May 312012

One of the strengths of Doug LaMalfa’s 2010 State Senate Campaign was co-opting local Tea Parties… (Such as the Lincoln Tea Party) in addition to slander and inuendo against their political opponents.

However, unlike the Lincoln Tea Party – the Redding Tea Party appears to finally be understanding that they were lied to. While those of us in Placer will continue to have to put up with the psychotic former PCRP Chairman Ken Campbell and his lieutenants like James Ricketts spreading bile, others are getting wise.

There is a new website put up called – that lights up Doug LaMalfa for his hypocricy and his situational ethics.

It should be noted that the aforementioned Ken Campbell has had a falling out with other Tea Party leaders which explains his retreat back to the Lincoln Tea Party. There has been a chain of events of infighting and revelations many in the Tea Party have had about Doug LaMalfa.

The irony in Placer is that the Placer CRA was the Tea Party before the Tea Party was thought of – we are the Conservative, Pro-Life, Pro-Prop-8… however, the political agendas of the few, combined with having people new and impressionable in the political process created a situation where those with agendas could drive a wedge between the Placer CRA and local Tea Parties.

This is LaMalfa’s legacy in Placer – and it is sad that I had to light up the Lincoln Tea Party for their alliance with the Moderates in their Jihad.

At least the Redding Tea Party appears to be breaking free as this website appears to be focused on Erin Ryan, a Tea Party leader up there that is on Doug LaMalfa’s payroll.

David Stafford Reade / Jim Nielsen / Bob Williams Caught Red-Handed Breaking the Law!?

 Dan Logue, Dave Gilliard  Comments Off on David Stafford Reade / Jim Nielsen / Bob Williams Caught Red-Handed Breaking the Law!?
May 312012

When you see Gentlemen Jim making a $5000, then a $15000 contribution to a Central Committee this late in an election cycle, it usually is not due to generosity or out of a desire to reward a committee for service.

But – here is the problem, the Tehama County Republican Central Committee, Bob Williams and Jim Nielsen all use (((wait for it))) Dave Gilliard as their consultant! David Stafford Reade is Jim Nielsen’s chief of staff, Reade has been involved in the Williams campaign and is close to the Cent Com up there.

The Tehama County Central Committee used Dave Gilliard to run their independent expenditure – a blatant conflict of interest, and a clear violation of campaign finance law. This is also a clear attempt to violate contribution limits.

Polling data shows Dan Logue with a huge lead over Williams who is trailing into a distant third. David Reade, Dave Gilliard and Jim Nielsen desperately want Williams in the runoff against Logue so they can bleed more money off of Dan Logue and so Dave Gilliard (and possibly David Stafford Reade) can continue to leech Williams for paychecks.

What is it with Dave Gilliard these days? Is it the prospect of losing several races that has him making elementary mistakes or has David Stafford Reade’s ethics finally taken hold of Dave Gilliard?

Who’s driving the bus over there? I thought it was Mark Spannagel, but he is somewhere between axle two and three – but Gilliard and Reade appear headed there as well…

The Chico Enterprise-Record lit Nielsen up hard.

Political Practices Commission, said it is illegal for an Assembly member or state senator to make an independent expenditure on behalf of a candidate or to donate to a committee for that purpose.

Whether Nielsen’s gift broke the rules might depend on whether he knew the money he gave the central committee would be used for an independent expenditure, she said.

The Secretary of State’s site shows that on Friday, the central committee made the independent expenditure of $12,762 for radio advertising and mailers through Gilliard Blanning and Associates.

This firm, run by Dave Gilliard, also has been serving as the campaign consultant to Williams.

Things that make you go hmmm…

Williams, Logue, Nielsen and Gilliard could not be reached for comment this afternoon.

Updated: Slamming Amador GOP For Considering Endorsing Jeff Seaton

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May 302012

I must disclose that I am not a member of the Arnie Zeiderman fan club. He is the Liberal Cylon robot of David Stafford Reade and I am not surprised when he takes RINO positions. But I was shocked to learn that Arnie Zeiderman is pushing for the Amador GOP to endorse Jeff Seaton for Judge!

Seaton’s largest donors are:

  • A Casino
  • A left-wing Law Firm in Santa Monica
  • The Grandfather of a man sent to prison last year

So far, we’ve established that Seaton has had two marriages end due to his outrageous infidelity.
He has verbally attacked crime victims publicly.
He has engaged in disgusting courtroom antics – including turning his back on a victim who was so badly injured that part of her internal organs were hanging out of a wound she suffered in a savage attack.
In his defense of criminals – he has put law enforcement on trial.

