Aug 052019

You read it correctly. We expect democrats to try and forestall development, but in Southern Orange County, I have discovered another batch of NIMBY’s and BANANA’s. This time, I am not talking about the contingent of wealthy loudmouths in Granite Bay (in my backyard) that oppose development anywhere for any reason, I am talking about Southern Orange County. Specifically, as I was looking at the landscape of CA-49, and AD-73 what I found was disturbing. (CA-49 = Congressional District 49 (infested by Mike Levin), AD-73 = Assembly District 73 (infested by Bill Brough))

Some weak people trying to find a reason to avoid the real issues with Bill Brough think that the sudden explosion of scandals are related to this issue. All their stupidity (and that of Maryott) did was cause your intrepid blogger to start looking. And look I did. I’d also like to thank the two San Clemente City Council Members that are publicly defending Bill Brough for their assistance in narrowing my search for information. I found a whole bunch of Republican BANANA’s and NIMBY’s. 

BANANA = Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything.

It appears that San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano Mayor Brian Maryott, Failed Liberal Republican Rocky Chavez, the scandle-riddled Bill Brough, and some other mystery players have joined with the Enviros and Congressman Mike Levin in an attempt to thwart development in Southern Orange County. However, I am not sure any of the previously mentioned luminaries had anything to do with what the City of San Clemente has done.

Research shows that Bill Brough has cashed in from San Clemente Donors in 2019, ostensibly after his aggressive moves against development.

I originally thought I was going to be looking in to the CA-49 race as this one of is the best chances the GOP has to recapture lost territory in California. Once the Citizen’s tribunal meets to re-draw districts in 2021, if we don’t re-take the CA-49 and other lost territory in 2020, you can make sure the new lines will be much worse. With short sighted selfish anti-growth “Republicans” like those in local government in the south end of Orange County including the intransigent Bill Brough and his enablers… they are doing their part to entrench Mike Levin in Congress.

At this point, Maryott is the only known “Viable” Republican candidate for CA-49. He proved in 2018 that he is incompetent with a humiliating 7th place finish in the primary. (Your intrepid blogger could have carpetbagged down there and done better) As I was researching Maryott, I noted that on his website, he calls himself a Conservative. (#YUGE Red Flag, you live it, you don’t have to tell anyone you are)

Maryott’s campaign theme is “Enough Already, Let’s Get to Work”… apparently, except when it comes to congestion relief in Southern Orange County.

This was sent to me by someone that lives in CA-45, not CA-49. Enough already Bryan. Oh and I get these too and I live in CA-04, you may need to look at a map to find CA-04. 

I had family members leave San Clemente because they could not make simple improvements to their property without the NIMBY police approval and a pile of paperwork. So, this behavior did not surprise me in the slightest.

Then of course while researching the CA-241 Extension which this is known as, I found out that one of my favorite Green Republican Cap-and-Traitors Rocky Chavez also opposed the project in his vain attempt at getting elected to Congress (he ran for CA-49 in 2018 and is looking at CA-50 in 2020). Anyone within the GOP will remember that Chavez was elected in an R vs R runoff with something like $2 Million worth of expenditures and attacks against his opponent. Chavez like so many other self-serving and short-sighted politicians repaid the investment by bailing out of office for bigger and better things, then bad-mouthing all of his former colleagues after suffering an almost as humiliating loss as Maryott did!

I am sure once Bill Brough is a former officeholder he will blame his female victims and everyone else that rose up to expel him once the totality of his behavior became known. 

I’d tell both Chavez and Maryott “Enough Already, Get Back to Work”, but Mr. Chavez’ Ego would replenish the polar ice cap and Maryott is clearly bored with financial planning as his stance on development is geared toward shredding the retirement savings of his clientele.

A lot of people in Orange County have told Bill Brough “Enough Already” but he is going to require long-term therapy as his brain function appears to be inhibited. Let’s see how many more leaders in Orange County join in the hit parade.

And, then there is San Clemente. I will refer to it is San-NIMBYte. I stumbled upon this LA Times attack article against the CA-241 Extension project. I’d have been good with a drive-by on Maryott, Brough and Chavez, but this article in the LA Times is quite convenient and deliberate. No one in the California Media has enough non-THC Tainted brain cells to be this effective.

The article was a classic left-wing hit piece all about the money paid to consultants working on the CA-241 Extension. That was all it was about, and in the course of whining about traffic as a backdrop for all this evil money, the LA Times took a position against traffic relief. At least I can rationalize the stupidity of Maryott, Brough and Chavez – they were pandering for votes they didn’t get. (or in the Case of Brough, won’t get ever again)

San Clemente officials, fierce opponents of a proposal to extend the toll road through the beach town, obtained the consultants’ billings through a public records lawsuit and have sharply criticized the payments to the high-priced, politically connected consultants.

