Feb 232012

This is old news. That’s ok because my spin on it is not.

First off – the incredible article from the Marysville Appeal-Democrat.

The quotes are a consultant’s dream – if you’re Dan Sharp or Kim Vann:

I’m first and foremost a Marine, and a Marine puts country first,” Schaupp said. “In this case, it’s time for Charlie Schaupp to step aside and do what’s best for the country.

She’s proven to me she’s trustworthy and knows what she’s doing,” said Schaupp

It’s clear to me Vann is the one who should represent the party.

Charlie Schaupp ended Rick Tubbs’ hopes of getting anywhere past 5% of the vote.

Tubbs had arrogantly thought that he could muscle everyone out of the race and position himself as the conservative alternative. Tubbs has two problems (other than a cronic lack of money) his wife and himself.

Having seen Tubbs in action, he is a used car salesman who has little if any substance to what he talks about. (EDIT – sentence deleted)

Kim Vann deserves better and the GOP deserves better than to see a targeted Congressional Race be subjected to the bizarre sideshow of the Tubbs campaign.

Do I think Rick Tubbs will suspend his campaign for the good of the GOP? I doubt it.

However, as reported back to me by people who were there… Rick Tubbs looked flabbergasted that Charlie endorsed Kim Vann. The most flabbergasted person will be John Garamendi in November when he realizes that he is out of office for the first time in 30+ years.

One of the most telling things I heard about was when Charlie confronted Garamendi. Garamendi could not regain his composure the rest of the morning – it is amazing what happens to career politicians when they are forced back in to the real world.

Kim Vann is going to kick John Garamendi’s butt – and with a Marine’s Size-12 helping him off the side.

P.S. I deleted a disparaging comment about Kristy Tubbs – she is not the candidate, Rick is and as such, I should have left her out of it.

Aug 232011

First off – John Garamendi is the incumbent. He is pond scum.

Garamendi bailed out on being Lt. Governor to run for Congress – Garamendi has never faced a full-force or sustained attack for his grotesque record as California Insurance Commissioner – as it is, he’s a tax-raiser and has followed Barack Obama off the cliff.

Kim Dolbow-Vann is the Establishment candidate. She is a former staffer of Doug Ose – one of the most liberal Republican Members of Congress at the time he served. Dolbow-Vann is also a tax-raiser / fee-raiser and appears to have ties to land owners that want to sell water rights to Southern California. Dolbow-Vann featured all of her Ose-ites as early supporters on the endorsement roster at her announcement.

The Consultants are swirling – it appears that Wayne Johnson is going to have a client in the race as well. (Maybe it is Dolbow-Vann?) We are expecting as many as six candidates as Republicans have demonstrated a pattern of stupidity – both in the form of the establishment squishes always recruiting a candidate for every seat, regardless of merit. The idealogues love to flock regardless of merit.

However, there is Retired Marine Colonel Charlie Schaupp – first off, he pulled 44% of the vote with a lightly funded campaign against liberal Republican Jim Nielsen in the previous Assembly Primary. (Nielsen recently led an effort to attempt the gutting of the Republican Party Platform) Schaupp has a following, name ID and most importantly – he opposes higher taxes and sending Northern California’s water to Southern California.

The new CD03 Race should be a whirlwind.

Update: I have been retained as a part-time consultant to the Charlie Schaupp Campaign.