Ted Gaines Bloody Knife Brigade Update: Nevada County Edition

 Dan Logue, Dave Gilliard, Jim Nielsen, Nevada County Republican Party, Ted Gaines  Comments Off on Ted Gaines Bloody Knife Brigade Update: Nevada County Edition
Sep 202012

Bruce Kranz. John Doolittle. Harry Norris. So many others, I can’t remember them all.

Who are they? Ted Gaines’ victims.

Add Dan Logue to the list. Dan Logue endorsed Ted Gaines – and that endorsement was key to delivering Ted Gaines a CRA endorsement over Les Baugh in April.

Now, Ted Gaines has an opportunity to reciprocate.

In typical Ted Gaines style – he got what he wants, (a State Senate Seat) and most everyone that helped him gets a mess sandwich with no bread.

Tonight, the Nevada GOP Cent Com is weighing an endorsement of Dan Logue. The Chair of Nevada County is a Doug LaMalfa cylon robot.

The Nevada GOP endorsed Ted Gaines in March as well.

Ted Gaines has pulled his existing alternate – and has instead appointed another Doug LaMalfa Cylon Robot in a clear attemept to block an endorsement of Dan Logue.

This is how weak Jim Nielsen is. He is being forced to pull out all the stops to try and save himself from a slew of Cent Com Endorsements against. (Placer, Yuba and Butte already have endorsed Logue – vs Just Shasta’s for Nielsen.)

David Stafford Gilliard’s most recent email was a clear indicator that Jim Nielsen is running from behind. The concerted effort to discredit me personally in the Placer GOP endorsement process was another.

David Stafford Gilliard is the Consultant for Jim Nielsen, Doug LaMalfa, Ted Gaines and Beth Gaines. It is clear to this blogger that Ted Gaines got his orders.

So, add Dan Logue and the Nevada GOP to the list of people that got screwed by Ted Gaines.

I told you so.

Sep 192012

A few years ago I wrote a post lambasting the Howard Jarvis Taxpayer’s Association for Endorsing Meg Whitman over Steve Poizner.

I caught hell for that post – including having an employee of Jarvis tell me to go to hell in a phone conversation. They hinged their whole decision on Steve Poizner’s support of Prop 39 – the measure that changed the threshold for school bonds to 55%.

They ignored the $300K Whitman gave to the Environmental Defense Fund (think Delta Smelt lawsuit), the over $1million she gave to stop development in Telluride, CO, and a host of other things.

We all know that Whitman got trounced by Jerry Brown as Brown being the deft politician that he is – actually got to the Right of Whitman is his campaign!

I tried to argue that Prop 39 was years ago (2000) and Steve Poizner now is not the same person in 2010.

Didn’t work.

Here we are again – Jarvis dual endorsed Dan Logue and Jim Nielsen. Is it some sort of establishment thing? Is it that Jarvis did not want to cross Dave Gilliard?

I don’t know – but let me point out a few things about Gentleman Jim that the Howard Jarvis Taxpayer’s Association seems to have either ignored or forgotten.

Nielsen voted for the bloated state budget in 2010. So did a lot of other Republicans – but it does not make it right.

2009/2010 Jim Nielsen Voted for AB1422 – increasing “fees” collected to subsidize healthy families Logue Voted No

2009/2010 Jim Nielsen Voted for SB279 – increasing Mello-Roos Taxes – Logue Voted No

OK – so maybe the above bills are really minor and don’t rise to the level of endorsing against an incumbent – something that those of us on the Placer GOP Central Committee have been attacked and assailed for.

Jim Nielsen Voted to Put Prop 14 on the ballot (SB6 – 2009/2010 session) – Dan Logue Voted No. Prop 14 is enabling the Realtors, Charles Munger and the Dentists to attack Fiscal Conservatives in several districts as all three have their reasons for wanting tax-raising Republicans in office. (Granted, Jarvis endorsed on the right side of several of those races)

Jim Nielsen Helped Negotiate the deal that put prop 1A on the ballot – the largest tax increase in state history (Source: Legislative Staff)

Does this count? Does Jim Nielsen’s vote in CRP Platform Committee against the Conservative Party Platform Count? (Voted against Conservative Platform in Drafting Committee but changed in the full Platform Committee)

If these are still not enough to warrant standing up for Dan Logue alone – there is more.

Jim Nielsen voted to give Illegal Aliens Medi-Cal benefits (SB175 in 1987) (This vote removed the citizenship requirement)-

In the late 1980’s Nielsen Voted for AB1202 to help Contra Costa County Circumvent Prop 13! (Here it is – a direct attack on Prop 13)

In 1989, Jim Nielsen Voted for AB1109 to impose the illegal $300 per car smog impact fee! (This was so bad that a court overturned it and California had to pay it back to everyone, including me that got charged it)

(Source on above three: Op-Ed in Paradise post by Jim Ledgerwood)

There is a reason why I have become openly hostile to the Republican establishment – the bunker mentality that has taken over as our numbers continue to shrink statewide and the fact that organizations line of behind the title rather than the principle of the person it what has the California Republican Party doomed.

