May 272011

For those of you scoring at home:

1. Chip Hanlon is getting Sued by the SEC, and had his license to do business revoked by FINRA.
2. The IRS is cracking down on 501C4 “charities”.
3. Jeff Stone, who was the opponent to Joel Anderson got fined by the FPPC
4. Jim Nielsen is getting exposed as a Liberal

Jeff Stone and his campaign for State Senate played a very large role in publicizing the wild accusations against the Placer County Republican Party in 2009, with regard to the contribution to Senator Joel Anderson’s campaign, which was later returned to the Party.  I cannot prove it, but I suspect that the Stone campaign for State Senate (against Joel Anderson) was directly or indirectly responsible for instigating the Fair Political Practices Commission investigation of the Placer County Republican Party.  The Placer County Republican Central Committee did nothing wrong — and we followed the legal advice that we were given by the Fair Political Practices Commission itself — but the investigation was a major distraction for the Executive Committee in 2009.

Now, in one of life’s wonderful ironies, Jeff Stone recently agreed to pay $16,000 in fines for failing to properly report $84,052 in contributions to his 2010 campaign for State Senate.  The Placer Central Committee was attacked mercilessly even though we were never formally accused of doing anything wrong.  Placer never paid any fines or faced any charges.  Now, the candidate who did more than anyone else (even more than Jim Ruffalo) to publicize the unwarranted attacks against the Placer County Republican Party has admitted to serious wrong-doing.  I do not know the specific nature of the charges against him or whether they were true, but it is amusing to see another example of the old saying that “what goes around comes around.”

Stone faces $16,000 FPPC fine

By PE Politics on May 26, 2011

Riverside County Supervisor Jeff Stone has agreed to pay $16,000 for failing to properly report $84,052 in contributions to his 2010 campaign for state Senate.

The state Fair Political Practices Commission will consider the fine at its June 9 meeting.

Stone, of Temecula, unsuccessfully sought the Republican nomination in the 36th state Senate District, which includes southwest Riverside County. He finished second in the June 2010 election to then-Assemblyman Joel Anderson, R-Alpine, who went on to win the general election.

Stone was not available for comment Thursday. In June 2010, a spokesman said the campaign failed to report the donations because of a misunderstanding of state rules that require, within 90 days of an election, disclosing contributions of $1,000 or more within 24 hours.

— Jim Miller

There is a reason why it is smart not to respond to all the BS charges made against one’s self in politics. Usually, those that deal in BS get burned by their own actions eventually.

Latest Sacramento Stupidity – Tax the Internet

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May 262011

OK, folks – I am not a constitutional scholar, but the interstate commerce clause comes to mind. There are a few bills in the legislature and in the Democrats’ desperation to avoid cutting the ghastly, bloated welfare state – they are scrambling like street junkies to find more money to support their habits.

Solution – let’s shut down every Ebay business in the state. Why? They will be forced to collect taxes and carry a bond (Which is extremely expensive) to indemnify the state that they will do so. Oh, and did I forget to mention the punitive fines?

I had a BofE employee drop in on my office about 6 weeks ago to check and see if my INSURANCE AGENCY had a use tax permit! Why? The BofE is obsessed over internet commerce and trying to track down anything they can tax that may have been bought off the internet.

Quoting the Sacramento Bee Capitol Alert – and note the TEACHER’S UNION is in support of this! Surprise! (Remember, it is not about the kids – it is about six figure salaries and union dues for them…)

Elsewhere at the Capitol, Democratic Assembly members Nancy Skinner and Charles Calderon and Sen. Loni Hancock tout measures they say will level the playing field for California businesses competing with online retailers such as

The lawmakers will be joined by Bill Dombrowski, president and CEO of the California Retailers Association; Dean Murakami, president of the Los Rios Community College Federation of Teachers; and others at the news conference, which starts at 11:30 a.m. on the Capitol’s south steps.

Skinner’s Assembly Bill 153 and Calderon’s Assembly Bill 155 may come up for a vote Thursday in the Assembly Appropriations Committee. Hancock’s Senate Bill 234 passed the Senate 22-17 on May 5 and is now before the Assembly.

Here is the sinister thing – Hancock’s bill passed the State Senate. It is so bad that two of her fellow Dems voted against it. Hancock’s garbage is far less discussed than the Skinner bill… The hope of the Dems is that everyone is focused on the Skinner Bill and that Hancock’s slips through.

Even Better – Hancock tried to write her Internet Tax is such a way as to get around state law. (We’ve already seen Prop 25 circumvented – too bad California, you couldn’t get even with them even when you try…)

Bottom line – Brown will sign an internet tax and the tax will be enjoined, then tossed out by the court. Again, the Democrats kick the can down the street another couple years and the GOP continue to fight over their shrinking slice of the California Pie.

But – the police state is here to stay, if your a business like me… the BofE is watching you.

You can do something about this – never vote for a Democrat again.

P.S. The California Retailers Association apparently is a joke – they shill for left-wing Communists and have done so for years. Don’t let their name fool you.

What does the Chico News & Review Know About Jim Nielsen That Local Tea Party Members Don’t?

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May 232011

The Chico News and Review is a liberal rag – we all know this. However, they have some very valid points about Jim Nielsen.

Some of you un-initiated to local politics should be aware that the primary accuser of the Placer GOP Central Committee is the executive director of a “non-profit” (a 501c4) that accepted $27,500 from the campaign account of Doug LaMalfa – a fact not disclosed while they went on a rampage of accusing Rick Keene and his supporters of corruption.