Note that the LA Times Reporter used Hyperbole – huge red flag

I was looking for a motive for the LA Times hit piece, the 4th paragraph let the cat out of the bag, it looked like a jealous rage and a desperate city (San Clemente) trying to carpet bomb everything and everyone.

It is not a bad strategy as many in the political world are cowards and fold at the first sign of criticism. Witness how long it is taking to get people to stand up to Bill Brough’s behavior. 

Then, it hit me.

…the source of the problem was an “antagonizing” campaign waged by San Clemente’s own consulting firm, Los Angeles-based Englander, Knabe & Allen, which had lost out to Venture Strategic in bidding for the tollway agency’s contract.

The firm’s strategic proposal to San Clemente invoked Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” in explaining how it would battle the toll road extension, and mentioned filing public records requests for consultants’ fees as one of its weapons. City records show the firm in late 2017 was paid nearly $100,000.

Hell hath no fury like a jilted consultant. Is Harvey Englander behind the LA Times Hit Piece?

Adam Englander lost the contract to the consultant quoted about in the LA Times. Adam and Harvey Englander are now “employed” by the City of San Clemente. I know Harvey Englander by reputation and in my opinion, he is not a good dude at all. 

So did Adam get his daddy to come in and bully local government in South OC?

So – you have Harvey Englander, Leftists, a leftist Congressman, a leftist Cap and Trade warrior Rocky Chavez AND a self-identified trans-conservative Brian Maryott with the scandal-riddled Bill Brough trying to scuttle the CA-241 extension to keep I-5 clogged? I can’t get drunk enough to imagine how the hell that helps the environment. 

Apparently, the San Clemente City Council post closure of their hospital is A-OK with it taking 45 minutes to get to the next closest hospital during rush hour? And, they are working with Harvey Englander who appears to be racketeering the whole thing by bullying and harassing anyone and everyone affiliated with the project? What did Bill Brough get out of this deal? Given that Brough appears to have been living off of his campaign account, it appears he would be vulnerable to being sucked in by the San Clemente anti toll-road racket… 

Who is Harvey Englander? What is he doing? Stay tuned as in our next installment, we introduce you to Rocky Chavez, Bill Brough and Bryan Maryott’s good buddy. Oh, and all of this is paid for with your tax dollars courtesy of San Clemente – the NIMBY capitol of Southern Orange County.

Is the OCGOP smoking crack? Do you really think you have a chance at re-taking CA49 or holding AD-73 with nimrods like these guys? Please do something about this!

To be continued…

LAFCO UPDATE: Olympic Valley Effort Dealt Near Fatal Blow

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Jul 122015

This week LAFCO imposed deadlines on IOV backers!

(blogger’s Note – CFA = Financial Analysis, EIR = State Mandated Waste of Money on Environmental Impacts, IOV = NIMBY’s)

Placer County LAFCO delivered the message to Olympic Valley incorporation supporters  loud and clear Wednesday afternoon, indicating no more delays, it’s time to pay up.

The Commission adopted a staff recommendation that denied an IOV request to delay the EIR, while setting a firm deadline for IOV to make EIR payment (Aug 13), and if payment is not made, staff will suspend all work. (It looks like the NIMBY’s just got their free ride at our expense cut off)

Despite heavy advocacy for incorporation by commission chair Miguel Ucovich, LAFCO members voted against the chairman on a 5-2 vote. Ucovich, who led the effort to incorporate Loomis 30 years ago, has become an outspokenly biased advocate for incorporation of Olympic Valley. Ucovich called the draft CFA “skewed” even after fiscal experts addressed concerns about the document. I still do not understand why the otherwise staunch conservative would be supporting an effort that is fiscally doomed from jump street…

Brian Sheehan, the other member who voted no on the motion, serves on the Squaw Valley Public Service District board. Sheehan, who also has made no effort to recuse himself, is an ally of incorporation and vocal in his support. In the opinion of this author, Sheehan’s conflicts of interest should be investigated.

LAFCO meets August 12 when its expected to consider a revised comprehensive fiscal analysis (CFA).

IOV seems to ignore the fiscal realities, seeking to send the revised CFA to the state controller for review.  The anti-growth IOV people don’t care about reality despite a process and document that has been fair to both sides.

Based on the preliminary CFA, the claims by IOV that the document is riddled with errors will be readdressed and is expected to be finalized. IOV attorney Michael Colontuano, an expert litigator of incorporation efforts,  mentioned litigation during his remarks.