The above would be enough to make the Amador GOP get embarrassed for considering Seaton – but Seaton’s story defies common decency.

In the case of People vs. Vick – Vick had prior convictions. He was up for molesting an 8 year old girl. Seaton hired an psychological expert named Tamara Wishnowski to develop questions that would devastate the 8-year-old victim.

In the case of People vs. Sanne – the defendant was charged with molestation. It appears that Seaton misrepresented an offer in court by a D.A causing a demand for censure. There is an ongoing investigation of behind the scenes conduct and special favors that may well explain some of Seaton’s endorsements… Click here for more on the Sanne Case

In the case of People vs. Jenkins – the defendant brutally attacked his grandfather. The grandfather, apparently being an enabler started paying Seaton and refused to cooperate with any investigation. There was no waiver of conflict of interest by Seaton who apparently did not comprehend the ethical issue.

Never fear – Jenkins committed another crime. He is currently being prosecuted for attempted murder in a stabbing shortly after walking off scott free for beating his grandfather.

Recently, Seaton defended a Yuba County man who got convicted of 13 counts of child molestation (this guy seems to draw child molesters like flies).  The convicted molester is trying to have the verdict overturned as the allegation is that Seaton was on pain meds the whole time… Click Here for more on the case of Christopher Perdue, a man we believe is innocent.

Why is this guy running for Judge? Why is the Amador GOP considering endorsing him? — at a minimum, Seaton should be censured for his conduct not endorsed.

Why is Zeiderman supporting him? Why did the Jackson Rancheria give him a large check?

Jeff Seaton will be more dangerous as a Judge than anyone he has defended in court! Amador County deserves better, our California Justice system deserves better.

Doug LaMalfa caught paying for illegal website???

 Dave Gilliard, Doug LaMalfa, Mark Spannagel  Comments Off on Doug LaMalfa caught paying for illegal website???
May 302012

What did Dave Gilliard know and when did he know it?

The Redding Record-Searchlight just lit up Doug LaMalfa again. The same day as the illegal website attacking Sam Aanestad was registered – Mark Spannagel was paid $135 for “Media Related Services” the same day that he registered the illegal website.

Now we know why Doug LaMalfa has not terminated Mark Spannagel – it appears that Mark Spannagel was acting under orders from Dave Gilliard / Doug LaMalfa. This sort of sleaze is consistent for Dave Gilliard – as Gilliard’s grip on several races is loosening, he is getting progressively more desperate and hysterical in the attacks and tactics used.

Any political cub scout could have found this. Dave Gilliard is usually pretty adept at hiding thousands of dollars of expenses off of candidates political filings – but apparently, in their arrognace, Spannagel, LaMalfa and Gilliard thought they would not get caught.


LaMalfa’s committee paid Mark Spannagel $4,500 on April 17 and $135 on April 18 for “media related services.”

Now, Dave Gilliard is writing a limp-wristed, Mark Spannagel is not with the campaign anymore email.

Oh Gheez. But Spannagel still works for State Senator Doug LaMalfa.

The Record Searchlight requested the receipt from LaMalfa’s campaign, but its spokesman, Dave Gilliard, said he was on the road and was not involved with the finance reporting to the Federal Election Commission.

Come on, Gilliard.

Accountability has arrived for Doug LaMalfa, “He Ain’t one of us.”

The Redding Record-Searchlight article is linked here.

Score one for Pete Stiglich! Denies Doug LaMalfa the I-Caucus Endorsement!

 Doug LaMalfa, Pete Stiglich  Comments Off on Score one for Pete Stiglich! Denies Doug LaMalfa the I-Caucus Endorsement!
May 302012

Is it the scandal that is causing people to re-consider?

Is it the fact that people in the Tea Parties that were deceived by Team LaMalfa in 2010 are starting to realize that he is a Charlatan?

I got an email forwarded to me from the I-Caucus that Doug LaMalfa failed to reach the 70% required for endorsement.

In CD-1, neither Pete Stiglich nor Doug LaMalfa was able to reach the 70% threshold of ballots voting in favor of endorsement. At this time then, iCaucus is unable to offer endorsement to either of these fine candidates. This could very well be a race that will be revisited after the primary election.

While LaMalfa may still get in to the runoff – it is refreshing to see him having to deal with his own record for a change instead of hiding behind smear merchants to attack opponents.

Or – maybe the ICaucus has awakened to the $4.7 million reality?