Oct 172010

Please support Amanda “Mandie” Tingler, Glenn Moeller and Todd Lowell.

Quite simply, the Rocklin Unified School Board needs some change.

For too long there has been personal animosity that has overridden the best interests of governance.

I have spoken with Todd Lowell a few times and am convinced that Todd does indeed have the best interests of the children at heart. I also empathize with him about how it feels to get used as a punching bag.

Steve Paul. I do not know him at all.

Having met Glenn Moeller a few times – he has tripped over his own feet campaigning several times… but he wants to serve and he is also an honest man. We can do far worse.

Conservative Mugs 970×250

I believe that others see that – which is why this race has not gotten nasty. How can you attack a music leader at a local church?

Amanda Tingler? She’s a Republican, Wendy Lang is not. Case closed.

With respect to those supporting Wendy – there is no such thing as a non-partisan race.

I have probably cost myself a few endorsements and supporters if I run for Rocklin City Council – but that is not the calculation. I am a Conservative first, a Republican second and a candidate third and I am willing to live with the consequences.

Once the primary is over – then I am a Republican – which is why I am voting for Abel Maldonado and Meg Whitman.

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  2 Responses to “Right On Daily Endorses in Rocklin Unified School District Race”

  1. For you to say “Tingler? She’s Republican Lange’s not”. Is not a reason to vote Tingler. I know Tingler and I always thought she was a Democrat. She and her husband were big Obama supporters they even went to the Inauguration. They were given tickets and were very excited to go because they believe in him. She should be looked at much closer than you think.

    Editor’s Note: IT is spelled Lang as in Wendy Lang a DTS Registrant. Amanda Tingler was given tickets to the inaguration by Tom McClintock – the Republican who beat Obambi’s boy (Charlie Brown who Lang supported) by 1700 votes in 2008.

  2. To vote for someone just because they are your party is the most ignorant way to cast a vote. Based on nothing. A vote should be for who is the best candidate for the job. No matter what party they are affiliated with.

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