Robinette Cook Picks Up Two Critical Endorsements: Nevada Cent Com / Senator Gaines

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Mar 102011

Please note that Arnie Zeiderman cancelled out on coming to the Placer Cent Com last night due to some “last minute issues”.

It would appear to this blogger that the endorsement of Zeiderman by Jim Nielsen has made it clear to many who the Conservative running in the race is.

In case it was not previously clear, endorses Robinette Cook.

Fellow Republicans:

I had a great day today.  Senator Ted Gaines endorsed me.

As I was driving home from the Placer County Party meeting tonight I received a call letting me know that the Nevada County Party had voted to endorse me as well.

Having Senator Gaines weigh in for me will make a big difference as I continue to make my case throughout the Northern Counties.  I am honored and humbled by people who are willing to lend their good names to my candidacy.

Congratulations as well to (soon to be Assemblywoman) Beth Gaines who was successful in making it to the run off election in the 4th Assembly District.

There were a number of good Republicans in the Special Election last night.  We now need to unite behind our candidate and make sure she dominates in the Special General election.

I have updated my website.  Please feel free to visit to see my position on the issues and the growing list of endorsements.  Click on CRP 2011 at the top of the page.

Thanks again to all of the members of the Nevada County Party for your support.

I would also like to thank all of the members of the Yuba County Party for giving me such a warm welcome at your successful Lincoln Day Dinner last week.

Robinette Cook

P.S. I still need more endorsements before convention.  Please hit reply today and I will add your name to my website.

Instead of Talking About Compromise – Robinette Cook Talks Values

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Mar 092011

While some “Conservatives” are endorsing the moderate Arnie Zeiderman who talks about the need to cut deals with tax-raising liberals…

… a true Northern Californian with true values is stepping up to the plate.

Does Zeiderman talk grassroots and registration? Nope.

On the issues…
Voter Registration
The state party should make voter registration a priority.  Voter registration should be funded year round.  We lost the last election because there are more Democrats than Republicans.  We will not win statewide until we close the gap.
Proposition 14 – Open Primaries
Republicans should nominate Republican candidates for public office.  We should not allow outside forces to manipulate our process and non-Republicans should nominate their own candidates in their own process.
Our Party should stand against tax increases and support tax cuts.  Always.
The Republican Message
We have to have a message in opposition to the majority party – that is destroying our state.  As California crumbles under the weight of one party rule, we have to offer a message of opportunity, growth and accountability.  We have to reach out and give people a reason to support Republican principles.
State Budget
Republicans who voted for the various tax increase state budgets of the last 10 years made a terrible mistake.

Party functions need to be affordable
We need to NOT have conventions at 5 star resorts in Palm Springs.  It costs too much and sends the wrong message to working families.  We need affordable conventions with speakers that attract people to attend.  We should conduct party business efficiently and discreetly.  We need more people attending our functions.

I don’t run away from the fact that I am a Conservative.  The current crisis we face in California is the result of Liberal big government.  The answer is not more big government.  The Republican Party should remain the home of conservative political thought.

 For more information go to

Does Someone Want to Explain Why “Conservatives” Support Arnie Zeiderman?

 Arnie Zeiderman, Robinette Cook  Comments Off on Does Someone Want to Explain Why “Conservatives” Support Arnie Zeiderman?
Mar 092011

Barry Pruett from Nevada County just lit Arnie Zeiderman up bad. Zeiderman wants to represent the mostly Conservative North State as CRA Vice Chariman Northern Region.

Here’s my issue – “Conservatives” like Jim Nielsen and Doug LaMalfa have endorsed Zeiderman. I can understand Nielsen doing it as Nielsen has shown a proclivity throughout his long political career to cut deals to raise taxes, etc. But Doug LaMalfa!? He is a conservative and is pro life – Zeiderman is not Pro-Life.

It is also my understanding that local Tea Party Members (appointed by Nielsen) and a Candidate for CRA President are also supporting Zeiderman. Unless they come out and publicly contradict Nielsen and endorse Robinette Cook – one has to draw that conclusion.

Barry Pruett also talks about Robinette Cook:

In February, I was fortunate enough to meet both Robin Cook and her opponent in the election for Vice Chairman-North of the California Republican Party.  This election will be held at the CRP Convention in March.  Robin Cook is a solid conservative; she is the type of conservative that California Republicans need in the CRP.  Having worked for Congressman Herger in the past, she understands the politics of success.

When I met her in Chico, she espoused the principles with which I wholeheartedly agree – our rights come from God, and that the genius of our United States Constitution is the idea of a limited form of government.  Robin said, “Our Founding Fathers had it right when they started this country, but the advance of liberal progressives over the last century, especially here in California, has threatened the very liberty and individual freedom for which people gave their lives those many years ago.”

That being said, Robin’s opponent came to our Nevada County Republican Central Committee meeting and told us that we needed to get away from our “rigid positions” and compromise.  What he called “rigid positions,” I call integrity.  Lack of rigid positions and compromise have directly lead to California’s massive deficit and dysfunction.  We can no longer compromise on our conservative “rigid positions.”  These solid conservative principles are the foundation that brought about an American prosperity that this world had never previously seen.

If we fail at any level to elect solid conservatives, we risk losing the liberty and individual freedoms that we hold dear.

Vote for a true conservative Republcian – Vote for Robinette Cook for Vice Chairman-North of California Republican Party.