Aug 192010

I ask this question not to make light of the fight for marriage equality – but rather because I am concerned that those who want Marriage equality don’t take their own marriages seriously?

Case and point: David Larson – he was lampooned er. featured in the Roseville Press-Tribune yesterday. I got a copy of the print version of the article and it refers to David Larson’s wife.

Tim Herman has been a registered DTS since 1988. However, he had an Obama signs in his front yard and his daughter worked for Charlie Brown. I have wondered why Tim was not a registered Democrat – I should talk to him about where he differs from the liberal Democrat line.

As to Larson – I am married as well. I am proud of my wife… she is beautiful for one, don’t take my word for it check out and look up Jodie Stevens the afternoon Drive DJ.

Why isn’t Larson proud of his wife? Where is she on his website? That seems bizarre to me.

As a side note – the same section of the article mentions that Larson moved here with his wife from the bay-area because of the quality of life – and now Larson (a member of the Democrat Central Committee) wants to bring the same brilliance that ran the bay area in to the ground here to Roseville?

Conservative Shirts 2 970×350

I’m getting a headache – and if I ran for office and tried to keep my wife off my website and campaign – I’d find myself on the couch and in counseling.

David – the voters want to get to know you.

P.S. The On-Line version of the P-T article refers to David Larson’s “spouse”, not wife.

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