Sep 062012

We’ve seen it all before – a Republican race with a Moderate Candidate who calls himself a Conservative vs a Real Conservative who does not need to call himself one because he lives it.

Jim Nielsen is a squish. I could care less about his residency BS. Everyone knows that he does not live in the double-wide in Gerber, he lives in a big fat $1million house in Woodland. The problem is that the courts don’t care and the folks in office in Tehama County are more than willing to run cover for him.

My biggest issue with Jim Nielsen? He voted to put Prop 14 on the ballot.

There is a second issue – Jim Nielsen is currently under a real FPPC investigation for breaking state campaign finance laws. He basically directed $32,000 through the Tehama County Republican Central Committee in to the campaign of David Stafford Reade puppet Bob Williams.

There is a third issue – Jim Nielsen was part of the team that negotiated Prop 1A and the Budget that resulted in the largest tax increase in state history. He was making calls trying to figure out which Assemblymembers would go up on that budget vote before chickening out and leaving Roger Niello to be that third vote.

This is just the surface on Jim Nielsen and I am getting warmed up.

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Dan Logue – he put together a ballot measure Prop 23 that would have repealed AB32. Even if Nielsen was not a squish – you’d never see that sort of leadership from him.

No amount of trying to control circumstances will be able to fix David Stafford Reade’s critically flawed client… to be continued…

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