The Left Uses the Arrest of Brian Jagger to Attack Kirk Uhler

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Dec 192010

In case you have not heard – a Placer County Supervisoral staffer, Brian Jagger got arrested for embezzlement. Jagger was the campaign manager / treasurer for Scott Owens for DA.

I first heard of the story on Placer County Online. (PCO is a good local website that is devoid of the neurosis of Gold County Media)

Naturally – I figured since Jagger happens to be Kirk Uhler’s Chief of Staff that the left would try to smear Uhler.

I was not disappointed. Two stories on the Auburn Journal basically started with Kirk Uhler’s name in the first 25 words. Ironic, since it is Deric Rothe that was convicted of a felony (dealing Cocaine), not Uhler and at this point, not Brian Jagger.

The second Auburn Journal story was more of a who is Brian Jagger story – but the first made it look like Kirk was somehow involved in stealing from Scott Owens.

What is interesting are the conspiracies that Canyon Rat (a DailyKos / MoveOn operative), Jack Sanchez, Zeke Tafoya and other Dem Central Committee types are promoting:

Since Kirk knew Jagger since he was a teenager – he must have known and excused Jagger’s behavior pattern.

They are all dutifuly promoting the erroneous and deliberately un-corrected Auburn Journal Story that said Uhler’s then company Solar Power Inc got the contract – when it was Solar Power Partners, Inc out of the Bay Area that got the contract. Since when did facts matter to the left or the convicted Cocaine Dealer Editor of the AJ?

Unlike the Solar contract which is a proven falsehood – Deric Rothe’s conviction for dealing drugs is a proven fact.

Kirk Uhler was notified by Tom Miller of the arrest – but the left alleges that Uhler tried to cover up Jagger’s actions and when Uhler and Owens could not cover it up anymore, only then did Owens go to the authorities.

These people run the Placer County Democrat Party.

Even dedicated Kirk Uhler hater Ken Campbell did not take the bait on this story – instead he nominated Jagger for a stupid criminal award. (of course, denying Jagger due process in the post)

This is another installment in why it sucks to be part of Placer County’s left – classless and dedicated to destroying people without merit.

P.S. On a personal note – I hope Jagger is not guilty of this, I really do. It would be a crushing fall for a man who is going through a really rough time in his life in other areas right now.

Oct 102010

People with personal axes to grind accused our former Congressman of doing this…

There is a key difference: Deric Rothe, the convicted cocaine dealer editor of the Auburn Journal is possessed with a desire for revenge and no evidence. And, to this day is using his paper in an attempt to try and prevent John Doolittle from making a living even after he was exhonerated from a six-year investigation in to corruption charges.

On the other hand, Barbara Boxer has been caught red-handed. (Mr. Rothe might want to take some notes about what real corruption is:)

Carly Fiorina Hits Barbara Boxer for Selling Earmarks:

Republican Senate candidate Carly Fiorina claims Democratic U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer is exchanging earmarks for campaign cash.

At issue, says Fiorina, is a fundraiser by the Washington, D.C. firm Alcalde and Fay. The firm is sponsoring a fundraiser for Boxer’s re-election campaign, months after winning a federal earmark for one its clients, the Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District. Fiorina’s campaign told the Associated Press that Boxer got an earmark worth almost $2 million for construction work designed to help the bridge withstand a major earthquake.

Fiorina, who trails Boxer in the polls, says the incumbent’s requested more than $6.5 million in earmarks for projects represented by Alcalde and Fay. She says Boxer shouldn’t take campaign money from the firm, and shouldn’t seek earmarks when the federal government’s facing a massive deficit.

A spokeswoman for the senator says there’s no connection between the projects and fundraising. And she says the earmarks are examples of how Boxer fights for money that will create jobs in California.

Now – if the Auburn Journal editorializes on this, I will be impressed.

At any rate- it sucks to be Barbara Boxer.