Got all that – even if all the alleged errors in the Financials are addressed, Larry the Lawyer is going to file suit. He just said so and LAFCO knows it. This is what NIMBY’s do when they don’t get their own way. Meantime – 1,000 jobs are being held at legal gunpoint by IOV. Don’t you just love California Law and how it is written to encourage this?

For all the whining of the Left over rich people, they should be outraged over what Ilfeld (the Rich university professor) and Larry the Lawyer are doing to Placer County.

The Second Opinion Is In – Incorporating Olympic Valley is a Loser

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Jul 072015

Second opinions can be a good thing. Whether it’s for a medical condition or incorporating a small town like Olympic Valley, a second pair of eyes helps! Trouble is, people often get a second opinion to validate the first. They really only hear what they want to hear.

In this case, the second pair of eyes was by Blue Sky reviewing a preliminary fiscal analysis conducted for Placer County LAFCO. The county’s vendor, RSG Consulting Group, performed a comprehensive financial review of whether a new town could be survive. The conclusion was crystal clear. Incorporation is not fiscally viable. Unfortunately, those pushing incorporation don’t want to accept the hard data. They would rather argue about decimal errors or whether the town would need a 17% reserve or a 30% reserve. These rationalizations fly in the face of reality.

If created, and that’s a big IF, Olympic Valley would be not only California’s newest town, but also the smallest. There’s only 500 registered voters in the area and the community is already heavily divided over whether incorporation is a positive development. I say development, because incorporation is really about controlling and limiting Squaw Valley’s development project.

That’s the irony. Incorporation requires a successful development project to generate revenue for the town. Both fiscal studies indicate that, even if development unfolds at a rapid pace, the new town is not viable. In fact, the second study says “there are good reasons to believe that development would be slower than expected. Continued drought, economic recession, environmental litigation, or the actions of a new town council could all act to slow or stall development.” The report says, if this were to occur, “the fiscal implications for the town could be dire.”

What? Dire?!!! A proposed town is already in financial trouble? Maybe this town is different, and won’t rely heavily, if not almost exclusively on the weather, tourism and revenue generated by the Squaw Valley Ski Resort. Uh, okay. May be not!

This is what happens when a few wealthy NIMBY’s, who have joined forces with Sierra Watch and Friends of Squaw Valley, start cutting their own towline. By curtailing development at Squaw, there isn’t enough revenue generated for standard services let alone their entitlements. There isn’t enough revenue to have an adequate reserve to protect the town and its citizens from unforeseen events. But these are the same people who demanded their own locker room at the resort, special reserved parking and annual memberships courtesy of Squaw.

At the June 10 LAFCO meeting, these advocates for incorporation raised concerns about errors and flaws of the preliminary CFA. Now, many of those allegations have been proven wrong, and so the fiscal analysis (CFA) isn’t inaccurate like they said. The only flawed thinking is by those who still want to incorporate when common sense and financial DATA says it will have a negative impact on the area.

The county’s independent analysis shows incorporation doesn’t work. The Blue Sky review also shows incorporation is fiscally infeasible. Blue Sky Consulting Group is a Sacramento-Oakland-based public policy and economics consulting firm with some serious credentials and fiscal experts. The incorporation folks and LAFCO have been given a second opinion. The only question left is, is anyone listening?

LAFCO Update: Did Incorporate Olympic Valley People Reveal Their True Motives?

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Jun 302015

The Sierra Sun had a story today about an evil development proposed in the Lake Tahoe Area. A ski developer wants to build a bunch of stuff so their business is not one-dimensional and dependent upon Sierra Snow and winter business.

Let’s dive in to the story with the first quote:

The Village at Squaw Valley Specific Plan outlines construction of up to 850 lodging units, with a maximum of 1,493 bedrooms; nearly 300,000 square feet of tourist-serving commercial space, while decommissioning about 92,000 square feet of existing commercial space; and a 90,000-square-foot Mountain Adventure Camp for indoor and outdoor recreation.

Boy – that sure sounds big and would make anyone living permanently in North Lake Tahoe nervous… but, then later in the article:

This latest proposal is a scaled-down plan from previous versions, including fewer bedrooms and lodging units, shorter building heights, a smaller Mountain Adventure Camp, and less overall project acreage.

“The most sensitive thing that we’ve done in terms of the environment for this project is reduce it by 50 percent over the last three years,” [Chevis] Hosea said. (he is the developer’s representative)

Ok – so the NIMBY’s have succeeded in getting the project shrunk. But, it still is not good enough. Sierra Watch has their lawyer trolling planning meetings, according to the article and look who else was in the article:

“The only mistake that can be made is to allow too many bedrooms or too much development, because that can never be fixed,” said Olympic Valley resident Bob Barnett, who is a member of the Friends of Squaw Valley. “If you go smaller, that can always be remedied later on. Once it’s too big, the environmental impacts never stop.”