I was speaking to a campaign operative in a Congressional Campaign who told me that “Aaron, in our area, most of our DTS voters are former Dems… you know in most areas they are former Republicans…”

He was explaining this to me in context of why he candidate who is an extremely liberal Republican should be enthusiastically supported.

I was thinking of that comment in terms of the behavior of the Republican Establishment and their suicide pact in the political bunker. People are registering DTS because the principle has been flushed.

I will probably never get in to the good graces again of the Jarvis folks after this blog, and I don’t care. Charles Munger spent $45k to unseat me from the Placer GOP Central Committee by 20 votes – this is what we are dealing with in the current GOP. Stand up for competent leadership and you get attacked. Take on hypocrites and you get attacked.

Back to Jarvis –

If all the above they could ignore – the next action by Jim Nielsen, they can’t:

Jim Nielsen Supported SCA 2 in 1990 that was a direct attempt to abolish Prop 13 (Source: Jim Ledgerwood Editorial in Paradise Post)

Whoops. Now there’s one up on Steve Poizner, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Meg Whitman.

What was the mission of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayer’s Association again?

Sep 142012

Quick Update –

The California Association of Realtors Pac has decided that 2012 is a year where they are going to make a major move to start attacking conservatives in favor of tax-raising moderates.

They donated $7800 to Rick Bossetti. – Bossetti is pretty conservative, but is regarded as the more moderate of the two candidates in the AD01 race. Brian Dahle is the favorite to win up there… this may be signaling that the Realtors are going to attack Brian Dahle.

They donated $7800 to Frank Bigelow in AD05 today – after dumping about $100k in to him in the spring.

The Dentists donated $7800 to Jim Nielsen in SD04 today – signaling that they are going to attack Dan Logue! (I saw the donation on a report but failed to save the link.)

I have been told by captiol insiders that the concern for the Realtors PAC is some issue over threatened real estate transfer taxes and that if they get Republicans who are more amenable to raising taxes that they can fight of the transfer tax in favor of taxing something somewhere else.

amazing, huh.

Jim Nielsen vs Dan Logue – Classic Squish Vs. Conservative Race

 Dan Logue, David Stafford Reade, Jim Nielsen  Comments Off on Jim Nielsen vs Dan Logue – Classic Squish Vs. Conservative Race
Sep 062012

We’ve seen it all before – a Republican race with a Moderate Candidate who calls himself a Conservative vs a Real Conservative who does not need to call himself one because he lives it.

Jim Nielsen is a squish. I could care less about his residency BS. Everyone knows that he does not live in the double-wide in Gerber, he lives in a big fat $1million house in Woodland. The problem is that the courts don’t care and the folks in office in Tehama County are more than willing to run cover for him.

My biggest issue with Jim Nielsen? He voted to put Prop 14 on the ballot.

There is a second issue – Jim Nielsen is currently under a real FPPC investigation for breaking state campaign finance laws. He basically directed $32,000 through the Tehama County Republican Central Committee in to the campaign of David Stafford Reade puppet Bob Williams.

There is a third issue – Jim Nielsen was part of the team that negotiated Prop 1A and the Budget that resulted in the largest tax increase in state history. He was making calls trying to figure out which Assemblymembers would go up on that budget vote before chickening out and leaving Roger Niello to be that third vote.

This is just the surface on Jim Nielsen and I am getting warmed up.

Dan Logue – he put together a ballot measure Prop 23 that would have repealed AB32. Even if Nielsen was not a squish – you’d never see that sort of leadership from him.

No amount of trying to control circumstances will be able to fix David Stafford Reade’s critically flawed client… to be continued…

Aug 312012

According to the blog that David Stafford Gilliard (The other David) owns, Doug LaMalfa went in and had a sit-down with Governor Jerry Brown.

Doug LaMalfa informed Jerry Brown that he wanted to resign immediately and requested that Jerry Brown schedule the special election to run concurrent with the November General Election. Jerry Brown agreed to do so – for reasons enumerated later in this blog.

Sound Familiar? Ted Gaines was on the ballot twice in the fall of 2010. With 13 Counties in SD04 – the County Registrars won’t have to worry about Jim Nielsen calling them yelling and threatening them to make a separate ballot.

Here’s how the domino’s fall.

By doing this – David Stafford Reade gets an issue to attack Dan Logue with (being on the ballot twice, how selfish, blah blah blah). Being the man of integrity that he is, of course, Reade will get sudden amnesia over the status of his new best buddy Ted Gaines in 2010.

This of course sets up the Dan Logue VS Jim Nielsen State Senate Race. (Special Election)

The State Senate race is in the OLD Senate District 4 because it is this year. The metric is that LaMalfa’s crumbling base of support is getting weaker as more people find out about him and they had to act now.

Dan Logue just had to fight off Bob Williams in AD03 (who Reade recruited specifically to bleed money off of Logue) so he is a little lower on campaign cash.

Here’s the score – unlike LaMalfa who can hide behind scorecards to cover up his true essence, Jim Nielsen really is a Moderate all the way through.

Jim Nielsen is good buddies with Jerry Brown, dating back to the 1970’s when he was a state senator and was a reliable lap-dog for the Governor.

David Stafford Reade had to pull this trump card as this is the best circumstance for Nielsen.

Too bad, though – Nielsen is going to get hammered. Stay Tuned.