Aug 272010

Kelly Gnile – endorsed by Placer CRA / Placer County Republican Party. Gnile received quite a bit of notariety in the 90’s while a member of the Rocklin USD Board for her opposition to some new-fangled sex-education they wanted to bring in to the district.

Gnile was also a long time member of the previous Placer CRA that existed until 1992. (The Current Placer CRA was re-chartered by Rico Oller campaign operatives in 1996)

Howard Rudd is also a lifelong Republican and a Conservative. Some are suspicious because Rudd is a member of the Sierra College Foundation Board of Directors. (and a past President)

It appears that Howard Rudd is very well respected in the community as well.

I first met Rudd in 1997 right after we moved to Roseville and joined the Chamber of commerce – he is a financial planner and has been so for a number of years.

I asked Rudd about several issues related to Sierra College –

Conservative Mugs 970×250

The tremendous burden of Remedial education because High School Students coming in to the Community College System are so far behind… he had a good knowledge of that, and was also aware of the deep cuts to the Ag Program, Shop Program and other Voc-Ed Programs.

Rudd was also aware of the deficit spending problem of The Bill Martin / Dave Ferrari / Elaine Rowen / Barbara Vineyard majority. He characterized it as draining the reserves… and as a financial person indicated that was not his preferred method of budgeting.

He also indicated support for Charter Schools – but at the same time said there is also a role for Government Schools as well.

The Bottom line is that Rudd had been thinking about running for Sierra College Board for a while and filed late.

The Contrast is that Kelly Gnile is a well-known advocate of Charter Schools, Values, Fiscal Discipline and she has record from past service on a School Board.

However, I think Sierra College wins either way.

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