Okay, so Sierra Watch and the Friends of Squaw Valley are working together to scale back or even stop the development project.

Oops. Maybe Bob Barnett, one of the “Friends of” forgot to mention that he also represents the Incorporate Olympic Valley effort, which desperately needs development to generate revenue for a new town. Stopping, delaying or downsizing the development project is disastrous for incorporation.   

Someone needs to give Bob Barnett some help, so allow me:

1. Don’t step on your own messaging. You’ve just exposed yourself as anti-growth as you are quoted attacking a development inside Olympic Valley. This tells the world what your likely motives are for attempting to incorporate a “town” of 500 registered voters

2. Olympic Valley is not financially viable. Even the most glowing estimates state that it will need to siphon millions in room taxes from neighboring jurisdictions to be viable.

3. However, you oppose construction of the very things that would generate the tax revenue necessary to support Olympic Valley! What’s next, a tax increase?


LAFCO Update: Incorporate Olympic Valley Attorney Urges County Board to Keep Document Secret

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May 122015

Remember Nancy Pelosi – we’ll find out what’s in it later?  (When referring to the need to vote yes on ACA before anyone had a chance to read the bill)

Well – apparently that is not a unique perspective.

You never know what you might catch when you going fishing.  After I posted interesting items related to Placer County’s Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO), I dug deeper into the agenda packet for Wednesday’s meeting. Then, I ran across a neat little legal jewel.

An attorney representing incorporation efforts up at Squaw Valley urges Placer County to keep a document secret! Anytime I see lawyers asking for secrecy, it sets off alarm bells. 

Michael Colantuono represents people who want to incorporate Olympic Valley (that’s the Squaw Valley area I referred to yesterday where about 500 people are registered to vote). Colantuono sent a letter to William Wright, the attorney for Placer County’s LAFCO, asking for increased transparency from LAFCO staff and then urging them to keep an economic study under wraps. Does he recognize his own hypocrisy?

LAFCO is expected to publish this week a Comprehensive Fiscal Analysis (CFA) of whether incorporation makes sense financially. The incorporation folks were given an advance copy of the “draft” document before it was made public.

Now – let that sink in a bit. Is anyone else wondering why the Incorporate Olympic Valley folks are able to get a copy of the economic study before anyone else?  While that may be interesting by itself, it’s the correspondence between two attorneys that has me calling BS.

The study is not public yet, and Colantuono’s letter to the county complains about LAFCO’s lack of transparency. He requests—or demands—that the document remain secret until AFTER the county negotiates the cost of services with the new town representatives. This is not only arrogant, it is corrupt.

Perhaps the NorCal Tea Party and other groups should take a closer look at this corruption. I am serious, this crap should not be happening anywhere and certainly not in my backyard.

Based on the tone and comments of Colantuono’s comments, incorporation of Olympic Valley is not fiscally viable. So, why keep the document out of the public domain for as long as possible?  Because LAFCO’s consultant agrees? Because the Incorporate Olympic Valley (IOV) folks need to recalculate the numbers, yep—out of public sight!!!! I thought LAFCO’s staff was supposed to be unbiased? What am I missing here?

Someone needs to have their head examined!!!!! Let me suggest one other besides the attorney:

The guy behind incorporation is Fred Ilfeld, who ironically is a psychiatrist, group therapist, philanthropist, adventurer, and grand-father of nine, who teaches at University of Nevada in Reno.  Fred is well-to-do and bank-rolling the incorporation effort. He paid for and submitted the IOV application along with about a dozen supporters.

The Tahoe Daily/Sierra Sun reported two years ago that if Olympic Valley is successful in incorporating, the new town — which would have identical boundaries to the Squaw Valley Public Service District — would have jurisdiction over plans to expand Squaw Valley Ski Resort. That is according to Peter Schweitzer, chair of Incorporate Olympic Valley.

So – think it through, a rich educated liberal college professor is bankrolling an effort to create a little hippie commune that just so happens to be right where one of Placer County’s Largest Tourist Attractions is. I’ve seen this all before – we are having a NIMBY eruption right here in Placer County (again). I still have nightmares about the “Save Granite Bay” signs from many moons ago.

We have the severe drought because of NIMBY’s

Our Freeways are clogged with traffic and inadequate because of NIMBY’s

We have forced power outages because of NIMBY’s

And here they are trying to screw over Squaw Valley? Am I missing something?