Jeff Seaton’s Life Is Spiraling Out of Control Part Two

 Arnie Zeiderman, Jeff Seaton  Comments Off on Jeff Seaton’s Life Is Spiraling Out of Control Part Two
May 232012

Divorce proceedings are always nasty, ugly and are revealing. Jeff Seaton’s is no different.

There are updated financial disclosures in the 3/20 settlement hearing documents that are worth mention.

First off on 3/20, Jeff Seaton got creamed.

$700 a month in Attorney’s fees ($12,500 balance)

$2500 a month in Spousal Support

Has to pay all court fees ($2,639 total)

… and there is more, but I will get to that later.

Jeff Seaton lists $4675 in Monthly Income and a $1882 Army Pension + $1,000 a month contributed by Darlene Humm, listed as his partner on the first page.

Seaton Asset List is here and lists $100 in liquid assets and a $200 balance in his checking account. (I’d have to assume those parties are expensive as hell to throw)

He also lists $7828.75 as his monthly bills vs. his total income of $7557.00. It seems that Mr. Seaton is running his finances the way Barack Obama or the State of California is. (Maybe that’s why that left-wing law firm gave him $5000?) But, it also ties in the statement that the erstwhile ex wrote about the accounting practices of Jeff Seaton’s family member who is his tax-preparer / accountant being super aggressive in how the numbers are run.

Why didn’t the court ask about Seaton’s deficit spending? Will Jeff Seaton have to file bankruptcy after he loses the Judge race?

This fact alone should be an embarrassment to Arnie Zeiderman and the Amador GOP – you’d think at some point with everything coming out about Jeff Seaton that someone there would speak up…

… I digress.

Looking further in to Seaton’s train Wreck – we see that the erstwhile defender and overseer of justice in Amador County has a litany of garbage on his itemized statement:

$322,271 in business debt secured against the Climax Rd property. (his home and the site of the pulled-pork-pool-parties)

A ton of credit card debt…

… with one card, the USAA (speaking of pimping military service) listed as delinquent.

Federal Income Taxes are listed as delinquent with the last payment made in 2011.

The attorney’s fees are listed as delinquent

The Court Costs are listed as delinquent

Three years of Spousal support is listed as a key issue elsewhere in the divorce filings.

Jeff Seaton for Judge – delinquent justice…

Two other things pop out as bizarre:

1. He has five time-shares that were on the list of things to fight over in the divorce filings. Two in Tahoe, One in Hawaii, One in Las Vegas and One in Cabo San Lucas – I guess the pool parties at Climax Rd, or “Chillin'” at Chicken Hill simply aren’t getting it done for Mr. Seaton?

2. Between the September 2009 original divorce proceedings and the 3/2012 shellacking Seaton received, he bought a parcel of land in Pioneer for $25,000. Where the hell did he get the money to pay cash for that?

Seaton did not get in over his head in debt overnight. Either that or the “creative accounting” is carrying the day. (Quite frankly, I’d love to have some of that for my own finances… wow…)

… and the supposedly “Fiscally Conservative” Amador GOP endorsed this guy? Really?

May 222012

Remember Dave Gilliard All-Star Barbara Ortega – she of the unhinged ranting at a candidate forum? Ortega got hammered by a group of Republican Clubs for basic stupidity.

A lot has been written about Barbara Ortega – but let’s just say that she is a train wreck of a candidate.

However, as Dave Gilliard’s grip on victory after victory appears to be slipping, he is getting sloppy. First, Doug LaMalfa Chief of Staff Mark Spannagel gets caught committing a federal felony and now Dave Gilliard himself reaches a new low – even by his standards.

In political insider circles – we look at the lie-infested mailers that Dave Gilliard creates and we call them Dave Gilliard specials. In the case of a mailer against Peter Tateshi – the Republican Establishment Endorsed Candidate in AD-08, at least there was some truth to the claims of Gilliard.

You may wonder why I am not assigning this to Barbara Ortega – based on what I know of her, the content of this mailer was not her idea. Based on her rants, however – she is indeed jealous of the nice Congressional Salary that Tateshi makes.

The front page of the mailer makes fun of Tateshi’s Japaneese heritage – it is supposed to be Tateshi in place of a dead President on a dollar bill, but it looks like Emporer Hirohito. When you add in the asian style lettering above the picture – your hair should stand on end.

But, the checks cash for Mr. Gilliard.

Barbara Ortega does not have a chance of winning the AD-08 race.

If you look at page two and three – it is a class-warfare baiting piece talking about how Peter’s salary went up over the years he worked for Dan Lungren. It of course omits that Peter ascended to become  Chief of Staff – precipitating some of the raises.

Then the back fold again begs questions of whether there is a racial overtone to this piece. Look at the font of the writing – apparently asian once again.

I will give Gilliard credit for one thing – he is detailed in what he does (with regard to mail only). Therefore, I am not cutting him any slack in this analysis.

It is apparent that Ortega has no resources as this mailer is quite a reach and tries to do too much.

As to Barbara Ortega – she is probably best served finding some sort of professional help after she loses the June 5th Primary.

P.S. Also of note – Gilliard makes an issue of Peter Tateshi’s Job… is that some sort of theme? Hide those of his own clients and rail on those of their opponents???

