Sep 252012

I think the No New Taxes Pledge is unnecessary. When Les Baugh was running for State Senate – we agreed almost simultaneously in a conversation it was unnecessary.

However, when you decide to accept such a pledge (aka signing the damn thing) – then you reneg because you think Democrats will suddenly vote for you in a Prop 14 runoff – then you’re Jim Nielsen er. Rick Bosetti.

Rick Bosetti is being supported by the Jim Nielsen / Doug LaMalfa team and now we know why:

Breaking News:  Rick Bosetti Abandons No Tax Pledge.

In Candidate Forum, Bosetti Runs to The Left; Announces Support For Higher Taxes & Government Taking of Private Property

(Redding, CA) – After coming in a distant second in the recent June Primary, Rick Bosetti is apparently abandoning his “no-new-tax” pledge and instead seeking new votes among the left-leaning higher tax, bigger government crowd.

Conservative Mugs 970×250

That explains the flip flops that were on full display at last night’s candidate forum in Redding CA, where Bosetti announced his support for the newly enacted timber tax – even though he had campaigned in the primary on a no-new-tax platform.  Bosetti also gave a vigorous defense of government taking of private property through eminent domain, again a full reversal from his stance in the primary.

“Rick Bosetti put in an amazing gymnastics show last night, flip flopping all over the stage,” said Dahle spokesman Tim Clark.  “A lesser candidate would have given himself whiplash from changing positions so quickly and completely.”

Bosetti began the evening complaining bitterly that his opponent would use the forum to highlight Bosetti’s bankruptcy and associated tax liens.  Then Bosetti announced his timber tax support and launched a defense of his multiple eminent domain votes which took private property away from land owners and handed it over to developers.

Bosetti also struggled to explain why he voted to block the local TEA Party from handing out copies of the U.S. Constitution at the Redding Library. The North State TEA Party Alliance has filed a lawsuit against the City for breach of First Amendment Rights, and the case is currently in the courts.

Front-runner Brian Dahle used his time to highlight his own successful history as a farmer, business owner and rural county leader who has fought for private property rights, more water storage, and reduced regulations and taxes on businesses and families.

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