (Sgt.)


$500           6/8/09

$500          2/1/10

$1,000       12/4/13

$100          12/8/14

$100          9/14/15

$100          12/4/15

$100          5/2/16

$100          9/20/16

$100          11/29/16

$100          4/20/17

$100          5/15/17

$150          6/17/17

$100          9/7/17

$100          11/9/17

$100          12/2/17

$150          2/26/18

$150          3/26/18

$5,000       5/14/18

$8,250       Total

Hugh Coz

$1,000       5/12 (Cpt)

Adam Decosta

$100          5/23/10


$150          9/17 (Sgt)

$100          6/28/17

$250          3/7/18

$150          3/30/18

Kenneth Ditton

$150          3/10/14

$150          5/6/15 (Lt)

$150          5/18/16

$50             3/30/18


$1,000        9/2/2008

$200          12/3/12

$100          2/13/13

$100          3/18/13

$99             6/6/13

$150          6/12/14

$200          12/8/14

$150          5/11/15 (UnderSh)

$150          9/20/16

$150          12/23/16

$150          10/13/17

Lisa DiYorio

$150           12/13/17

$150          4/2/18

$150          4/20/18

Daniel Eaglin

$500          3/19/09

Robyn Flores (NOW THE CIO)

$150          10/2/17

Christopher Brandon Ford

$100          11/26/15

$100          5/15/17 (Cpt)

$150          9/29/17 (Chief)

Gerald Franchville

$100  9/22/08

Eric Garcia

$200          9/6/13 (Dep)

Cora Gonzales

$100          12/11/14

Roy E. Grace

$150          4/25/17

$300          4/25/14

Brian Gray

$100          1/31/18

$250          3/2/118

Raymond Gregory (in 3 years, he promoted from Lt. to Asst Sheriff)

$100          9/22/08

$100           11/24/08

$125          11/5/09 (Lt.)

$250          5/17/10 (Cpt)

$100          5/12/12 (Chf Dep)

$100          12/3/12 (Asst Sheriff)

$100          2/20/13 (Chf Dep)

$100          12/4/13 (Chf Dep)

$150          2/24/14 (Chf Dep)

$200          12/1/14 (Asst. Sheriff)

$100          5/11/15 (Asst Sheriff)

$150          9/14/15

$150          10/13/15

$100          11/20/15

$150          2/21/16

$150          9/12/16

$100          12/5/16

$150          4/25/17

$100          6/16/17

Larry Grotefend

$250          10/27/09 (Lt.)

Jerry Gutierrez

$500           9/2/08

$100          12/3/12

$100          12/4/13 (C Chf Dep)

$100          3/6/14

$100          5/16/14

$100          12/11/14

$100          5/12/15 (Asst. Sheriff)

$100          12/7/15

$150          5/26/16

$100          12/12/16

$100          7/3/17

$100          10/5/17

$100          12/13/17

Rick Hall

$100          9/3/09 (Chf. Deputy)

$100          5/21/10

Ed Harvey

$100          9/16/09

Daniel E Hedge, Jr.

$100          7/3/17

John Hill

$125          11/12/08 (Lt.)

$100          11/17

Valerie Hill

$100          12/17

Jason B Horton Sr. (as in Jason “Deuce” Horton)

$100          10/17

$500          12/6/10 (Sgt)

$200          5/14/13

$150          2/17/14 (Cpt)

$150          5/12/15 (Sgt)

$300          9/30/15 (Cpt)

$150          12/7/15 (Cpt)

$150          5/18/16

$150          9/30/16

$150          12/23/16

$100          10/5/17

Jason Huskey (The Trainwreck Palm Desert Captain)

$250           11/24/08 (Lt.)

$1,000       2/22/13

$100          11/22/17

Aaron Kent (Yes THAT Aaron Kent)

$150          5/25/17

Craig Kilday

$100           9/22/08 (Asst. Shf.)

$250          3/12/09

$100          3/19/09

Jeffrey Kubel

$150          5/17/17

Michelle Larson

$150          9/15/17

Michael Lind

$250          9/16/09

$200          11/22/13

David Madden

$100  9/26/08 (Sr. Inv)

John Magnan

$150          5/25/17

Carmen Mariscal

$200          12/10/12

Cynthia Mayman

$200          12/16/09

$200          12/6/10

John McBrearty

$100          7/3/17

Douglas McGrew

$100          5/16/14

John Metroka

$100  12/2/08 (Lt.)

Virginia Busby Murdoch

$200          3/21/13 (Cpt)

$200          6/3/13

Patrick Nash

$100          10/5/15 (C Lt.)

Andre O’Harra

$1,000  11/12/08 (Lt.)

$500  11/24/08

Joe Pemberton

$200          2/28/18 (Cpt)

Robert Perdue

$100          11/2/15

$200          9/20/16

Mike Portillo

$150          12/2/16

$150          9/11/17

$100          12/6/17

$100          5/17

Leonard Purvis (LENNY!)

$100          12/17/15

$100          5/2/16

$100          12/12/16

$100          6/17

$150          3/7/18

Chris Reinhardt

$100          12/13/17

Ralph Rico

$150          9/17/16

Donald Sharp

$600          8/17/16

$150          9/2/16

$150          10/5/17

Dennis Schertell

$250          9/16/09

Larry Sherman

$150          1/25/14 (Sgt)

Steve Thetford

$100          12/3/12 (Asst Sheriff)

Terrence Tingle

$100          7/10/09

Lee Wagner

$100          9/16/09

$100          5/12/15 (Asst. Sheriff)

Colleen Walker

$125          11/13/09 (Asst. Shf)

$200          6/3/11

Gerald Williams

$200          7/10/09

$200          4/15/10 (Dep)

$200          5/19/11 (Asst Sheriff)

$200          5/16/12 


$99             2017

$200          10/13/17

$100          11/01/17

$150          11/30/17

May 182018

Allow your intrepid blogger to take a moment to thank ALL of you for reading. Right On Daily would not have the influence it has without all of YOU participating.

Our sincerest hope is that our work on this blog exposing corruption, fraud and the like in politics is making an impact.

Today, 5/18/2018 we crossed the 800,000 Hit Milestone since 1/1/2018.