Those recruited for this Jihad were members of the local Tea Parties. The Tea Party is supposed to be about ethics in Government (which is why this LaMalfa supporter used “corruption” as a recruiting tool) but also lower taxes and smaller government. Tea Parties are also supposed to stand for truth in government – yet some attended Placer events and apparently reported on them omitting facts and making others up to suit a paradigm…

But – I have been told that there are many in the Tea Party that are constructive and helpful to electing good people.

Aside from the group I met that were helping Carly Fiorina and the group in Rocklin that helped my Mother’s campaign – I have seen far more that are bent on disruption… maybe that has as much to do with many being recruited in to the jihad than it does anything else.

The leader of this jihad and accuser of the Placer GOP Central Committee has a financial interest – and if you are the executive director of a “charity” then a donor to your “charity” constitutes a financial interest – in Jim Nielsen and is now trying to sell the same elements of the local Tea Parties on Jim Nielsen. Nielsen has already appointed some of her lieutennants to the State CRP – she and these lieutennants voted for Pro-Choice, Republicans should not be so rigid Arnie Zeiderman for CRP Vice Chair North.

Are you confused yet? With LaMalfa – I could see how there could be a distinction as LaMalfa’s voting record was slightly to the right of Rick Keene… but Arnie Zeiderman and Jim Nielsen?

Enter the Chico News and Review

former CN&R Editor George Thurlow documented in an exhaustive investigative piece in October 1990, Nielsen’s ethical lapses went well beyond lying about his residence. Among other things, during his tenure as a state senator (1978-90), he took a salary from a major pesticide distributor while working to kill pesticide reform bills; funneled campaign funds to his wife as income; and lobbied for and then voted for a $500,000 state grant, the bulk of which ended up going to a cogeneration plant in Williams in which he and his wife had a business interest

Nielsen also voted against then Governor Deukmejian’s proposed tax rebate, choosing instead to spend the money with the Democrats. Nielsen also voted to give illegal aliens healthcare.

Nielsen, as an assemblyman was lobbying people to go up on Prop 1-a – the largest tax increase in state history that is set to expire at the end of June. It doesn’t stop there – the deal to get Abel Maldonado to vote for Prop 1-a included putting Prop 14 on the ballot. Jim Nielsen supported that and has an overall CRA score some 20+ points lower than Doug LaMalfa.

And now you should really be asking about motives.

Jim Nielsen will be running for State Senate against Dan Logue. Logue authored Prop 23 – the effort to suspend California’s insane global warming law (which is being expanded by Jerry Brown). The dominos are set up like this… North State Congressman Wally Herger is retiring. Doug LaMalfa will jump from State Senate to Congress – this opens up Doug LaMalfa’s State Senate seat for a Logue vs Nielsen race.

This is why there have been so many cheap shots fired at Dan Logue by the accuser and her allies.

Dan Logue is a realitor, not a lawyer. Jim Nielsen is a liberal, not a farmer. This is a completely different set up – and maybe those recruits in the Local Tea Party will see Nielsen for who he really is and they will call BS.

I have shown more evidence in this blog that Nielsen is a Liberal than anyone has that the Placer Cent Com is Corrupt!

Why Is Matt Cunningham’s Double-Dealing an Important Lesson?

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May 222011

Many of you regular readers of this blog have read me write more than a few times about my expulsion from Red County. I got expelled because I was honest about working for Steve Poizner.

Matt Cunningham is one of the partners in Red County – he is a well-connected member of the “Orange County Mafia”. The OC Mafia basically control the California GOP.

Cunningham is a reputed “conservative” activist. He was in Jon Fleischman’s wedding for example, and he has known several OC legislators since they were in College.

Somewhere, the quest for a paycheck trumped his Conservative Activist background.

The Friends for Fullerton’s Future Blog just opened up Cunningham again – finding a $30,000 contract for more Government Work. Here’s the deal – it is not wrong, just hypocritical for Cunningham to be doing this – and when you read the blog and the contract itself – you’ll see that Cunningham is sucking at the government teet for doing little or nothing.

Cunningham’s Partner – Chip Hanlon is getting sued by the FINRA and the SEC for fraud. Hanlon had also had his license to practice financial planning revoked in 2009 and a Bankruptcy around that time as well – explaining why the Red County Blog was sold to Meg Whitman.

Add to this, the previous revelations that Cunningham raked in over $200,000 from the first five commission – the Rob Reiner thing known as prop 10 – and you have a pattern of hypocricy.

You can see multiple posts about the First Five Commission all over the FFFF blog. Try Here, And Here, Again Here and some more Here.

The point? Matt Cunningham railed against Prop 10 for a long time before it passed. Chip Hanlon self-righteously bloveated against paid blogging.

Still others here locally seized on the self-righteous cannon and libel of the above two to use in their “case” against some of us locally.

So – some tried to use Fraud at the CRA convention and also used the rantings of two fruadsters from the OC to “reform” things? Epic Fail.

Dan Logue: Draft Rick Perry for President

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May 192011

Trump – Idiot, Gone
Huckabee – helped nominate McCain in 2008, Gone
Romney – Massachusetts Liberal, Buying Support
Ron Paul – Insane
Sarah Palin – the Sentimental Favorite, so badly damaged by McCain and the media…
Newt Gingrich – featuring the Woman he cheated with on his second wife in his campaign, both feet stuck in his mouth…
(and Who cares about the rest of the field…)

It is time for Rick Perry. Led by California Assemblyman Dan Logue – there is an effort underway to draft Rick Perry.

Rick Perry is the Governor of Texas. He is a kick-tail conservative. We need Rick Perry to clean up after Bush and Obama.

Join the effort to Draft Rick Perry here.