Mar 212018

Click here to see a story about a missing elderly man with mental illness.

He was found last night after being missing since 3/10.

The first deputy that took the call on Day Shift around 10AM did not file a report. Under the command of Captain Jason Huskey, the deputy 98NE the report. 98NE means there was no report done.

The important thing was the initial deputy didn’t write a report or enter it until the wife of the missing man called again and then the second deputy contacted the Sgt. On duty who lost his mind and made the next deputy enter him as missing.

As a result a second call had to be dispatched and a second deputy had to come in behind and do the report on swing shift and hold over to graveyard to complete it. (Think overtime and costs to the taxpayers for redundant effort)

The delay in getting the report completed was so large that the CHP did not issue a Silver Alert for the missing elderly man due to the amount of time elpased (as in there was no way to specify an area for the alert).

Conservative Mugs 970×250

The failure by the first deputy would be a termination-eligible screw up, guess what happened. Nothing. However, it has not stopped people from bragging about the missing old man being found a week+ later.

In other news, Captain Jason Huskey has been threatening people in the area he is the Captain of, warning them that their associations may cause them permanent damage. I am literally shaking in my boots. Oh wait, I don’t wear boots.

Yup, even when Stan Sniff’s supporters try to self-congratulate, they end up looking like incompetent fools. Perhaps this is the real reason those cowards hide under cover of anonymity!

Huskey? He has added a disclaimer to his emails, including announcing that Chief Deputy Raya is back at work after a long covered-up illness. I hope I had a role in Chief Raya’s recovery and return to work…

This is getting fun, folks. Maybe the constant beatings will result in a permanent change in the way business is done… naw, gotta fire Stan Sniff or else it will all get worse.




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  3 Responses to “Riverside Confidential Special Update: Before Bragging, You Might Want to Check the Case File Botched Missing Person Case Being Celebrated”

  1. Any “leader” who has to remind his or her troops they are the “leader” is not a true leader at all. I mean, we see the bars, Jason!! And the disclaimer shows how truly paranoid you have become!

    Oooh!! How you gonna govern what we read, what we say? What next? What we think of you?!? Don’t worry Jase, the thoughts don’t go that high for someone who has sunk so low.

    You bad boy! Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?!?

    I hope the deputy who fucked that one up and left a mess for his partners to clean gets his just desserts. But if he’s licking Sniff’s greasy, sweaty, scaly hand, I truly doubt it.

  2. I’ve been told that Huskey doesn’t like me very much. Maybe he will start a facebook page about me. #RENTFREE

  3. “Do as I say not as I do.” No vests no problem! Real leaders lead from the front not the back texting on their phones. And that Deputy who “failed to perform” his / her duties, I doubt anything will come of that. There is no accountability within. Some deputies are held to answer and most are not. The lack of efficiency and crime fighting within is a complete joke.

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