Score one for Pete Stiglich! Denies Doug LaMalfa the I-Caucus Endorsement!

 Doug LaMalfa, Pete Stiglich  Comments Off on Score one for Pete Stiglich! Denies Doug LaMalfa the I-Caucus Endorsement!
May 302012

Is it the scandal that is causing people to re-consider?

Is it the fact that people in the Tea Parties that were deceived by Team LaMalfa in 2010 are starting to realize that he is a Charlatan?

I got an email forwarded to me from the I-Caucus that Doug LaMalfa failed to reach the 70% required for endorsement.

In CD-1, neither Pete Stiglich nor Doug LaMalfa was able to reach the 70% threshold of ballots voting in favor of endorsement. At this time then, iCaucus is unable to offer endorsement to either of these fine candidates. This could very well be a race that will be revisited after the primary election.

While LaMalfa may still get in to the runoff – it is refreshing to see him having to deal with his own record for a change instead of hiding behind smear merchants to attack opponents.

Or – maybe the ICaucus has awakened to the $4.7 million reality?

Mar 262012

Visit Doug LaMalfa’s website – look at the Issues and Solutions Webpage.

There’s nothing there! – It says coming soon.

I think the rice lobby will be disappointed if they found that out…

In contrast – look at Sam Aanestad’s Website.

There are issues there!

Look at Colonel Pete’s Website… There are issues there!

It is stuff like this that makes it difficult to buy rice. I feel like I am being double-taxed every time I do.

Feb 222012

It looks like Doug LaMalfa is in trouble.

The Redding Record-Searchlight is the largest paper in the CD01 district and they LIT Doug LaMalfa on Fire over the Rice Welfare issue.

$300k last year alone! $300K!!!

I am sitting here finishing my dinner – L&L Hawiian BBQ which consists of Chicken, Polynesian BBQ Sauce and, you guessed it, taxpayer subsidized rice!

$4.7Million? Really? And all LaMalfa had to say for himself was – “You shouldn’t talk about a farmer with your mouth full…”

Doug LaMalfa – you shouldn’t talk about Welfare Reform or fiscal conservatism with your pockets full! (OF OUR MONEY!)

Quoting today’s Op-Ed:

But we will say this about LaMalfa. He’s one of those conservatives whose rhetoric has hit an increasingly bitter anti-government note of late. He recently touted his congressional candidacy on the Republican website FlashReport in part by saying, “I see it as my job to stand between the bureaucrat thugs and the people.” Are those the same “thugs” who send his family business six-figure subsidies each year?

Now, that will leave a mark.

But – it gets better, Doug LaMalfa has invested considerable time in supporting his Farm Welfare. He helped found an organization that is all about Farm Welfare:

LaMalfa served as a founding member of the California Rice Commission (Butte County). As a founding member, he helped start an organization that lobbies for rice subsidies, more friendly trucking regulation and cheaper power for rice growers.

The California Rice Commission had retained a Washington lobbying firm, Lesher and Russell, to make its case against such reductions for the 2007 federal farm bill that included rice subsidies.


Doug LaMalfa has some explaining to do. Big Time… but wait, there’s more… much more.

For example – the California Rice Commission applauded liberal Democrat Doris Matsui for protecting their welfare payments in the 2007 Farm bill.


We are now swimming in it. Quoting the Record-Searchlight again:

But a combination of pandering to the base about small government while paying the farm’s bills thanks to FDR’s legacy? Yeah, some folks might think that smells like fertilizer.

Oooooh. LaMalfa is a fraud.

Doug LaMalfa Gets Pounded

 CA-01 Race, Doug LaMalfa, Operation RINO, Pete Stiglich  Comments Off on Doug LaMalfa Gets Pounded
Feb 182012

Doug LaMalfa had a really bad day today.

He got lit up for being #9 on the top ten list of Farm Welfare recipients in Northern California by the Redding Record Searchlight and Ryan Sabalow.

His response? “This guy is a paid mudslinger,” LaMalfa said of Park

LOL! Last September – LaMalfa got caught with his fingers in the CRP Proxy cookie jar and his response was to call people to tell them it didn’t matter that their proxies ended up in the hands of Bay Area Moderates because the proxies weren’t voted!

Now it’s nothing to see here – the guy pointing it out gets paid for his work!!!

Sam Annestad’s crew avoided commenting in the article on the $4.7 million haul of taxpayer money Doug LaMalfa has made. Then, later forwarded some news clippings of their own that prove the point of the graphic – Doug LaMalfa is #9 on the welfare list!

In opposition to the measured approach of Aanestad, Colonel Pete Stiglich came out and ripped in to LaMalfa…

Stiglich said it’s hypocritical for a fellow Republican to receive federal farm aid, especially because LaMalfa has billed himself as a leader in the fight against expensive government entitlement programs.

“When it meets his personal interest, it’s not a big entitlement,” Stiglich said.

Therein lies the rub. This is the primary issue with Doug LaMalfa – Conservative to your face and liberal behind your back.



Oct 172011

I love Republicans, they charge the windmills and don’t care about strategy… there are 2 more that joined the race after Colonel Pete Stiglich, this will likely assure Wally Herger of finishing in 2nd place (behind the one Democrat that is sure to file) and getting in to the runoff.

Anyway – Pete Stiglich was the first to file and the first to announce and the most noteworthy candidate (not named Herger). I have mentioned before that Stiglich is now the President of the Shasta RA as well.

Click here to read the Anderson Newspaper’s Coverage of  Pete Stiglich’s announcement.

Pasted Below is Colonel Pete’s First Press Release:

Friends of Colonel Pete Stiglich is pleased to announce the candidacy of Colonel Pete Stiglich (Colonel Pete) for California’s 1st Congressional District.

Colonel Pete explains his reason for entering the 2012 congressional, saying,

Frankly, I’m fed up.  Fed up with democrats who want the federal government to intrude into every facet of our lives and republicans who go 50/50 on deals that are 100% wrong.  And, hard working, patriotic Americans feel much the same way.  It’s long past time we returned to our constitutional principles, a balanced federal budget, and a limited government.  And, the only way we’re going to do this is to replace career politicians like Wally Herger.

Colonel Pete, a native of California, retired from the U.S. Air Force in 2006 after 26 years of honorable service to his country.  Upon returning to his ranch in Cottonwood, he dedicated himself as an advocate for both veteran and community affairs.  He also wrote a popular conservative column for the Red Bluff Daily News entitled “Dare I Say”.

“Like never before, we need an emboldened Republican Party willing to lay out a clear conservative agenda and the leadership to stand up and fight for it,” says Colonel Pete. “And I’m just the guy to do it.”

Wally Herger has been in office 29+ years and has made some horrific endorsements as of late – preferring Liberal / RINO Republicans to more Conservative counterparts in several recent races. My research also shows that Herger has gotten soft on the Abortion issue as he has voted for some spending bills that included continued funding to pay for welfare abortions, etc.

And, I didn’t even mention his affiliates in Northern California by name – it’s not necessary, you know who they are.

(In addition, I saw some of Herger’s CRP appointments on the list of proxies given to Bay Area Liberals that attempted to gut the Republican Party Platform…)