May 222012

I am not talking about his disintegrating campaign… I am referring to his life. I keep writing that I have never seen anything like this in the 15 years I have been in this game… I keep writing this again and again. It is like ground hog day.

I received a copy of the official public records from Jeff Seaton’s 3/20 Divorce Hearing in Sacramento Superior Court.

There is a lot in these records that you can learn about Jeff Seaton – even more than what I found from the 2011 records. It’s worse.

For validation purposes the first page of the four page declaration is here. I scanned the pages one at a time to prevent a reader from having to open a large file.

I ask you, dear readers – when you are reading this: 1. Why did the Amador County Republican Party endorse this guy? 2. Did Jack Mitchell of the Amador Ledger-Dispatch ruin his own credibility allowing a personal issue to carry him in to the middle of this?

Jeff Seaton got his clock cleaned by the judge at the 3/20 hearing. Apparently, the Judge believed as did the rest of us that Jeff was indeed married for 17+ years despite his request for an annulment.

When you read the complaint filed by the erstwhile ex – it indicates that Jeff Seaton lost a trial (imagine that) in September of 2009 and then appealed the decision resulting in a chain of events leading to a pre-trial settlement conference on 3/20.

According to the documents – Jeff Seaton never paid a dime of spousal support even though ordered to do so. His ex-wife Patricia reported no income at all.

In addition as I read on in the filing – I see that Jeff Seaton brought Nevada State law in to the original court case as well as introducing evidence characterized is “Inadmissible evidence in an effort to destroy the reputation…” So, Patty Seaton was treated like a Jeff Seaton treats a rape victim.

The filing goes on to reference that Jeff Seaton has his income taxes prepared by a family member and that family member “takes some very aggressive positions with regard to his business deductions”. (Hold this thought – this theme will recur)

As an aside – The court records show Jeff Seaton’s residence is on Climax Road in Jackson. Just like his campaign PO Box being 288 (aka child molestation), the scene of the Jeff Seaton “pool” parties is on Climax Road… I can’t make this up if I tried.

A couple of interesting tidbits before the main course:

1. Seaton indicates running up $70,000 in credit card debt charging attorney’s fees on credit cards.

2. Seaton also indicates that he believes that his ex should not get spousal support because she is living with someone in the Greenhaven area of Sacramento and that she got 90% of the furniture.

These statements give you a window in to the mind of Jeff Seaton (again)

I did not post the copies of the divorce filings, but I can produce them for backup if needed.

What I do have – is the subject of the next post as I break down the train wreck that is Jeff Seaton’s personal financial situation on paper.

There are also some amazing revelations in this information – stay tuned.

It’s Official: Pam Tobin is Owned by the Unions

 Anyone But Montgomery, Jennifer Montgomery, Pam Tobin, Placer Sup D5 Race  Comments Off on It’s Official: Pam Tobin is Owned by the Unions
May 222012

The headline reads: Pam Tobin will “reduce Worker Furloughs and Increase Staffing in Placer (County)”.

This should be music to local 39’s ears and any other unions that have bought and control the Spendocrat party in California. The budget is out the door all the way.

The big loser here is Jack Duran – the so-called “Moderate” Democrat is outed as being “pro-worker” by Pam Tobin. I guess that $10k from the AFL-CIO really did buy a supervisor (along with the assistance of Ted Gaines).

Read the attached article – it is a doozy and is a very honest look in to the mind of a true liberal, 100% lack of regard for fiscal reality in pursuit of an ideological agenda.

P.S. – Placer County has a surplus because jobs have been left unfilled so that furloughs can be reduced and/or eliminated at the county level all together… So Jennifer Montgomery and her doppleganger Pam Tobin even lie when kissing up to their union masters!

Our Picks for Placer County Republican Central Committee

 Placer County Republican Party  Comments Off on Our Picks for Placer County Republican Central Committee
May 212012

We have competitive races in every district. There are a variety of reasons… there are Moderates that disagree with the Conservative leadership of the Central Committee and there are some leftovers of the Team LaMalfa character attacks of two years ago.

The bottom line is that the Placer CRA will be meeting on 4/4 and finalizing our team – that being said, here is who I am supporting for Placer GOP Central Committee District by District.

All the people on this list are CRA members (or CRA aligned) – they are Fiscal Conservatives, Pro-Gun, Prop-8 supporters… the Committee is elected by Supervisor District:

D1 (In the order you will see them on your ballot): Vote for 7

Eric Eisenhammer
Ryan Pinney
Jim D’Orso
Scott Jefferson
Phil Ozenick
Gordon Hinkle
Tom Hudson

D2 Vote for only these 5:

David Patterson
Damian Armitage
Chris Schaff
Roger Salstrom
Noreen Skillman


Aaron F Park
Ed Rowen
Greg Janda
Bryan Taylor
Bill Halldin
Ken Hubert
Hayley Voudouris


George Park
Jeff Atteberry
Lynn McCaleb
Joe Dorr
Scott Johnson
Mike Frey
Lynn Kyme

D5 (Vote for only these 4)

Fred Eichenhofer
Ken Higgins
Mark Wright
Beth Wright