Nov 262012

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Of these Four – Only AD67 was an R vs R race. However, these districts illustrate the further consequences of Connie Conway’s deal with Charles Munger and the self-focus of the GOP leadership.

Craig Huey in AD66 got left to the wolves. He lost by about 9 percentage points and could have won easily.

A PAC calling itself Californians for Fiscal Accountability spent $508,271.95 attacking Craig Huey. A look at their donors reveals a list of suspects that should surprise no one:

California Association of Realtors, California Dental Association, the SEIU, AFSCME and the Educational Employees Union!

What was spent on Craig Huey’s Behalf? Zero. Nada. Zilch. But – Huey did indeed have a RINO challenger in the Primary to bleed money off of him.

Conservative Shirts 2 970×350

Once again, Craig Huey is a Conservative Christian and, therefore was likely never given serious consideration for support by GOP leadership.

AD41: Donna Lowe also lost by less than 10. This district was identified as a “target district” yet Lowe did not receive a dime in independent support from anywhere.

AD61: This is a district that got attention by Charles Munger. Batey got a little bit of money from Howard Ahmundson in the Primary in support and got $65,447.26 from Charles Munger via the Spirit of Democracy. However, William Batey was a train-wreck and lost by 21 points. Again – the one race that money was spent on ended up being a complete disaster.

AD67: This race pitted a Dave Gilliard Client, Phil Paule against Melissa Melendez (endorsed by CRA) in the runoff. Phil Paule was the establishment choice.

True to form – Howard Ahmundson rode in on behalf of a Gilliard Client – in this case with $34,000 attacking Melendez and $16,500 on behalf of Phil Paule. Again, this was a waste of resources in an R vs R race.

This race featured the usual Dave Gilliard dirty tricks – a racist mailer against Melissa Melendez and an organization pulled their endorsement of Melissa Melendez late in the campaign. I believe that this was at the behest of Dave Gilliard as I have seen this pattern repeat itself several times, especially when Gilliard’s client is losing.

Melendez ended up winning by a fairly comfortable, yet close margin.

AD65 – this is a seat that the dems snaked by about 5,000 votes. This was the Chris Norby seat. It is the opinion of this blogger that the Republican leadership was still angry at Chris Norby for beating their heir-apparent in 2010 and left him to swing. Also, Norby is very conservative so the chance of Munger helping him was nil.

The Orange County Police Officer’s Union came after Norby (to settle a score dating back to when he was supervisor?) with $123,098.36.

JobsPAC and Howard Ahmundson came in way late with a combined $35k on Norby’s behalf – way too little, too late. I’ll bet Conway wishes some of the millions spent in R vs R races found its’ way to AD65? What about the $65k wasted on Batey?

AD41 – Lowe down by 9.5

AD66 – Huey down by 9.5

AD61 – Batey down by 22 with support

AD67 – money wasted on an R vs R race

AD65 – Republican Seat Lost because of too little, too late support.

But, they stopped Rico Oller, Andy Pugno, Sherry Hodges, Gregg Imus (all of whom are Conservatives and leaders)!?

To be continued…


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